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Pohár RBR-CUP 2024
1.Polsko KORALEWSKI Mateusz752
2.Česká republika STEINER Pavel736
3.Česká republika PAULAT Stepan678
4.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš615
5.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin579
6.Polsko KORZENIOWSKI Benek551

Pohár XRS
1.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš144
2.Česká republika VALENTA Lukas117
3.Česká republika VALERIAN Vaclav83
4.Česká republika BUJACEK Jakub76
5.Česká republika TOMECEK Libor71
6.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin69

Nové soubory
RZ Skalsko-Vinec
RZ Kaczyce
RZ Woliborz - Jodlownik + Reversed
RZ Witoszow - Zloty Las + reversed
NGP 7.3 Fyzika

Car admin
KORAL Vaclav

RBRPro - WRC - Acropolis Rally Greece (MULTI LEG)
This championship is sponsored by Aeron Sim ( and Simulator Giantruck ( Good Luck!
20.10.2021 23:01 - 27.10.2021 23:00
RZ/SS 4 - Carvalho de Rei 2008 II
Výpis pro třídu (skupinu): H/A
povrch rozbitý a suchý, dobré podmínky, ráno, průzračno, jasno
8.2 km
Vše / RC1 RC2 RGT RC3 RC4 RC5 WRC H/B H/A H/4 H/2 
PředchozíNa RZ 4DalšíPo RZ 4

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JménoAutoTřídaPneumatikyMezičas 1Mezičas 2Cíl

Schovej odstoupené
JménoNa RZPopis / důvod
Italy gigispeed14Nenastoupil na RZ 14

Schovej komentáře jezdců
Na RZJménoKomentáře jezdců
15Italy BATTEZZATI Albertobad 3rd leg, I hope not to lose to many positions...
15Polsko Bebak Tomaszforgot changing tyres on last stage:) and on first stage i made falstart :). See You on next rally and thx to organizers.
15Francie BlauGregggood result for the championship :)
15Velká Británie Craig Currievery steady final leg to climb a position. thanks for the rally. superb times from moshi in leg 3
15Polsko Dolcagood end :)
15Germany Escher1989I forgot to put on wet tyres at the begin of the leg as thus crashed on the Berica stage.No 3rd place for me, I guess.
15Španělsko HONORIO JorgeCondiciones muy malas, muy resbaladizo. Esperemos un buen resultado, gracias a la organizacion.
15Belgium MAETENS MartinNo time to prepare for this rally but it\'s a good result. See you soon for the next one!
15Španělsko MERINO RaulMuy contentos!
15Australia Moshithank you for the event , just great to get home with no major crashes, good luck to Enrico its been a great battle, catch you all next time. :-)
15Italy Piardi MarcoWithout the huge mistake of 2 leg was a good rally, we will do better next time.First race with WRC+ finished without retirements.
15Slovensko SLESARIK Ivanthis rally couldnt get any worse
15Velká Británie SRP_Rally21Terrible 3rd leg. Bad crash on last corner of ss13, had to fight with the car the entire hill climb. Happy to get through...GL all :)
15USA usefulidiot21Safe third leg to finish the rally. Only big mistakes in the second stage that cost me a lot of time.
15Finsko WolfsmindNice rally. Good luck!
14Italy BATTEZZATI AlbertoI did the entire ps with overheating, somehow I menaged to finish without die
14Francie BlauGreggundriveable this stage with wet
14Španělsko HONORIO JorgeDura subida para un traccion delantera, pero creo que hemos estado bien.
14Belgium MAETENS MartinAll the stage with the engine cover in front of the windshield ... It was funny ! :-)
14Slovensko SLESARIK Ivandestroyed car from stage before
13Italy BATTEZZATI Albertohit people in the last corner
13Španělsko HONORIO JorgeOk, algo complicado.
13Slovensko SLESARIK Ivancrashed at last kilometer, pace was good i dont know why i did that, car destroyed...managed to slide to the end
12Francie ART_MikeDpcplein d erreurs dommage
12Italy BATTEZZATI Albertogood 2nd leg, safe \'n slow but alive!
12Velká Británie Craig Curriedisasterous loop, terminal, a call for help and 2 offs on last stage rubbish:(
12Germany Escher1989I hit a tree in SS7 but otherwise was that a decent leg for me.
12Portugalsko FIGUEIREDO Emanuelsafe pace...but very slow in this stages...let see the final results of leg 2...
12Italy FILIPOZZI EnricoDay2 dalle PS molto difficili, sulla prima Uzkotin siamo stati troppo cauti e sulla prima Dolmen abbiamo perso circa 10 secondi. Abbiamo spinto sulla ripetizione. Avanti tutta con il Day3!!
12Italy Gigi_MonticelliMy big mistake on ss7. super rally for me...
12Belgium GOOSSE Jonathanpfff
12Španělsko HONORIO JorgeExtrana segunda etapa, a ver donde estamos...
12Polsko Karol MYRCHAbad loop for me
12Italy MANNU Nicolaniente nn risolvo i problemi di sottosterzo e un casino
12Španělsko MERINO Raulsatisfecho
12Australia MoshiBit safe on this leg... last stage was too safe struggled with Dolmen.. good luck to all for the rest of the event, have fun.
12USA msport54terrible driving on this leg. Miracle no DNFs.
12Italy Piardi MarcoDIsaster, 2 leg with 2 requests and one junction missed. No words to say.
12Velká Británie SRP_Rally21Very happy to get through. GL for leg 3 :)
12USA usefulidiot21Fairly cautious second leg after early mistake.
12Finsko WolfsmindDidn\'t go well, but it\'s ok.
11Norsko Eirik HusaboSafing
11Belgium GOOSSE Jonathanserieux on roule dans des cratere ici ou quoi? speciale de merde
11Španělsko HONORIO JorgeOk.
11Portugalsko LEOTE Paulospin just before the finish line
11Španělsko MERINO Raultrompo en horquilla.
11Slovensko SLESARIK Ivanwent slowly through the rocky section and it catapulted me to the tree, i love this game :D
11Finsko WolfsmindHit a tree and car is damaged. i try to finish last stage.
10Portugalsko Antonio RODRIGUESamazing jump but...
10Italy BATTEZZATI Albertoagain 11 seconds lost but so easy to crash
10Polsko Dolcaholy fuck...
10Francie FabFBEgrosse serie de tonneaux :-)
10Španělsko HONORIO JorgeTramo muy rapido donde hicimos un trompo.
10Portugalsko LEOTE Paulofalse start
10Španělsko MERINO Rauldudo sobre que gomas montar.....
10Slovensko SLESARIK Ivannice big spin
9Italy BATTEZZATI Alberto11 seconds slower than my best, so scary to go fast here
9Španělsko HONORIO JorgeOk, creo que hemos hecho un buen tramo.
9Polsko Karol MYRCHAok
9Španělsko MERINO Raulconservando al maximo.
9Ireland Pearlo81OK
8Francie ART_MikeDpctout droit a l arrivee dure celle la
8Velká Británie Craig Curriecfh
8Polsko Dolcafuck :)
8Španělsko HONORIO JorgeMal, nos equivocamos y sufrimos una penalizacion.
8Francie LEFEVRE Nicolasbad
8Španělsko MERINO RaulPequeo fallo en una horquilla nos hace perder 15sec
7Italy BATTEZZATI Albertoslow and nearly died taking a bump, no sense physic
7Norsko Eirik HusaboScared
7Portugalsko FIGUEIREDO Emanuelbad..and lucky..2 spins...
7Španělsko HONORIO JorgeHemos salido a asegurar sin cometer un error que nos deje fuera.
7Francie LEFEVRE Nicolasvery slow....
7Slovensko SLESARIK Ivanhit the first tree and spun as usual
7USA usefulidiot21Small spin.
6Francie ART_MikeDpcDommage abandon es1 grossiere erreur
6Italy BATTEZZATI Albertofirst leg not so good, some mistakes and not fast pace
6Polsko Bebak Tomaszso, i dont understand laRocca surface :) and killed my radiator - must run so slowly because of temperature - 127 celcius on finish line ;)
6Velká Británie Craig Curriefar too safe
6Polsko Dolcafuck
6Eneric Andre/
6Germany Escher1989Let\'s not talk about La Rocca
6Portugalsko FIGUEIREDO Emanuelno recce, seat and drive...not bad at all. its a long rally, but i want to score points!
6Italy FILIPOZZI EnricoAbbastanza soddisfatti di questo Day1, l\'auto ottima ma ci manca il giusto feeling sulla terra. Abbiamo ancora tanto da imparare.
6Polsko FLORYDA Filiphad a spin, otherwise ok
6Italy Gigi_Monticellisafe first leg
6Francie Gilou2afirst leg ok juste a little mistake in the stage 2. see more in the leg
6Španělsko HONORIO JorgeContentois, aunque tuvimos problemas , pero bien.
6Polsko Karol MYRCHAgot stuck on ss2 for 30s, misse junction on ss5
6Francie LEFEVRE Nicolasfirst time with wrc car in pro event. good first leg
6Italy MAIONCHI Fabioday concluso, tutto ok apparte l\'ultima ps dove mi sono distratto e non ho preso un inversione, fortunatamente mi sono fermato prima degli spettatori
6Italy MANNU Nicolaabbiamo sottosterzo da vendere...sembra di guidare un trazione anteriore sulla terra
6Španělsko MERINO RaulBuena primera etapa, que la suerte nos siga acompanyando.
6Italy MORICONI NicolaPer ora tutto ok !!!
6Australia MoshiGood Competition in R4, this is going to be a tough rally well done to edrivers, thanks for leg 1, good luck all.
6USA msport54crashed on 1st stage like a moron
6Ireland Pearlo81struggled
6Italy Piardi MarcoPrima tappa della prim a gara lunga su terra con WRC+, Stiamo imparando.
6Slovensko SLESARIK Ivanhad no expectations heading into this rally but man, every stage was horrible
6Velká Británie SRP_Rally21Best leg in a while for me. Only one call for help. Safe and steady. GL and enjoy everyone :)
6USA usefulidiot21Good leg other than my awful second stage where I lost a minute and a half.
6Finsko WolfsmindGood first leg. Good luck!
5Portugalsko Antonio RODRIGUESwhat a run
5Polsko DolcaFUCK
5Eneric Andre/
5Polsko FLORYDA Filipso fun!!
5Francie LEFEVRE Nicolasbad....
5Ireland Pearlo81ok
5Portugalsko Sardoeira Joãohit spectatores in the finish line...
5Finsko WolfsmindA couple close calls, but made it.
4Italy BARICALLA Andreaagain errors
4Italy BATTEZZATI Albertospin, 5 seconds lost
4Eneric Andre/
4Polsko FLORYDA Filipkilled some photographer
4Polsko KOWAL Miroslawso slow
4Francie LEFEVRE Nicolas2 spins, 20s lost....
4Portugalsko LEOTE Paulospin
4Ireland Pearlo81ok
4Slovensko SLESARIK Ivani did a trick in this stage, in section where i destroy the car i went in reverse and here i am happy :)
4USA usefulidiot21Didn\'t crash this time and was 92 seconds faster than the first run on this stage.
3Portugalsko Antonio RODRIGUESok
3Italy BATTEZZATI Alberto2 crashes...
3Eneric Andre/
3Polsko FLORYDA Filipbarely got the car back. good luck everyone
3Polsko KOWAL MiroslawJust at hot, no training...
3Francie LEFEVRE Nicolassafe
3Italy MORICONI Nicola2 split
3Ireland Pearlo81clean/steady
3Slovensko SLESARIK Ivancar was crying and me too
3Finsko WolfsmindIdk why, but i don\'t like that stage.
2Eneric Andresmall spin and then had to call for help, lost 40s
2Francie LEFEVRE Nicolassafe
2Ireland Pearlo81lagging framerates
2Slovensko SLESARIK Ivaneverytime im playing this stage i hit the invisible wall, car seems to be high enough, i dont get this, car is destroyed
2Velká Británie SRP_Rally21Very safe run
2USA usefulidiot21Terrible driving, had to call for help twice.
2Finsko WolfsmindPretty ok.
1Portugalsko Antonio RODRIGUESno brakes on first corner and lose a lot of time. ok its a long rally so lets see
1Italy BARICALLA Andreahi all
1Eneric Andrecouple of mistakes
1Španělsko HONORIO JorgeOk toma de contacto.
1Polsko KOWAL Miroslawhi all!
1Francie LEFEVRE Nicolasok
1USA msport54stupid
1Ireland Pearlo81ok

Události na serveru
Nová trať:
  • Skalsko - Vinec
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Woliborz - Jodlownik

Nová trať:
  • Jodlownik - Woliborz
Nové tratě:
  • Witoszow - Zloty Las
  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018
Nová trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018

Rekordy / Ranky

Jak dlouho hrajete RBR?
1-2 měsíce
Hlasů: 11289 34.27%
6 měsíců
Hlasů: 3233 9.82%
1 rok
Hlasů: 3728 11.32%
2 roky
Hlasů: 3584 10.88%
3 roky
Hlasů: 3851 11.69%
Hned od vydání
Hlasů: 7253 22.02%

V anketě lze zadat pouze jeden hlas, ale nelze jej dodatečně měnit.