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Pohár RBR-CUP 2024
1.Polsko KORALEWSKI Mateusz958
2.Česká republika STEINER Pavel924
3.Česká republika PAULAT Stepan864
4.Polsko KORZENIOWSKI Benek848
5.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš834
6.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin579

Pohár XRS
1.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš174
2.Česká republika VALENTA Lukas141
3.Česká republika VALERIAN Vaclav98
4.Česká republika BUJACEK Jakub86
5.Česká republika TOMECEK Libor83
6.Česká republika HRBACEK David71

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NGP 7.4 Fyzika
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RZ Woliborz - Jodlownik + Reversed

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KORAL Vaclav

#9 VRC 2019 - Neste Rally Finland by
OPEN for all! Free Championship! Just enroll! VIRTUALRALLY.EU, FACEBOOK Join us!
5.8.2019 0:01 - 11.8.2019 23:59
RZ/SS 2 - Oittila
Výpis pro třídu (skupinu): RC5
povrch nový a suchý, dobré podmínky, ráno, průzračno, jasno
7.4 km
Vše / RC1 RC2 RGT RC3 RC4 RC5 WRC H/B H/A H/4 H/2 
PředchozíNa RZ 2DalšíPo RZ 2

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Schovej odstoupené
JménoNa RZPopis / důvod
Polsko Tomasz Ilnicki2Havárie na RZ 2
Velká Británie DearHalo_lover2Havárie na RZ 2
Česká republika Hejcman David2Havárie na RZ 2
Portugalsko Nuno Carreira2Havárie na RZ 2
Španělsko Miguel Lopez2Havárie na RZ 2
Španělsko GUTIERREZ Rodrigo3Havárie na RZ 3
Polsko WEZOWSKI Marek3Havárie na RZ 3
Polsko CEBULSKI Jakub3Havárie na RZ 3
Lithuania Augustas Ivoska3Havárie na RZ 3
Polsko DEJ Krzysztof3Havárie na RZ 3
Česká republika VALA Stanislav3Havárie na RZ 3
Argentina ALENKA Sebastian3Havárie na RZ 3
Polsko CZERNICKI Michal3Havárie na RZ 3
Španělsko ALVARELLOS Adrian3Havárie na RZ 3
Polsko Piotr Sajdak4Havárie na RZ 4
Polsko PYSZNY Marcin5Havárie na RZ 5
Lithuania EIMANTAS Jankus6Havárie na RZ 6
Finsko NIEMELA Jyrki7Havárie na RZ 7
Polsko Sznajderski Mateusz7Havárie na RZ 7
Slovensko FAFRAK Lukas7Havárie na RZ 7
Russian Federation IVANOV Sergey7Havárie na RZ 7
Španělsko RODRIGUEZ Daniel8Havárie na RZ 8
Polsko Madetko Jacek8Havárie na RZ 8
Portugalsko PAULO Tempera8Havárie na RZ 8
Polsko SMOLARCZYK Wiktor9Havárie na RZ 9
Malaysia MIKHAIL Megat9Havárie na RZ 9
Polsko Wisniewski Emilian12Havárie na RZ 12
Kenya Suicide666_gg12Havárie na RZ 12
Polsko NOWAK Darek12Havárie na RZ 12
Polsko WRZECIONKO Kamil12Havárie na RZ 12
Finsko LIIMATAINEN Juho12Havárie na RZ 12
Polsko MACKOWIAK Oskar12Havárie na RZ 12
Španělsko gabriel culebra12Havárie na RZ 12
Španělsko LOPEZ Jandrin12Havárie na RZ 12
Česká republika KRAMER Jiri12Havárie na RZ 12
Portugalsko ARAUJO Isidro12Havárie na RZ 12
Česká republika STEINBERG Kurt13Havárie na RZ 13
Lithuania Paulius DAUKSEVICIUS13Havárie na RZ 13
Polsko JAROS Artur14Havárie na RZ 14
Španělsko Diego Vazquez16Havárie na RZ 16
Germany SALOMO Marco16Nenastoupil na RZ 16
Finsko Alatalo Kaarle16Nenastoupil na RZ 16
Polsko ŚLIŻ Krzysztof16Havárie na RZ 16
Argentina BELBUZZI Martin20Havárie na RZ 20
Finsko HASSINEN Jarno20Havárie na RZ 20
Polsko BORUTA Janusz20Havárie na RZ 20
Česká republika BRCKO Tomas21Nenastoupil na RZ 21

Schovej komentáře jezdců
Na RZJménoKomentáře jezdců
23Finsko ALANKO RikuClose race against Tomecek!G Good rally.
23Polsko ANUSIEWICZ WojciechNa power stage\'u w cos uderzylem w cieciu i skrzywilemdrazem kierowniczy, auto na dohamowaniach uciekalo w bok. Rajd przejechany taktycznie, wiedzialem o pechu czolowki wiec trzeba bylo tylko dojechac przed Mackiem Zawisza by umocnic drugie miejsce w klasyfikacji sezonu. Dzieki i do zobaczenia zas!
23Polsko BEKAS JozefThank you all for playing and until the next rally
23Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiNICE NICE rallye for me. Impossible with Adrian Klimas. sometime in his times, others too slow and this last stages more faster than him.Thanks Organizers. Work the s2000 on gravel
23Polsko BIALY MichalVery long and hard rally. Special for me because I dont like gravel. Thanks
23USA BUCK TylerYes! First VRC overall win :) I didnt do much prep so extremely happy with how the rally went. Where is Jurek though??!? Hopefully everything is OK with him. Maybe just enjoying his summer :) Thanks for the rally. Good fight with Wach and good performance from Heikki!
23Česká republika DUJKA RomanThanks :)
23Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarI am stupid
23Polsko HAZUKA Arturufff ale rzeznia :) Rajd masakra ciezki na maxa. Duzo jeszcze brakuje pewnosci na szutrze wynik mogl byc napewno lepszy ale nie jest zle oby to 2 miejsce udalo sie utrzymac do konca rajdu. AP WRT go go go go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
23Finsko JanneLaahanenShit again..
23Polsko JosephJest meta :) dzieki VR pozdro dla wszystkich graczy
23Polsko KLIMAS AdrianYeah! Im on the finish. Good rally for me. Cool head and safe driving on this difficult and dangerous stages. No big mistakes. Last day I go really slow because Im not confident on this stages. I hope score good points for the championship :) THX VR for this crazy event! GO KILLAZ!
23Polsko LECKI ArielJest meta. Tempo bylo lepsze niz sie spodziewalem. Do 100 procent moich mozliwosci jeszcze troche brakowalo, ale nie bylo najgorzej jak na jazde tydzien po operacji bez zadnego treningu. Odkulem sie za nieudany Rajd Polski. ;) Dzieki i do nastepnej rundy.
23Finsko LONN JoonasPace felt good and safe. One stupid mistake on Humalamaki, note said dont cut but still hit the rock inside. At least I have now nice setup for fast and smooth gravel. THX. Btw, how do you see that La Rocca = Oittila...
23Finsko MARTIKAINEN RikuYES! Finally almost clean rally for me. small mistakes and no risks.. just keeping pace good as possible. Super happy to finish rally. Thank you!
23Španělsko MARZOA Juanbad, but finish...thanks organizers!!
23Slovensko MYDLIAR Jozefok
23Španělsko ORTIZ JorgeI pushed hard here but I made a spin. Bad rally. See you
23Polsko PRZYSZLAKOWSKI MateuszHard and long rally. Thanks Adrian for big fight :) Of course I had faster car so congrats for your speed in R5 car :) Good luck!
23Polsko RAJEWSKA JustynaBest rally ever for me in this season and in all VRC events i was started :) Thanks!!! :)
23Polsko RAJEWSKI TomaszEpic exhousting rally! One roll on roof and CFH in effect was cost me about one minute and probobly some places down but the goal was finish without SR and i reach it.. Maybe some points for my team. AP WRT GOOO!!!
23Estonia SIMSON GabrielYeahh!! Go Killaz!!!
23Česká republika STREJT MichalV posledni zatacce jsem se prevratil na strechu a pomahali divaci :-(
23Španělsko Tomas PerezRally durisimo, por momentos bien y otros quizas con demasiado cuidado, muy contento al final por terminar que no lo veia claro. Buen rally Echedei, ya tocaba salirte uno bueno. Gracias a la organizacion.
23Polsko TOMASZ MOSKALAMEGA SZCZENSLIWY ZE CALY NA MECIE !!! ostatnia petla Masakra wstydze sie jej jakie czsy robione :( Ale najwazniejsze ze meta i jakies punkty powinny byc ! PODZIENKOWANIA DLA VRC !!!! Daniel Ogniaaaa !!!
23Česká republika TOMECEK Josefdik
23Česká republika TOMECEK Liborthank ! thx !
23Polsko WACH TomekGood! Once again driving with very small amount of testing but the perfomance was really consistent so I\'m happy with this even though the pace especcially on the beginning was quite terrible. I had a few small moments but nothing too serious so generally all ok. Thanks!
23Polsko WALCZAK PiotrVery difficult event for me. I had accident on humalamaki and lost clutch, one diff, and some dampers damage. Very lucky to continue driving :) Second and third day was fine, but sometimes too slow. Maybe the result will be good, but no matter what I\'m extremely happy to be here :) ;) Thanks.Go AP.
23Polsko WALKOWSKI MichalNo niestety.. Wypadek na pierwszej petli i koniec marzen o dobrym wyniku. Szkoda, bo Finlandia to zawsze fajny rajd. Szybki i wyskokowy ;-) Dojechalismy do mety, ale o punkty bedzie bardzo ciezko ;-(
23Polsko WEGLOWSKI AdamPierwszy rajd po wakacyjnej przerwie i... to samo co przed wakacjami. Popelniony blad na drugim etapie przekresla kolejna szanse na bardzo dobry wynik. Czas na reset. Do zobaczenia na kolejnej rundzie :)
23Polsko WORONECKI MirekI\'m not happy with my preformance in this rally. Finish, but will be mericle get first 10 in class. Thanks for rally :)
23Japan YANAGIBASHIThanks!
23Finsko YLIOIKARAINEN Heikkithx for great rally. im so glad i finish the rally. it was the longest i have ever been. i think wach, jurek and tyler will beat me about 2 minutes. i made rookie mistake on chirdonhead 2 false start :).
23Japan YoppaRaizothank you!!
23Polsko ZAWISZA MaciejJestem bardzo szczesliwy, ze jestem na mecie w tak ciezkim rajdzie.
22Španělsko BENITEZ echedeicar not run
22USA BUCK TylerNeeded that....
22Finsko BuzzLightok
22Velká Británie HENDY Matthewnot great just steady
22Finsko JanneLaahanenSame shit...
22Finsko KERONEN OnniIt felt better on this time, but that time isnt faster :thinking:
22Polsko KLIMAS Adrianniektorzy uzbrojeni w tekstury z wycietymi drzewami beda tu krecic kosmiczne czasy, w granicach 3:30. Licze sie z tym ze tu strace ;(
22Finsko MARTIKAINEN Rikufinal stage to go.. just driving normal and not taking risks
22Španělsko ORTIZ JorgeLets go to the PS
22Estonia SIMSON GabrielGood stage.
22Polsko TOMASZ MOSKALAbez zmian zmeczenie i stres daja znac i winiki slabe
22Česká republika TOMECEK Joseftak Honza to nekde rozvesil po lese ,to je pech
22Polsko ZAWISZA Maciejwielki dzwon. Fart, ze udalo sie pojechac dalej.
21Španělsko BENITEZ echedeisome seconds slow. think car damage
21Polsko BIALY MichalBroken suspensions...
21USA BUCK Tylermistakes... not good
21Finsko BuzzLightOne time in ditch and stall
21Estonia Harmoja Marttihalb mang pole muud oelda
21Velká Británie HENDY Matthewdeff messed that one
21Finsko JanneLaahanenStill can\'t force myself to drive properly, better just give up.
21Finsko KERONEN OnniI tried to push a little bit.
21Polsko KLIMAS Adrian6s slower than pb :D
21Finsko PAANANEN Jerehit the tree
20Polsko BANASZEK Piotrekdzieki
20Španělsko BENITEZ echedeifirst crash a little with rear
20Finsko BuzzLightok
20Estonia Harmoja Marttija joudsingi loppu
20Velká Británie HENDY Matthewbetter
20Finsko JanneLaahanenHit a tree and spun. Stupid mistake, lost like 10 seconds.
20Finsko KERONEN OnniNot pushing, trying to take this car at home also :D
20Polsko KLIMAS Adrianufff. i hate this stage
20Polsko KOR marekdzieki
20Španělsko MARZOA Juancrash
20Velká Británie MORRIS Paulmini fucking rock , swevered to avoid it... head first into tree... FFS !!!! RALLY ENDED !!!!
20Finsko PAANANEN Jeregood run,still pissed how a small hit can break this car
20Estonia Rebase KevinThat didnt go as planned
20Polsko TOMASZ MOSKALAMega slabo :( To juz zmeczenie :/
20Polsko WORONECKI MirekOne of the worst stages in rbr for me.
19Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiok second part good.not crash. now the last part with difficult stages
19USA BUCK TylerOk last leg... nice and safe please.
19Finsko BuzzLightQuite ok
19Velká Británie HENDY Matthewbetter
19Finsko JanneLaahanenGood run, felt nice.
19Finsko KERONEN OnniSafely through.
19Polsko KLIMAS Adrianok, good rally for us so far. Now the short but difficult day
19Finsko MARTIKAINEN Rikuwell.. no risks. final day to go. lets see how it goes
19Velká Británie MORRIS Paulnothing to report... kept it on the road.. Position protection mode....
19Estonia Rebase KevinHad a false start
19Estonia SIMSON GabrielClean.
19Polsko WORONECKI MirekOk, little better, but far from perfect.
18Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiPB
18Finsko BuzzLightok
18Velká Británie HENDY Matthewbig mistake
18Finsko JanneLaahanenOkay-ish run again. Love this stage.
18Finsko KERONEN OnniOMG, sooo close to hit some trees.
18Polsko KLIMAS Adrianmaybe to safe, but im on the finish ;)
18Finsko LONN JoonasNice flow again but no risks. Setup feels good.
18Velká Británie MORRIS Paulsteadily does it
18Španělsko ORTIZ JorgeA lot of understeer.
18Estonia Rebase KevinManaged to stay on the road almost
17Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiPB
17Finsko BuzzLightSpin and some other misatakes
17Finsko JanneLaahanenAgain lacking that final few percents.
17Finsko KERONEN OnniGood.
17Velká Británie MORRIS Paulsteady does it
17Finsko PAANANEN Jereokay... alot of understeering in this run. in low speed corner i hit the tree and kaboom.. so weak car
17Estonia Rebase KevinI would need alot of practice with a R5 car
17Česká republika TOMECEK Josefpres boudu
17Česká republika TOMECEK Libor3x off road
16Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiPB
16USA BUCK TylerNot very familiar with this stage so glad to get through
16Finsko BuzzLightok
16Česká republika DUJKA Roman:(
16Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarCrash... I am really stupid guy
16Velká Británie HENDY Matthewfew mistakes
16Finsko JanneLaahanenGOod run again, safe and sound.
16Finsko KERONEN OnniAlmost PB so I am happy :)
16Polsko KLIMAS Adrianok
16Polsko KOR marekok
16Finsko LONN JoonasJust listening the notes and enjoyed the flow. 5/5
16Finsko PAANANEN Jereit was pretty good
16Estonia Rebase KevinStill made the mistake
16Estonia SIMSON GabrielOk.
15Finsko ALANKO RikuFinally servicepark..
15Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiCut a lot or not cut. that the question
15USA BUCK TylerNo prep for this stage. went a bit wide :D
15Finsko BuzzLightok
15Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarOK
15Velká Británie HENDY Matthewokish
15Finsko JanneLaahanenOkay run, no risks.
15Polsko Josephok
15Finsko KERONEN OnniOK.
15Polsko KLIMAS Adrianok
15Polsko KOR marekok
15Finsko MARTIKAINEN Rikupace would be better but need to be careful also
15Velká Británie MORRIS Paul1st time driving stage .. took it calmly and steady..
15Španělsko ORTIZ JorgeCar repaired
15Finsko PAANANEN Jereenjoyin alot. no riks at all,
15Estonia Rebase KevinStill super unconfidet
15Polsko TALAGA Wojciechpo serwisie ok :)
15Polsko TOMASZ MOSKALAzgasnol :(
14Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiPB but need more push
14Finsko BuzzLightok
14Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarNot push
14Velká Británie HENDY Matthewsqueaky bum moment
14Finsko JanneLaahanenGood run, apparently still too carefully.
14Finsko KERONEN OnniOK.
14Polsko KLIMAS Adrianno confidence on that stage...
14Polsko KOR marekok
14Velká Británie MORRIS Paulcalmly does it.. 1st time driving stage in RBR. so took it easy :)
14Finsko PAANANEN Jeresafe
14Estonia Rebase KevinBraking at the wrong places
14Estonia SIMSON GabrielClean stage.
13Finsko ALANKO RikuThat didnt went well, just lose lot of positions.
13Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiHate this stage. always bads times
13Finsko BuzzLightBig off roads and hit one tree
13Velká Británie HENDY Matthewnot great
13Finsko JanneLaahanenI somehow can\'t wring the last 5 percent to my driving today...
13Finsko KERONEN Onniok.
13Polsko KLIMAS Adriancouple small mistakes
13Polsko KOR marekok
13Velká Británie MORRIS Paulholy crap batman ... 7th in Class.. OMFG .... calm and collected is paying off
13Finsko PAANANEN Jerehuh dat small road is so hard for me, dont know why
13Russian Federation PANYUSHKIN EvgenyiBig crash
13Estonia Rebase KevinVery unconfident driving style
12Finsko Alatalo KaarleStart went well, then hit a tree. Lucky to continue
12Španělsko BENITEZ echedeinot fast
12USA BUCK TylerOff in last corner...
12Finsko BuzzLightOne off road
12Polsko DZIOK Bartekwith Rally2 theres only testdrive left :(
12Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarSafe run
12Estonia Harmoja Marttino kurat
12Velká Británie HENDY Matthewwhatever
12Finsko JanneLaahanenFelt good but the clock didn\'t fully agree with me. Clean run regardless.
12Finsko KERONEN Onnicrash, lost about 15 secs.
12Polsko KLIMAS Adrianveery cautious now
12Polsko KOR marekok
12Finsko LIIMATAINEN Juhoi remembered one corner wrongly
12Velká Británie MORRIS Paulcalm and collected....
12Finsko PAANANEN Jereok, no risk
12Estonia Rebase KevinDidnt hear pacenotes at the middle
12Estonia SIMSON GabrielOk.
12Česká republika STEINBERG Kurtcrash
12Polsko TALAGA Wojciechwkoncu z opisem :)
12Estonia TOKKE EgertWent wide in high speed right wander and went into the trees.
12Španělsko ULIBARRENA Jacobowhat a piece ofshit
11Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiOk. Good first part of rallye
11USA BUCK TylerGood first couple legs. In a good position but trying not to worry about that. Finish is top priority.
11Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarOK. Finish day 1
11Polsko JANECZKO Dawidna poprzednim oesie rolka ale nadal zyje, dzisiaj bardzo duzo szczescia mam
11Finsko JanneLaahanenCar\'s behaviour was surprisingly good. Okay run.
11Polsko KAJZAR Slawomirdzien pierwszy konczymy na 46 miejscu w generalce i na 6 miejscu w klasie. nie jest zle ale moglo by byc lepiej
11Finsko KERONEN OnniGood to be at service. OK day.
11Polsko KLIMAS Adrianok, good day for us ;)
11Polsko LECKI ArielNie liczac czerwonego ekranu na OS2, pierwszy dzien calkiem udany.
11Finsko MARTIKAINEN Rikufirst day ok
11Velká Británie MORRIS Paulwhat a boring RX track...
11Finsko PAANANEN Jereatleast leg1 is done
11Polsko TOMASZ MOSKALAudalo sie naprawic :)
11Polsko WORONECKI MirekNot well, trough all leg 1 I lost aprox minute compare to my best stage times.
11Polsko ZMYSLOWSKI Marcinunfair redscreen :/
10Španělsko BENITEZ echedeislow in this 2 last stage. but live at the moment
10Polsko CHLOPEK RafalDachowano na ostatnim mostku
10Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarBetter -1
10Finsko JanneLaahanenHit the side of the first bridge and spun from quite a high speed. Lost a door, straight going ability and hearing from right ear. Alongside of any shreds of confidence there were still left.
10Finsko KERONEN OnniOK.
10Polsko LECKI Ariel2x spin.
10Velká Británie MORRIS Paulsteady does it
10Ukrajina RAEVSKIY SergeyVery slippy 3 spins
10Polsko TOMASZ MOSKALAmialem rolke !!! nie wiem w co uderzylem :0 Zawieszenie rozwalone trudno utrzymac sie na drodze ! Ale super ze odpalil i jade dalej :)
10Polsko ZAWISZA Maciejspin
9Španělsko BENITEZ echedeithis stage and me not good combination
9Finsko BuzzLightWreck
9Polsko DZIOK Bartekhit a tree with no speed terrible.,..
9Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarBetter -2
9Finsko JanneLaahanenGood-ish run but with more caution than on the previous run of the stage.
9Finsko KERONEN OnniA bit better one, damage doesnt matter.
9Polsko KLIMAS Adrianok, quite clean
9Finsko LIIMATAINEN Juhostupid small miistakes
9Španělsko MARZOA Juanya tardaba...
9Velká Británie MORRIS Paultook it steady. i want to finish the rally !!! 23 gruelling stages.. GRRRR
9Finsko PAANANEN Jeresafe
9Finsko YLIOIKARAINEN HeikkiFalse start :D LOL
8Finsko Alatalo KaarleOhh man, fast left 6 and didnt brake. Found a tree. Nice
8Španělsko BENITEZ echedeilost 2 senconds where?
8Polsko Blonski Marcinspiiiiinnnnnn
8USA BUCK TylerAgain too much braking over jumps but its safe and all good.
8Finsko BuzzLightQuite ok
8Polsko DZIOK Bartektym razem bez cfh
8Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarFlat out
8Finsko JanneLaahanenOkay-ish run
8Finsko KERONEN OnniRolled at first corner and lost about 40 seconds.
8Polsko KLIMAS Adrianthis rocks hidden in ditches are so stressfull...
8Finsko LIIMATAINEN Juhomissed a braking poointr in the first corner :_/(
8Finsko MARTIKAINEN Rikuneed to be careful with dampers. but ok
8Velká Británie MORRIS Paullittle moment going over crest jump.. can squermed on landing...
8Finsko PAANANEN Jereok
7Finsko Alatalo KaarleWay too wide on easy 6, then spin of the tree.
7Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiBad semi-out. lost 7 seconds from my time
7Finsko BuzzLightBit better than first run
7Polsko DZIOK Bartektrying to make a contact with the guys in top 20
7Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarLittle crash near finsih and car damaged... bad luck
7Velká Británie HENDY Matthewfuuuuuck
7Polsko JANECZKO DawidBliskie spotkanie z drzewem z strata 12sek, ale zyje i jade dalej
7Finsko JanneLaahanenWay too cautious for fresh tires.
7Finsko KERONEN OnniQuite ok.
7Polsko KLIMAS Adrianbetter now
7Polsko LECKI ArielSpin.
7Finsko LIIMATAINEN Juhoso bad default pacenotes, need to practice this stage more
7Velká Británie MORRIS Paulcalmly does it
7Finsko PAANANEN Jerehit the tree and something went broken,
7Portugalsko PAULO Temperahad a heavy impact with a tree car looks ok
7Estonia SIMSON GabrielFirst okayish stage.
7Polsko Sznajderski Mateuszjazda na opis ten oes jest bez sensu, podyktowane prawy 5.... a to nie jest prawy 4- raczej no co koniec przygody dzieki
7Španělsko ULIBARRENA Jacobolittle crash and a few mistakes
6Finsko Alatalo KaarleTrying to survive, my only goal.
6Polsko BANASZEK Piotrekcala petla dymiacym samochodem
6Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiBad
6USA BUCK TylerNew tires please. Dampers did not like the jumps...
6Finsko BuzzLightOff road and some other mistakes
6Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarOK. Change settings for next stages
6Velká Británie HENDY Matthewnot bad. no big mistkes
6Russian Federation IVANOV Sergey14/13
6Finsko JanneLaahanenNo confidence after the spin on the previous stage.
6Polsko Josephok
6Finsko KERONEN OnniQuite good, not my best but good to be at service.
6Polsko KRUK Michal5 os z temp 139 stopni, az dziwne ze dotarlem do serwisu
6Finsko MARTIKAINEN Rikuok
6Malaysia MIKHAIL MegatShit.
6Velká Británie MORRIS Paulcalm and collected....
6Finsko PAANANEN Jereit was decent
6Portugalsko PAULO Temperahad 1 spin in this last stage, lost some seconds
6Polsko PRZYSZLAKOWSKI MateuszPrzerwa na obiad :D
6Polsko RAJEWSKI Tomaszall repaired, fight continued
6Česká republika TOMECEK Libor1 sekce v klidu ! bude to jeste dlouhe !
6Polsko WORONECKI MirekMutch below my expetiation
5Polsko BANASZEK Piotrektragedia
5Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiaccepatable time
5USA BUCK TylerFeels like im overdriving but the times are OK. Just need to keep it safe.
5Finsko BuzzLightOk, bit too carefully
5Polsko DZIOK BartekAnother penalty its a minute lost already...
5Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarOK
5Velká Británie HENDY Matthewbit slow
5Finsko JanneLaahanenSome poo came out as I bottomed out and spun from 6th gear. Luckily I didn\'t hit anything.
5Finsko KERONEN OnniI decided to slow down a little bit after that crash.
5Polsko KLIMAS Adriansaafe driving
5Velká Británie MORRIS Paul2 little oopsies. 1st one was mine , slid of stage. no damage, 2nd time car let loose going over bump, i lost it... NO DAMAGE !!!
5Portugalsko PAULO Temperaflat out no probs
5Polsko PYSZNY Marcinto late for a corner
5Estonia SIMSON GabrielShit.
5Kenya Suicide666_ggFucking rut
5Polsko ZAWISZA MaciejNie wiem za co ta kara.
4Finsko ALANKO RikuMax speed 156 LOL
4Finsko Alatalo KaarleEasy to make mistake in this one, took it carefully. Slow still :D
4Polsko BANASZEK Piotrekhigh temp
4Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiPB Buff Scary moment!!!!!. gearbox something short for this stage
4USA BUCK TylerTimid.. Setup not the best on the big jumps.
4Finsko BuzzLightHit rock and spun
4Polsko DZIOK Bartekrolka, cfh, tragedia
4Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarNot flat out but great time
4Španělsko gabriel culebraun vuelco y un trompo... toca seguir
4Velká Británie HENDY MatthewNot bad held back tho
4Finsko JanneLaahanenGood run, one or two hair raising moments there.
4Finsko KERONEN OnniHad a big moment before that jumpstraight, flied in air, luckily only rear hitted a tree.
4Polsko KLIMAS Adrianeasy... short gearbox
4Polsko KOR marekoioioi
4Finsko MARTIKAINEN Rikui spun on first tight left corner. need to focus now
4Velká Británie MORRIS Paulcalm and collected
4Finsko PAANANEN Jeresafety mode on
4Portugalsko PAULO Temperano mommentsd ok
4Polsko PYSZNY Marcinto much sliding in last split
4Ukrajina RAEVSKIY SergeyCrash
4Germany SALOMO Marcoafter a jump I can not hold the car and drove offtrack
4Estonia SIMSON GabrielNo risk.
4Kenya Suicide666_ggHuge roll but still alive
4Polsko Sznajderski Mateuszjak z jajkiem
3Finsko Alatalo KaarleTook it slow, Joonas is fast.
3Polsko ANUSIEWICZ Wojciechzbyt asekuracyjnie
3Polsko BANASZEK Piotrekawaria
3Španělsko BENITEZ echedeilast part bad. but ok time dangerous stage. too many trees
3Polsko BIALY Michaloff
3USA BUCK TylerOk. Car got thrown into the air in a sketchy section... Was a big moment.
3Finsko BuzzLightSlowly and carefully
3Česká republika DUJKA Roman:(
3Polsko DZIOK Bartektooooo slooow... not happy but finnish is the objective
3Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarSlow,not risks
3Slovensko FAFRAK Lukasfinally some good pace, even with the broken wheel
3Polsko HAZUKA Artur,
3Velká Británie HENDY Matthewslow but got there
3Russian Federation IVANOV Sergeyoff and revers
3Finsko JanneLaahanenGood-ish runs but a few time costing mistakes there.
3Finsko KERONEN OnniOK.
3Polsko KLIMAS Adrianslippery... very dangerous stage so I take it slow
3Polsko KOR marekok
3Finsko LONN JoonasEasy with this Finland setup. No risks.
3Velká Británie MORRIS Paulcalm and collected. i want to finish the rally !!!!!
3Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkipb
3Španělsko ORTIZ JorgeThe car lost the front bumper and aero downforce in the front.
3Finsko PAANANEN Jereok, just driving, take no risks
3Portugalsko PAULO Temperaagain clean run but far from good time
3Polsko Piotr Sajdakcrach
3Polsko PYSZNY Marcinslow 1st split
3Estonia Rebase KevinGot distracted
3Germany SALOMO Marcotwo big moments
3Polsko Sznajderski Mateuszmocny out, naszczescie miedzy drzewami
3Polsko TALAGA Wojciechbez opisu i dzwon prosto w drzewo
3Španělsko ULIBARRENA Jacoboclean and safe run
3Polsko WORONECKI MirekAnother 10 sec gone ...
2Španělsko ABILLEIRA JuanI dont have a good feeling with this setup. We will see if I can finish this stages
2Finsko Alatalo KaarleOnce had to reverse, everything else okay.
2Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiPB -1
2Finsko BuzzLightOne off road and stuck in the rocks. One hit to tire barrier and stall.
2Polsko DZIOK BartekLost alot, dont want to take risk
2Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarOff road... and call for help... I hate this stage
2Slovensko FAFRAK Lukasso bad...
2Španělsko gabriel culebrados trompos para empezar el rally motivado... primera prueba con este vehiculo
2Estonia Harmoja MarttiKAS SA TEED NALJA V
2Finsko HASSINEN Jarnocrash. shit stage.
2Velká Británie HENDY Matthewfew silly mistakes
2Finsko JanneLaahanenThat\'s not really a Finland-like stage imo. Regardless made it through without risks.
2Finsko karhapaa maxreally bad stage
2Finsko KERONEN OnniA bit too careful, but at least I survived.
2Polsko KOR marekok
2Polsko LECKI ArielWyjechalem na pobocze w jednym z nawrotow i skonczylo sie czerwonym ekranem.
2Finsko LIIMATAINEN Juhono grip at all and slid 3 times wide
2Finsko LONN JoonasNot easy with this Finland setup.
2Finsko MARTIKAINEN Rikucarefully start. car feels good
2Španělsko MARZOA Juanout
2Velká Británie MORRIS Paulcalm and collected.... no risks
2Finsko NIEMELA Jyrkipb
2Španělsko ORTIZ JorgeOff road. The car looks ok. Lets see
2Finsko PAANANEN Jereway too carefully, just wanted to keep car in good shape
2Portugalsko PAULO Temperano mistakes but bot perfect
2Polsko PYSZNY MarcinAdrian very quick here
2Estonia Rebase KevinSuper slippy stage and alot of mistakes
2Estonia SIMSON GabrielTaking it real carefully.
2Polsko Sznajderski Mateuszpb - 1.5s
2Polsko TALAGA Wojciechtutaj tez bez opisu, wypadlismy z drogi i przylecieli kibice, w sumie obeszlo by sie bez nich
2Španělsko ULIBARRENA Jacobolucky crash against a tree
2Polsko WORONECKI MirekToo slow, lost 10 sec somewhere
1Finsko ALANKO Riku1 big mistake..
1Polsko BANASZEK Piotrekhej
1Polsko BEKAS JozefHello everyone and good luck
1Španělsko BENITEZ echedeiHi all. PB -2
1USA BUCK TylerHello. Didnt think the time would be competitive in here so happy with that. Hoping for a safe rally. Dont want to get distracted by the times. Consistent points scoring until end of season.
1Finsko BuzzLightSlowly and carefully
1Česká republika DUJKA RomanHi everybody :)
1Polsko DZIOK BartekHi ALL !! GL and HF
1Portugalsko ESTEVEZ OscarHi all.
1Estonia Harmoja Marttijuhuu
1Velká Británie HENDY Matthewok start
1Russian Federation IVANOV SergeyHi all!
1Finsko JanneLaahanenOkay, no risks.
1Polsko KAJZAR Slawomirsiemankooo :)
1Česká republika KANDLER JanHi all
1Finsko KERONEN OnniSolid start, no problems.
1Polsko KOR marekok
1Polsko KRUK MichalWitam, z przyczyn technicznych jade caly rajd bez glosu.... :(
1Polsko LECKI ArielWitam. Startuje tydzien po operacji wyrostka, wiec czasu i checi na treningi nie bylo. Zobaczymy jak daleko uda sie dojechac ;)
1Finsko MARTIKAINEN Rikuhi
1Španělsko MARZOA JuanHi all
1Španělsko Miguel Lopezhi all
1Malaysia MIKHAIL MegatHello all!
1Velká Británie MORRIS Paulslow n steady
1Slovensko MYDLIAR Jozefhi
1Španělsko ORTIZ JorgeHello. Wrong setup
1Finsko PAANANEN Jereit was ok,
1Polsko Palinski WojciechWitam ;)
1Russian Federation PANYUSHKIN EvgenyiHi
1Polsko PYSZNY Marcinwelcome everyone :)
1Polsko RAJEWSKI TomaszHello everyone
1Estonia Rebase KevinNot used to tarmac so alot of understeer
1Germany SALOMO MarcoHi
1Estonia SIMSON GabrielOk
1Polsko Sznajderski MateuszSiema! Zaczynamy ta partyzantke, mam nadzieje ze dojade ;)
1Polsko TALAGA Wojciechbez pilota...
1Česká republika TOMECEK Josefcau
1Česká republika TOMECEK Liborhi all
1Španělsko ULIBARRENA Jacobohi all
1Polsko WORONECKI MirekHi all. Bad begin

Události na serveru
Nová trať:
  • Skalsko - Vinec
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Woliborz - Jodlownik

Nová trať:
  • Jodlownik - Woliborz
Nové tratě:
  • Witoszow - Zloty Las
  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018
Nová trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018

Rekordy / Ranky

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1-2 měsíce
Hlasů: 11294 34.27%
6 měsíců
Hlasů: 3234 9.81%
1 rok
Hlasů: 3732 11.33%
2 roky
Hlasů: 3584 10.88%
3 roky
Hlasů: 3852 11.69%
Hned od vydání
Hlasů: 7256 22.02%

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