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Pohár RBR-CUP 2024
1.Polsko KORALEWSKI Mateusz617
2.Česká republika STEINER Pavel613
3.Česká republika PAULAT Stepan588
4.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš585
5.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin552
6.Česká republika ZBORIL Roman 1408

Pohár XRS
1.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš114
2.Česká republika VALENTA Lukas98
3.Česká republika BUJACEK Jakub76
4.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin69
5.Česká republika VALERIAN Vaclav68
6.Česká republika ZBORIL Roman 166

Nové soubory
RZ Skalsko-Vinec
RZ Kaczyce
RZ Woliborz - Jodlownik + Reversed
RZ Witoszow - Zloty Las + reversed
NGP 7.3 Fyzika

Car admin
KORAL Vaclav

RBRPro - WRC - Rally Italia Sardegna (MULTI LEG)
This championship is sponsored by Aeron Sim ( and Simulator Giantruck ( Good Luck!
19.6.2021 23:00 - 26.6.2021 22:59
RZ/SS 5 - PTD Rallysprint
Výpis pro třídu (skupinu): H/A
povrch nový a suchý, dobré podmínky, ráno, průzračno, jasno
5.1 km
Vše / RC1 RC2 RGT RC3 RC4 RC5 WRC H/B H/A H/4 H/2 
PředchozíNa RZ 5DalšíPo RZ 5

Sledovat turnaj živě

Schovej odstoupené
JménoNa RZPopis / důvod
Francie ALLEAUME Julien17Havárie na RZ 17
Francie BRANDALAC Arthur17Havárie na RZ 17
Španělsko Mendez Manu19Havárie na RZ 19
scanca9319Nenastoupil na RZ 19
s2000019Nenastoupil na RZ 19

Schovej komentáře jezdců
Na RZJménoKomentáře jezdců
20Portugalsko Antonio RODRIGUESfalse start on power stage. Sad for this. But ok the rally its done and thnks to the org! realy nice event. See you on safari rally
20Polsko Bebak Tomaszultra safe
20GALLIANO Oscarsono molto contento per aver visto la pedana di arrivo in questo rally davvero impegnativo, dove praticamente esordivo con la mia porche Orlando sponsorizzata GULF. Dai 3 fatto senza correre inutili rischi visto che le posizioni in classe erano ormai consolidate-
20USA Joe TuccilloGreat Rally Very challenging and I\'m happy to have finished it without any real big drama or damage to the car.
20Francie LEFEVRE Nicolasvery safe in leg 3 for secure the second place. thx for the rally, im back in september
20Francie LePsYkOovoila enfin un rallye de terminer, super rallye merci aux orgas , rdv au prochain
20Italy melomaopeccato,buttato il rally nella 2leg....
20Italy MORICONI NicolaMolto soddisfatto della mia gara !!! Complimenti a Simone Mora... Irraggiungibile
20Italy Piero Pintaudiottimo ottimo ottimo, finalmente termino un rally soddisfatto di vincere la classe rc4 ,vediamo di iniziare a recuperare qualcosa in campionato !!! goooooo####AERONTEAM
20Slovensko SLESARIK Ivanhappy to finish thanks for the rally
20USA usefulidiot21Crash in SS 7 cost me 5 minutes, but a very fun rally.
20Francie VBR#Julien Granger1er WRC fini
20USA VollsendenW203well would have put up a good challenge for the power stage but the random unpredictable spins gremlin strikes again!
19Portugalsko Antonio RODRIGUESok
19Francie LEFEVRE Nicolassafe
19Francie LePsYkOook on assure la fin
19USA VollsendenW203decent
18Portugalsko Antonio RODRIGUESi dont know why but the car shut down on a slow zone. cust some seconds ate be start again
18Italy gigispeedshittttt
18Francie LEFEVRE Nicolassafe
18Francie LePsYkOook
18USA VollsendenW203couple spins but ok
17Portugalsko Antonio RODRIGUESto slow
17Norsko Eirik HusaboFucked up spinn
17Francie LEFEVRE Nicolassaafe
17Francie LePsYkOotete a queue dommage
17Slovensko SLESARIK Ivantook it little too much cautiously
17USA usefulidiot21Two mistakes cost me a lot of time.
17Portugalsko Vitor Marcosok
17USA VollsendenW203that was a crap drive, may have been better off totalling the car
16Portugalsko Antonio RODRIGUESwhat a day! try to be fast but at the point of conditions just try dont lose to much time. very tricky day. Im happy to be at finnish day 2! thanks rbr pro and wait to the last leg
16Polsko Bebak Tomaszok
16Francie BlauGreggshit leg again for me... broke the differential rear in the third stage
16Portugalsko FIGUEIREDO Emanuellets see...i am here, no big 5 in rc2 was really nice...i have to push a little in leg 3...
16USA Joe TuccilloLeg2 over with just routine wear on the Evo. Happy so far but there is still Leg3.
16Francie LEFEVRE Nicolasok
16Portugalsko LEOTE Pauloclean run
16Francie LePsYkOoleg2 ok
16Italy MORICONI NicolaBuona 2Leg per me !!!
16Italy Piero Pintaudibuon leg 2 ritmo abbastanza cauto visto la difficolta del percorso, bene cosi cerchiamo di mantenere la concentrazione .
16Slovensko SLESARIK Ivani was worried about this 2nd leg, but happy to complete it
16USA usefulidiot21Second leg was better than the first.
16Francie VBR#Julien Grangerokey
16USA VollsendenW203pace is there when i dont screw up or get screwed by random unpredictable spins
15Italy BARICALLA Andreaerrors errors errors
15Francie LEFEVRE Nicolas20s lost
15Francie LePsYkOook
15USA VollsendenW2032 bullshit random spins
14Francie LEFEVRE Nicolasok
14Francie LePsYkOook
14USA VollsendenW203so basically I run competative times or crash.
13Francie LEFEVRE Nicolasok
13Francie LePsYkOook
13USA VollsendenW203typical, touch brakes car spins out of control I\'m assuming when I got my reset after the game crashed the car went to default settings and not my settings to correct oversteer because it drives like shit.
12Italy BARICALLA Andreaone error
12GALLIANO Oscarprima serie di ps molto impegnative portata a ternine, una scelta di ps da oarte dell orgabizzazione davvero tosta. divertente, divertito e con tempi discreti per me
12USA Joe TuccilloI\'m glad that loop is over.
12Francie LEFEVRE Nicolassaaafe
12Portugalsko LEOTE Paulothe fog
12Francie LePsYkOoencore un tonneau mais propre celui la ^^
12USA VollsendenW203well so much for trying this rally is shot. Not sure what happened but the car is back to randomly spinning or hitting a bump and getting thrown at a tree
11Francie LEFEVRE Nicolasok
11Francie LePsYkOook
11Portugalsko Vitor Marcosshit hapens
11USA VollsendenW203well so much for a chance at better than last in class, game crashed after SS10 and started SS11 with a totalled car so had to do a bogey time again.
10Italy BARICALLA Andrea=( cfh without errors
10USA Joe Tuccillorough stage but no drama thankfully.
10Francie LEFEVRE Nicolassafe
10Francie LePsYkOoun tonneau mais aucune casse perdu plus de 20 secondes....
10Španělsko Mendez Manuok
10Španělsko ROMERO Paco mal tramo, no me gusta
10Slovensko SLESARIK Ivanhuge problems
10USA usefulidiot21Too conservative.
9Švédkso Bjorn BorgqvistBig crash ended my rally... gonna be away for the weekend anyway so i couldnt particpate in leg 3
9Francie BRANDALAC Arthursafe
9Germany Escher1989I missed a piece of the stage, Didn\'t know that it existed.
9USA Joe Tuccillofun stage
9Francie LEFEVRE Nicolasok
9Portugalsko LEOTE Pauloslow
9Francie LePsYkOook
9Španělsko ROMERO Pacomal me he nperdido
9Slovensko SLESARIK Ivanhit a stump, bent steering
9Portugalsko Vitor Marcoswent off the road
9USA VollsendenW203prob should do recce lol
8Portugalsko Antonio RODRIGUESwhat a day. realy enjoy. thanks
8Švédkso Bjorn BorgqvistCant afford to crash twice in one leg :( But had some great fun
8Francie BlauGreggsomething was wrong on my car... i cannot explain how i could drive so badly like today. But i am here!
8Francie BRANDALAC Arthurgood first leg !!
8Norsko Eirik HusaboOk day one. Fun Rally!
8Germany Escher1989Again... no co-driver
8Portugalsko FIGUEIREDO Emanuelnot bad. only 2 spins, small errors...buts ok. i am here.
8GALLIANO Oscarbene ora la porche e nelle mani dei tecnici vediamo se riusciranno a rimetterla a nuovo per il resto del rally
8Francie Jordossortie a la con... sans aucune reco, pas si mal sinon
8Francie LEFEVRE Nicolasok
8Portugalsko LEOTE Pauloim trully furious with the game, one mistake , touched a tree 20 km /h and had to retire with dead engine. one mistake in the whole rally and was fucked up by an over sensitive sissy engine that cant take a 20 km /h bump
8Italy MANNU Nicolabuon passo ...
8Španělsko ROMERO Pacotodo mal. totalmente decepcionado
8Slovensko SLESARIK Ivanhappy to finish the first leg despite the problems
8Polsko SZCZEPANIAK TomaszBig mistake on SS4 and few small mistakes. Anyway 1st leg was good
8USA usefulidiot21Ruined my rally in ss7, but oh well.
8Portugalsko Vitor Marcosgood leg1... really close stage times . its really good fun
8USA VollsendenW203goddammit i hate this game
7Italy BARICALLA Andreasome mistakes
7Francie BRANDALAC ArthurGood first leg with first rallye on WRC+
7GALLIANO Oscarbene il day uno e finito ho passato piu tempo a fare errori vhe a guidare. la porche di orlando e perfetta purtroppo per lei la guido io.
7USA Joe TuccilloI mad it through Leg 1 with just some minor damage to the car. Easy repairs to be made then it\'s off to Leg 2.
7Francie LEFEVRE Nicolasok
7Portugalsko LEOTE PauloI cant beleive how i fucked up this rally, its too much barely touched the tree,
7Francie LePsYkOook
7Italy MANNU Nicola2 piccoli errori
7Španělsko ROMERO Pacono consigo acabar ningun tramo
7Slovensko SLESARIK Ivanengine smoke
7USA usefulidiot21Hit a log and destroyed my car.
7USA VollsendenW203little biff at the end.
6Francie BRANDALAC Arthurok
6Germany Escher1989Where the hell was my co-driver??? D:
6Francie LEFEVRE Nicolasok
6Portugalsko LEOTE Paulocant beleive this shiiiiiiittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt. its too much, im haunted
6Francie LePsYkOopas de notes.....
6Španělsko ROMERO Pacono consigo acabar
6USA VollsendenW203that was embarrassing
5Švédkso Bjorn BorgqvistRolled :(
5Francie BRANDALAC Arthurok
5USA Joe TuccilloI had a slow spin but recovered quickly.
5Francie LEFEVRE Nicolasok
5Francie LePsYkOook
5Italy melomaomi ha dato un taglio che non esiste 15sec.
5Španělsko ROMERO Pacomal, mal, mal
5Slovensko SLESARIK Ivanengine is damaged after last bump at the finish
5USA usefulidiot21Stupid crash right at the start cost me a bunch of time and messed up my suspension.
5Portugalsko Vitor Marcosok
5USA VollsendenW203not exactly sure what happened, got penalized for staying on the road? Also destroyrd the radiator by hitting a twig lightly.
4Francie BlauGreggrear wing completely broken since the first stage... very sad :\'(
4Francie BRANDALAC Arthurvery good stage
4Germany Escher1989I really should had make my own pacenotes for SS2+4
4GALLIANO Oscarkome non detto poche centinaia di metri e un forte abbraccio ad un bel pino
4Francie Jordos1 tete a queue
4Francie LEFEVRE Nicolaslost 10s
4Portugalsko LEOTE Pauloa big cramp on the left foot hahahah - led to a spin. what else is going to happen to me hiihihihihihihihih
4Francie LePsYkOook
4Španělsko Mendez Manuok
4Španělsko ROMERO Pacotodo mal
4USA VollsendenW203wohoo smoked that stage!
4Finsko WolfsmindHit a tree and spun.
3Francie BRANDALAC Arthur1 taq
3GALLIANO Oscarho visto la fine della ps e son gia contento
3Francie LEFEVRE Nicolasslowly
3Francie LePsYkOosortie de route
3Italy melomaoerrorrone!!!!
3Španělsko Mendez Manuok
3Španělsko ROMERO Pacotramo sin arriesgar
3Francie VBR#Kevin PelletierNUL
3Portugalsko Vitor Marcoslosr the rear wing
3USA VollsendenW203drove too close to a fan and got stopped, then bumped brush with the front of an mid engined car and somehow dstroyrd the engine. Should have known this was bound to happen since I was driving vlean and good pace. Now the chance to claw up to second is probably gone.
3Finsko WolfsmindHad to drive a little bit carefully, brcause rear wing is gone.
2Francie BRANDALAC Arthurno risque
2Belgium flashcorsamk2mauvais sens
2GALLIANO Oscarps 2 ho fatto di tutto tranne la cosa giusta da fare: GUIDARE
2Francie julien rambeaudcrash
2Francie LEFEVRE Nicolassafe.... trop...
2Francie LePsYkOobof
2Španělsko Mendez Manuok
2Španělsko ROMERO Pacosin comentarios
2Francie VBR#Kevin Pelletiervoiture trop endomagee
2Portugalsko Vitor Marcosgood stage
2USA VollsendenW203nice clean stage with good pace!
2Finsko WolfsmindLooks like i lost rear wing on stage 1.
1Švédkso Bjorn BorgqvistNever driven the stage time to practice.. crasched in to some people early in the stage. But good fun anyway:)
1Francie BRANDALAC Arthursans plus
1Francie Bud34l auto a souffert sur une petite sortie aie aie aie lol
1GALLIANO Oscar esordio con la porche orlando e come da copione dritto e motore rotto
1Španělsko HONORIO JorgeMas de dos minutos nos hemos dejado en este tramo con la salida de carretera que hemos tenido. El coche esta destrozado.
1Finsko Laasonen Micisteamvr shut itself down
1Francie LEFEVRE Nicolassafe
1Portugalsko LEOTE Paulothis stage was fun, not the fastest but good
1Francie LePsYkOo2 erreurs
1Španělsko ROMERO Pacomal tramo. el coche no frena bien
1Francie VBR#Kevin Pelletier1 taq et 1 tout droit :/
1USA VollsendenW203ok drive, mostly clean one small off that cost 30-40 sec which means pace wasnt too far off lead

Události na serveru
Nová trať:
  • Skalsko - Vinec
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Woliborz - Jodlownik

Nová trať:
  • Jodlownik - Woliborz
Nové tratě:
  • Witoszow - Zloty Las
  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018
Nová trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018

Rekordy / Ranky

Jak dlouho hrajete RBR?
1-2 měsíce
Hlasů: 11200 34.11%
6 měsíců
Hlasů: 3233 9.85%
1 rok
Hlasů: 3724 11.34%
2 roky
Hlasů: 3580 10.9%
3 roky
Hlasů: 3850 11.72%
Hned od vydání
Hlasů: 7250 22.08%

V anketě lze zadat pouze jeden hlas, ale nelze jej dodatečně měnit.