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Pohár RBR-CUP 2024
1.Polsko KORALEWSKI Mateusz958
2.Česká republika STEINER Pavel924
3.Česká republika PAULAT Stepan864
4.Polsko KORZENIOWSKI Benek848
5.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš834
6.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin579

Pohár XRS
1.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš174
2.Česká republika VALENTA Lukas141
3.Česká republika VALERIAN Vaclav98
4.Česká republika BUJACEK Jakub86
5.Česká republika TOMECEK Libor83
6.Česká republika HRBACEK David71

Nové soubory
NGP 7.4 Fyzika
Pacenote Plugin
RZ Skalsko-Vinec
RZ Kaczyce
RZ Woliborz - Jodlownik + Reversed

Car admin
KORAL Vaclav

Open RBR-LT WRC 2017 - v-Rally DEUTCHLAND
All info on our web page: Read latest news or find FIX files, before you start and save you time :)...
22.8.2017 18:20 - 28.8.2017 23:59

Turnaj je zařazen do poháru RBR-LT 2017 (Open RBR-LT WRC 2017 championship)
Pouze jezdci nominovaní týmem
12345678  /    91011121314151617  /    18192021
RZ/SS 18 - Losheim am See 1
Výpis pro třídu (skupinu): RGT
povrch nový a suchý, dobré podmínky, dopoledne, před deštěm, oblačno
8.9 km
Vše / RC1 RC2 RGT RC3 RC4 RC5 WRC H/B H/A H/4 H/2 
PředchozíNa RZ 18DalšíPo RZ 18

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Schovej komentáře jezdců
Na RZJménoKomentáře jezdců
21Russian Federation KARKACH AlexThanks !!!
21Lithuania KERBELYS ArnasNa kaa, finisas, dziugu ji pasiekus. :D Padangos tikrai ne tos pilnam greiciui, bet jeigu ne jos, tai sios dienos antram gr buciau tikrai nuciuozes i medi koki... matau iskrito keli kurie buvo priesais mane, tai gal ir i top5 pakliuvau :D
21Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS KyrylTry to push here, but have a one BIG BIG moment inside trees and after went to the field and PUNCTURED TWO rear tyres... than drove to the finish on very safe pace. Could be good rally for me, but it ruined by very small sand hill..Agggrrrrrr!!!
21Lithuania LAPINSKAS Remigijusthanksvery long rally
21Portugalsko PAULO Tempera1 mistake on stage one of today, apart from that, just trying to reach the hand...miserable rally for me!
21Polsko PRZYSZLAKOWSKI MateuszMy drive in last day was very very slow and carefull. I want to be on finish :) Thanks for hard rally :)
21Polsko RAJEWSKI TomaszProbably best rally in season for me, thank You all, Automobilklub Polski WRT GO! See You all in Spain, best regards :)
21Lithuania RALLY Gurumistake in last turn.. Sory tomecek, but I dont beleve that you drive clear... Its true...
21Česká republika REZNICEK Milanthanks all,ok
21Česká republika TOMECEK Liborthx
21Polsko WACH TomekNot a world records in RC2 on these stages but that was still good pace for me, a few mistakes in second day and taking a lot risk there but that was harder rally for me to fight with WRC cars in my R5 :). Maybe this is enough for top3 or maybe not but that was nice rally and thank you very much :)
21Polsko ZAWISZA Maciejthx
20Russian Federation KARKACH AlexThanks !!!
20Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonnope, no grip at all. Slip and all. Nothing can`t to do with this. Tomek, yes, you flatOut last day will be enough for TOP-3. My congratulations. All Good Luck and See you, maybe. Hard RAlly, and i can not to do this.
20Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS KyrylI hate thoose gravel on tarmac stages
20Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkiim so stupid!!
20Polsko PRZYSZLAKOWSKI Mateuszvery slow :)
19Lithuania KERBELYS Arnasblmb blmb, uzklimpau ant kelmo, o poto dar ir i kazkokia pana ivaziavau kuri pati ejo link kelio... nesuprantu kaip taip.
19Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonThis is NOT BEST idea with this SS with them surfase.....mdaaaaa ((( Like ice
19Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyryltwo corn fields excursion
19Lithuania RALLY Guru+30
18Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonbad start last day....after 1st split just can`t turn in corner, out
18Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyrylone off and after at narrow part damaged steering
18Polsko PRZYSZLAKOWSKI Mateuszno risk, +12 sec to PB :D
18Polsko RAJEWSKI Tomaszcfh 30m before finish , i stuck on ditch
18Lithuania RALLY Guru+12
17Lithuania KERBELYS ArnasNu vaa, pavyko be didesniu nesamoniu atlekti ir antraja diena, buvo astriu momentu kaip ir visada, bet baigesi labai gerai. Laukiam paskutines dienos. :)
17Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonOk day. Service 45min, tyres 15/12 damage, strange, bad grip. See U. Wait Top 3
17Lithuania LAPINSKAS Remigijusantra diena jau geriau vaziavosi,bet kadangi pirma diena daug prarasta laiko tai nebera sansu kovoti del top 10.laukiam trecios dienos
17Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkiit was good day
17Polsko RAJEWSKI TomaszSome mistakes but good so far, cant wait for last stages! Good luck all :) AP WRT GO!
17Polsko WACH TomekMedium gearbox now, that was fast! :D Bad day, many mistakes, waiting for the last day, I have to go flat out there :D
16Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonBad grip after dry SS`s, Maybe damage tyres very strong
16Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkigood
15Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonhad spin on 1st split +2sec, but tried save my rythm. Fuuuhh. Now i go smoke ))) Nervious.
15Portugalsko PAULO Temperaf....
15Polsko ZAWISZA Maciej???
14Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonok, gravel place -horrible
14Portugalsko PAULO Temperaok
14Polsko WACH TomekReverse
13Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antongood start but Late Braking and Out after 1st split...+1-2sec lost.
13Portugalsko PAULO Temperaok
13Polsko WACH Tomekok
12Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Anton11/8 tyres.... can not give full power, shot GearBox ((( REd Zone Full time ((( A Little Max Speed. Section ok.
12Portugalsko PAULO Temperawow flat ou in this stage, took some risks but i tink i have done a good time. first loop all ok no mistakes
12Polsko WACH Tomek:)
11Lithuania KERBELYS ArnasDu kartus apsisukau... nemazai praradau.
11Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonI try attack , but safe. Not FlatOut
11Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkispin +7
11Portugalsko PAULO Temperaok
11Polsko WACH TomekDamaged suspension but keep pushing :D There\'s no doubt that I\'m flatout now! :D
10Česká republika ADAMEK OndrejBig crash. Steering and engine are damaged.
10Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonnot fast, but safe car. Scary road
10Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkiclear
10Portugalsko PAULO Temperaall ok
10Lithuania RALLY Guruf*** -understeer
10Lithuania RAVINSKIS SimonasKaista variklis, taupom kad datrauktumem iki finiso
10Polsko WACH TomekCrash! :D That was a big moment but handbrake save me :D
9Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antoni make a new Sett, try it... OK, norm grip now
9Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS KyrylCpuldn\'t turn in at hairpin
9Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkiok
9Portugalsko PAULO Temperawell expect a day of maximum attack, my rally was over when i went wrong in the round about on just flar ou now.. this stage was good
9Lithuania RALLY Guru+4
9Ukrajina ROGOVSKOY Sergeykriwa ! + avto povredil ! ((
8Lithuania KERBELYS ArnasNieko gero pirmoji diena, bet svarbu pavyko j baigti, einame ilsetis ir lauksim sekancios dienos. Automobilis sukasi neblogai, nemazai ir dirbau ties tuo. Neesu asfalto megejas, tad kazko ir nesitikiu. :D
8Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Anton15/14 tyres.... I tried be Carry, but last SS tried to attack. Thx. But i`m not Happy from This Day. Was bad grip and lost many time, about 40 seconds
8Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS KyrylIt feel better here, I try brake late... sometimes it was on edge but, hopefully all OK. Make few mistakes at the end but OK. Hope I improve me confidence at 2nd day
8Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkibad day :(
8Portugalsko PAULO Temperapanic again.... not happy with my rally....penalty..... to bad
8Ukrajina PIDLUSKY Oleksandrnot my rally ((( bad day. many mistakes, two c4h(((
8Polsko RAJEWSKI TomaszSlow but safe, cya on 2 day, AP WRT GOOO!
8Polsko WACH TomekUnfair penalty on last stage but I\'m happy with my perfomance so far :)
8Polsko ZAWISZA Maciejok
7Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Anton3x Outs... +20sec lost TUPO... Na Hrena delatb Takie Turniri, gde NEREAL`No NormaLno ehatb ??? TOSHNILOVO
7Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS KyrylIt was good for me. I feel it was fast, but time tells YOA ARE SLOW HERE :)
7Lithuania LAPINSKAS Remigijusnepavyko be sr,lauksim antros dienos
7Portugalsko PAULO Temperastall the engine
6Česká republika ADAMEK OndrejI hit the tree
6Ireland JONAITIS Jonisfucking collissions ,unreal damage a car.............
6Lithuania KERBELYS Arnasspin.
6Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonfuf...scary race....
6Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyrylone spin and one very very VERRRY lucky moment here....didn\'t feel a confidence at all!
6Portugalsko PAULO Temperaok
6Lithuania RALLY Gurufu** I cant understand or this car or this stage - once car just rolled without any seems behavior.... Nes close too ginish, just slide from road in out side and fu*** car is fire - If i his tomething har is ok but his time nothing... ex fu** game f*** car and f*** physics. if I will with R5 :D :P
5Ireland JONAITIS Jonispfffff,hate a damp surfaces
5Lithuania KERBELYS ArnasNelengva..
5Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonvery much slippery.... lost befor finish 2-3sec
5Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS KyrylCouldn\'t measure a grip here... take early breakings, lost time but one is too late and went to the field. Hard to judge a grip
5Portugalsko PAULO Temperaall clear just mistake in 1 srage o cost me the rally..
5Lithuania RALLY Guru+18 - just drive to service...
5Ukrajina ROGOVSKOY Sergeyspin
4Ireland JONAITIS Jonisproblems with oil pressure...
4Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonno fast, but safe car
4Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyrylspin at the end but otherwise is OK. Time was bad, I see where I loose but I didn\'t confident enough to use it.
4Portugalsko PAULO Temperaruin my rally in this stage.....havent done the 2 laps on first meters, just didi 1
4Lithuania RALLY Guruf*/*/* -two times stuck in somewhere damage radiator. Temperature too hight so slow down +40 *f/-*-* sad that I not with R5... :P
3Ireland JONAITIS Jonispfff,too many signs on road
3Lithuania KERBELYS ArnasKaip sokau per tramplyna kaip novikovas priekiu aukstyn ir nunese i griovi kur zmones stovejo...
3Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Anton2x Outs on 1st and 2nd Splits....very slipery..MAybe wrong Setting for this section
3Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS KyrylGood, but time was bad. Scary one from fluing finish to STOP pos.
3Portugalsko PAULO Temperaall ok
3Lithuania RALLY Guru:D +9. Car feeling strange. Looks like have suspention impact, but in damage list I dont see- strange...
3Lithuania RAVINSKIS SimonasTvoros pagaliukas neiiveikiamas
3Česká republika SOPIK Miroslavstrom kuva
2Česká republika ADAMEK OndrejThx for that fix files
2Ireland JONAITIS Jonisf....paparazzi....
2Lithuania KERBELYS ArnasNezinau ka kur kirtau... nesamone.
2Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonout from spin braking and crash in Seno ((( Bad start 1st Leg
2Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyrylhit a bail at the beginning and lost confidence (
2Česká republika NOVOSAD RostislavVletel jsem do kukurice nemohl jsem se stama dostat
2Portugalsko PAULO Temperawent very wide in a left 1
2Lithuania RALLY Guru+5 - very darck..
2Lithuania RAVINSKIS SimonasLabai griezti vokieciai, dar baudos gavau.
2Lithuania ROKAS Ravinskis+15sec uz neaisku kirtima
2Česká republika SOPIK MiroslavPredcasny start + 2x kukurice
1Ireland JONAITIS Jonishi all,lost rear wing somwhere,strange
1Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonHi Guys !! It will be a Hard Rally !! Good Luck you all !!
1Portugalsko PAULO Temperahello!!! thanks rbr-lt
1Lithuania RALLY Guru+1 huge understeer. No expierence on tarmac with this car
1Lithuania RAVINSKIS SimonasTeisejai negailestingi, 25 sec baudos, nors nelabai supratau uz ka
1Ukrajina ROGOVSKOY Sergeyhi all ! )
1Lithuania ROKAS Ravinskishi
1Česká republika TOMECEK Liborhi

Události na serveru
Nová trať:
  • Skalsko - Vinec
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Woliborz - Jodlownik

Nová trať:
  • Jodlownik - Woliborz
Nové tratě:
  • Witoszow - Zloty Las
  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018
Nová trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018

Rekordy / Ranky

Jak dlouho hrajete RBR?
1-2 měsíce
Hlasů: 11294 34.27%
6 měsíců
Hlasů: 3234 9.81%
1 rok
Hlasů: 3732 11.33%
2 roky
Hlasů: 3584 10.88%
3 roky
Hlasů: 3852 11.69%
Hned od vydání
Hlasů: 7256 22.02%

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