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Obsah fóra Richard Burns Rally
Autor Zpráva
  Téma: Valstagna

Odpovědi: 2
Shlédnuto: 2709

PříspěvekFórum: Tratě   Zaslal: út leden 24, 2023 11:35   Předmět: Valstagna bug report
Hi, to all, thanks for supporting my creation. Also, I must notice, that we know issues with missing codriver after hairpins (in the current version I never got it, but). So, I will investigate to fix ...
  Téma: Splash screens

Odpovědi: 11
Shlédnuto: 13106

PříspěvekFórum: Modifikace   Zaslal: pá prosinec 29, 2017 10:04   Předmět: Splash screens
hey, guys, but what wrong with my splashes?

Sorry I missed this line in track.ini
Please write this:
SplashScreen="Textures\Splash\Track-Carvalho I.dds"
SplashScreen="Textures\S ...
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Czech translation by Azu
  Based on CanverRed theme