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Pohár RBR-CUP 2024
1.Polsko KORALEWSKI Mateusz752
2.Česká republika STEINER Pavel736
3.Česká republika PAULAT Stepan678
4.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš615
5.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin579
6.Polsko KORZENIOWSKI Benek551

Pohár XRS
1.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš114
2.Česká republika VALENTA Lukas98
3.Česká republika BUJACEK Jakub76
4.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin69
5.Česká republika VALERIAN Vaclav68
6.Česká republika ZBORIL Roman 166

Nové soubory
RZ Skalsko-Vinec
RZ Kaczyce
RZ Woliborz - Jodlownik + Reversed
RZ Witoszow - Zloty Las + reversed
NGP 7.3 Fyzika

Car admin
KORAL Vaclav

RBRPro - WRC - Rally de Portugal (MULTI LEG)
This championship is sponsored by Aeron Sim ( and Simulator Giantruck ( Good Luck!
5.6.2021 23:00 - 12.6.2021 22:59
RZ/SS 8 - Lousada - RG
Výpis pro třídu (skupinu): H/2
povrch nový a suchý, dobré podmínky, večer, před deštěm, oblačno
3.8 km
Vše / RC1 RC2 RGT RC3 RC4 RC5 WRC H/B H/A H/4 H/2 
PředchozíNa RZ 8DalšíPo RZ 8

Sledovat turnaj živě

Schovej odstoupené
JménoNa RZPopis / důvod
Polsko Marek Sala18Havárie na RZ 18
Polsko Dolca19Havárie na RZ 19

Schovej komentáře jezdců
Na RZJménoKomentáře jezdců
20Francie Alessandro Di Marzotres grande classe
20Portugalsko Antonio RODRIGUEShappy to finnish this rally of portugal on this stage \42fafe\42. amazing work Org! thanks for this. now its time to focus on WRC SAFARI and try the best settings for this evoX
20Švédkso Bjorn BorgqvistREally slow this last leg with that secure lead
20Francie BlauGreggi finish my wrc rally for the second in the king category... happy to be here, no risk for the last leg and i try to push a little for the power stage. thanksss see you in italy !
20Italy Carlo IOVINOnon so come ho fatto a fare sto tempo qui. Non fa niente... ho finito vivo
20Norsko Eirik HusaboSafing to hold my 2nd place
20Germany Escher1989A shame that I messed up the 2nd leg so badly. But I\'m happy with a lot of my stage times.
20Portugalsko FIGUEIREDO Emanuelvery sad rally for me. i was in the fight for podioum in rc2, but between stage 9 and 10, my pc restart automaticaly!!! i made restart request but no answer....leg 3, good pace again....see you next..
20GALLIANO Oscarnulla da dire tanto da imparare
20Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonOk day and Rally in Overall for me. Big thanks guys for perfect fight! Thx Orgs! Nice Job!
20Francie LEFEVRE Nicolasok
20Portugalsko LEOTE Paulofucked this rally on the last section, haaattteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
20Italy MORICONI NicolaRally veramente impegnativo !!! Arrivare in fondo sano e salvo non ha prezzo !!!
20USA msport54nice rally, mistake free for once
20Slovensko SLESARIK Ivantook the last leg extra carefully and also my codriver Derek forgot how to say hairpin and one. Thank you for the rally
20Polsko SZCZEPANIAK Tomaszvery good very nice
20Finsko WolfsmindReally happy that leg 3 went so well. Gl!
19Francie FabFBEno risk
19Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonok
19Francie LEFEVRE Nicolasok
18Portugalsko Antonio RODRIGUESbroke some parts of the car on jump. and.. needs public cfh to be back on stage
18Italy Carlo IOVINOpoco grip forse gomme consumate- paura
18Norsko Eirik HusaboTake it very safe..
18Francie FabFBEno risk
18Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonnot so bad
18Francie LEFEVRE Nicolaslent
18Portugalsko LEOTE Paulowhere did I loose 10 seconds in this stage compared to shakedown?
18Finsko WolfsmindThat went pretty well.
17Italy Carlo IOVINOpiu lento che in prova ma no rischi
17Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonsome mistakes, but in overall safe run
17Francie LEFEVRE Nicolasok
17Italy melomaoerrorone grandeeee
17USA msport54i hate this stage in forward even more in reverse
16Italy Carlo IOVINOok
16Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonHi all guys! Good Luck all in Final
16Francie LEFEVRE Nicolasok
15Francie Alessandro Di Marzopepite
15Portugalsko Antonio RODRIGUESamazing day two thanks to the org. thanks rbr pro. and now its time to run on day3 its mean... FAFE
15Italy BATTEZZATI Albertobad 2nd leg, small mistake big crash..
15Italy Carlo IOVINONon so come faccio ad essere ancora vivo. Dopo un apertura disastrosa macchina danneggiata alla prima curva una prima parte con la convergenza sballata. Sto sudando piu qui che nel Montecarlo. Bravo Eirik!
15Germany Escher1989I ruined everything in this leg. I\'m disgusted with myself. No points for me.
15Italy FILIPOZZI EnricoPartiti poco concentrati ed abbiamo fatto un disastro. Rally buttato!
15GALLIANO Oscare anche il day 2 e andato non sono soddisfatto della mia gara vedro di combinare qualcosa nel day 3
15Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonGood finish second day, it was good leg for me....wait all...see you final day
15Portugalsko LEOTE Paulotwo spins in this leg took a lot of seconds
15Italy melomao...errore e pubblico prima kormoran...molti secondi salvo!
15Italy MORICONI NicolaBuona 2Leg !!!
15Slovensko SLESARIK Ivanmanaged to survive 2nd leg
15Finsko WolfsmindWhat a way to ruin a rally. Oh well...
14Portugalsko Antonio RODRIGUESwow great roadbook for this 2 day of rally. amazing. now its time to complete the last sss stage of the day
14Francie BlauGreggnot in the form of my life, but no risk too, i would like to finish my first wrc rally !
14USA Joe TuccilloPhew! I made it through!
14Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonCrasy fight! Nicola - superman
13Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonwow, few positions Up ! Nice! I`m from stupid mistakes lost few seconds here...badly
13Portugalsko LEOTE PauloA couple of scares
13Francie rogeyyybcp d erreurs
13Portugalsko Sardoeira Joãohit a fotographer....
13Finsko WolfsmindStuck again and rhytm completely lost..
12Francie FabFBEok
12Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonnot good, need resmoke
12Francie rogeyyy1 tire droit
11Francie FabFBE0 risk
11GALLIANO Oscarprimo giro concluso con piu bassi che alti, spero di andare meglio al secondo passaggio ora che le ps dovrebbero essere asciutte
11Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonsafe damp section, no damages, only tires 4/3
11Finsko WolfsmindNot very fast time, but didn\'t take any risks.
10Francie BlauGreggi killed the two rear damper in the first stage... try to finish without more damage......
10Francie FabFBEok
10Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonsafe
10Francie LEFEVRE Nicolasok
10Portugalsko LEOTE Pauloa spin
10Francie rogeyyyspin
9Francie FabFBEok
9Italy G.LIFONTIfuck....
9Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonHi all, safe start like always, check grip ))
9Francie LEFEVRE Nicolasok
9Finsko WolfsmindHad to call for help. Was stuck in couple small bushes. I hate that...
8Portugalsko Antonio RODRIGUESbad start on rally but ok happy to enjoi this ss8 lousada stage. Great roadbook for day one.
8Italy BATTEZZATI Albertovery good
8Polsko BROSZ Kacperquite good tempo, im surprised
8Italy Carlo IOVINONon potro\' mai perdonarmi l\'errore sulla Hroudovany...
8Germany Escher1989At least I\'m still in the rally. See ya all in the next leg <3
8Francie FabFBE1st leg ok - non risk - no big mistake :-))
8Portugalsko FIGUEIREDO Emanuelvery good result for me. no recce at all...what a surprise for me being close to the top of rc2! race at home!!!
8GALLIANO Oscarmaledetta prova spettacolo, come ttutte le ps di quel tipo servono solo ad una cosa: fare danni
8Greece graikasdisaster rally in cavalo i broke the engine from one stone in a straight line, very strange... the other stages i was a bit angry so i drove like sh***t and retired a lot of them
8Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonnot good day for me, lost almost minute in overall.... but finish without serious damages....ok, see you next day...
8Francie LEFEVRE Nicolasok
8Italy melomaoleg. andata....
8Italy Michele MOLTENIBad Leg 1 for me X_X
8Italy MORICONI Nicola15 sec di penalita\' ma nessun taglio !!!
8Španělsko ROMERO Pacobien
8Slovensko SLESARIK Ivanhappy to survive the first leg
8USA usefulidiot21I was too conservative on a couple stages and it cost me some time. But no big mistakes, so I\'ll take it.
8Finsko WolfsmindGood first leg. Hopefully legs 2 and 3 goes well too. Gl
7Italy Carlo IOVINOho fatto si meglio
7Francie FabFBEno risk
7Portugalsko FIGUEIREDO Emanuelbig moment for me..very lucky to be here...
7Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonclose fight
7Francie LEFEVRE Nicolasok
7Španělsko ROMERO Pacoprimera curva y abandono
6Francie FabFBEok
6Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonRemiga nice, me bad,,few times almost catch the roof car ))) wuuufff, scary
6Francie LEFEVRE Nicolasok
6Španělsko Mendez Manuok
6Španělsko ROMERO Pacomal mal mal
5Italy Carlo IOVINOho paura di questo stage
5Francie FabFBEno risk
5Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonok
5Francie LEFEVRE Nicolasok
5Portugalsko LEOTE PauloBig spin
5Španělsko ROMERO Pacobuen tramo sin excesivas complicaciones
4Francie BlauGreggbad keep calm
4Polsko BROSZ Kacpernot bad for small amount of practice
4Germany Escher1989rally ruined :)
4Francie FabFBEok
4Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Anton+12s out over roof.... lucky still alive here
4Francie LEFEVRE Nicolasok
4Španělsko ROMERO Pacotodo el tramo teniendo cuidado y me salgo a 100 metros de meta
3Italy BATTEZZATI Albertospin, 5 seconds lost
3Francie BlauGreggspin
3Francie FabFBEok
3GALLIANO Oscarper ora ci sonoma il rally e molto lungo, vedremo
3Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonbad start here. few sec lost.... safe section
3Francie LEFEVRE Nicolasok
3Španělsko ROMERO Pacosin comentarios
3Slovensko SLESARIK Ivani dont know by what miracle I survived section after finish
2Francie BRANDALAC Arthursorti, 2 tonneaux
2Italy Carlo IOVINOcome sbagliare sullo stage piu stronzo del mondo.... mi odio
2Francie FabFBEno risk
2Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonRemigijus nice time
2Francie LEFEVRE Nicolasok
2Španělsko ROMERO Paconada mas comenzar abandono
1Bulgaria Amerosvery bad stage
1Francie BRANDALAC ArthurDA dernier virage
1Francie FabFBEok
1Italy FILIPOZZI EnricoUn errore in discesa ci costa 7-8 secondi.
1Francie Gilou2ahello all .good road
1Španělsko HONORIO JorgeMal empezamos.
1Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonHi all, safe start
1Finsko Laasonen Micilong time from 4wd car
1Francie LEFEVRE Nicolasda....
1Portugalsko LEOTE Pauloslow on purpose , did not train this stage
1Španělsko Mendez Manuok
1Španělsko ROMERO Pacotramo muy complicado, con demasiados errores
1Slovensko SLESARIK Ivanspin at last corner, lost at least 10 seconds
1Francie VBR#elite59les feins se sont bloquer apres 2km de special,je n\'ai pas compris

Události na serveru
Nová trať:
  • Skalsko - Vinec
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Woliborz - Jodlownik

Nová trať:
  • Jodlownik - Woliborz
Nové tratě:
  • Witoszow - Zloty Las
  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018
Nová trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018

Rekordy / Ranky

Jak dlouho hrajete RBR?
1-2 měsíce
Hlasů: 11202 34.11%
6 měsíců
Hlasů: 3233 9.84%
1 rok
Hlasů: 3724 11.34%
2 roky
Hlasů: 3581 10.9%
3 roky
Hlasů: 3850 11.72%
Hned od vydání
Hlasů: 7251 22.08%

V anketě lze zadat pouze jeden hlas, ale nelze jej dodatečně měnit.