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Instruction how play Richard Burns Rally (RBR) using the plugin


The most easy way is to use installers from Jakub Dolezal and Jakub Rojek:


If you have problems following the links, try to switch to Czech lanhuage on this page for a moment.


Now you should be ready for your first race :) But if you had any problem with installers or for some reason you like to install things manually, here you have a step-by-step guide for manual installation:


Manual installation


  1. Download , RBRTM087DInst.exe , , RBRSchool2.exe , RBRReversedRC3.exe , RBRPribram1.exe , RBRPribram2.exe , RBRSosnova.exe
  2. Install the official patch RBR_v102. Without it, the RBR plugin wouldn't work.
  3. Install RBRTM087DInst.exe (this is the plugin itself)
  4. Install new tracks into RBR (RBRReversedRC3, RBRSchool2, RBRPribram1, RBRPribram2, RBRSosnova).
  5. Put file Z.dll into RBR\Plugins\ directory (it fixes RBR not to crash to desktop when using cars made in Z-modeller) from
  6. Create a new profile on BEWARE! Use only US-ASCII chars!!!
  7. Open file RichardBurnsRally.ini and put your login and password there - e.g. if you are registered as "NOVAK Petr" and your password is "zelva", put there

    AutoLoginName = NOVAK Petr
    AutoLoginPassword = zelva

    From now you will be logged in the plugin automatically, the plugin won't ask for your username / password.
  8. Start RBR, go into Setting-->Plugins -- > RBR Turnament --> Setting and make your changes to configuration.
  9. In Setting -->Plugins -- > RBR Tournament --> Online tournaments you'll get the list of open turnaments, choose one, entry into, set all you need, and then start race.
  10. You can find all your results in the rally on plugin web pages. If anyone sends his/her replay from a stage, you can find it there.
  11. If don't know anything check our forum

If you can play online and already steaming RBR over internet, we can start tuning RBR :-)

New cars for RBR

  1. You can download all new cars for RBR here.
  2. For this howto, we install Subaru Impreza WRC 2002
  3. I recommend to use Total Commander, it is quite easy and it can open *.rar and even *.rbz files.
  4. Open SUBARU_IMPREZA_WRC_2002.rar in the left window and Richard Burns Rally in the right one
  5. Doubleclick on file IMPREZA_WRC_2002.rar --> SUBARU IMPREZA WRC 2002 --> - there are two subdirs, Model and Fyzika (Physics) there
  6. Directory Model contains another subdir Cars and a file "pro cars ini.txt". Go into subdir Cars and copy all files and subdirs into RBR\Cars
  7. Open file "pro cars ini.txt" and copy this text into clipboard:

    FileName = "Cars\impreza02\impreza02.sgc"
    IniFile = "Cars\impreza02\impreza02.ini"
    ShaderFile = "Cars\impreza02\impreza02_shaders.ini"
    ShaderSettings = "Cars\impreza02\impreza02_shader_settings"
    TexturePath = "Cars\impreza02\Textures\"

  8. Go to the right window and open Cars.ini in RBR\Cars directory. Look for text [Car05] and paste the data from "pro cars ini.txt" here. (pic.1 preview)
  9. Now you have to install car physics. You should still have opened on the left IMPREZA_WRC_2002.rar --> SUBARU IMPREZA WRC 2002 --> go to dir fyzika (or physics), on the right move to dir RBR\ and find file physics.rbz, doubleclick on it, go to Physics. There are all car and tyre physics in it. (obr.2 náhled)
  10. Association of cars.ini to physics.rbz:

    • position in cars.ini [Car00] = složka C_XSARA
    • position in cars.ini [Car01] = složka H_ACCENT
    • position in cars.ini [Car02] = složka MG_ZR
    • position in cars.ini [Car03] = složka M_LANCER
    • position in cars.ini [Car04] = složka P_206
    • position in cars.ini [Car05] = složka S_I2003
    • position in cars.ini [Car06] = složka T_COROLL
    • position in cars.ini [Car07] = složka S_I2000
  11. We have chosen [Car05] in cars.ini, so we have to put the physics into directory s_i2003 , . It is possible to put the car to any slot you choose, but model and physics must be in accord with the table above. There is only one exception - don't put 4WD cars into MG_ZR slot, because then in RBR you wouldn't be able to adjust middle and rear differentials.
  12. Put all files from directory Physics into s_i2003 - it should look like this: obr3. preview)
  13. That's it! Now you have Impreza 2002 installed and you can start to race.

P.S. The car will not show neither in the car menu nor in the splash screen, you will not see it until SS start. The menu can be adjusted in a different way, by editing *.exe and splash.dat



Authors: Tomas Mikl, Vasek Koral

Server events
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  • Wythop II
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  • Hyppyrata tarmac I
  • Hyppyrata tarmac II
  • Passauna I
  • Passauna II
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  • Porsche 911 GT3 RS (2010) RGT
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  • Toyota GR Yaris Rally2
New track:
  • Wythop I

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Votes: 3751 11.3%
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Votes: 3610 10.87%
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Votes: 3898 11.74%
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Votes: 7371 22.2%

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