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Pohár RBR-CUP 2024
1.Polsko KORALEWSKI Mateusz958
2.Česká republika STEINER Pavel924
3.Česká republika PAULAT Stepan864
4.Polsko KORZENIOWSKI Benek848
5.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš834
6.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin579

Pohár XRS
1.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš174
2.Česká republika VALENTA Lukas141
3.Česká republika VALERIAN Vaclav98
4.Česká republika BUJACEK Jakub86
5.Česká republika TOMECEK Libor83
6.Česká republika HRBACEK David71

Nové soubory
NGP 7.4 Fyzika
Pacenote Plugin
RZ Skalsko-Vinec
RZ Kaczyce
RZ Woliborz - Jodlownik + Reversed

Car admin
KORAL Vaclav

11.Classic Cup 2015-16
Rally Portugal info:
16.5.2016 0:05 - 22.5.2016 23:59
RZ/SS 3 - Caminha
Výpis pro třídu (skupinu): H/2
povrch rozbitý a suchý, dobré podmínky, ráno, průzračno, jasno
9.6 km
Vše / RC1 RC2 RGT RC3 RC4 RC5 WRC H/B H/A H/4 H/2 
PředchozíNa RZ 3DalšíPo RZ 3
DEMUTH Mathias
Skoda 130 RS Grp2
H/207:35.33 75.9
VW 1302 S Grp2
CIN Ramon
Ford Capri RS 2600 Grp2
DEMUTH Mathias
Skoda 130 RS Grp2
H/220:11.46 79.3
VW 1302 S Grp2
CIN Ramon
Ford Capri RS 2600 Grp2

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Schovej komentáře jezdců
Na RZJménoKomentáře jezdců
10Polsko ANIOLEK Marcinslow but ok :) thx cat :) see you all i next round ;)
10Russian Federation BOROVINSKIY DenisOK!!!
10Španělsko CIN RamonInteresting challenge for the end. Finishing Mineshaft with no brakes (only engine)... and no cfh! Of course, all was downhill for me after the girls at Sosnova. Specifically the legs. But thx for rally.
10Germany DEMUTH MathiasFinish. bad rally for us. THX
10Česká republika hebbivery nice fight here , thx Cat for this nice event , forever.
10Švédkso HENRIKSSON UrbanI have many small misstakes on this rally but i finish and on ok time i think. Thanks Cat for this rally cup.
10Slovensko HOSALA RomanVery bad. thx
10Germany HUMMEL StefanSchwimmfest!! Danke Frank!!!
10Polsko JANGAS Mariuszrow pomoc kibicow a przed meta obrot o 360
10Švédkso kalle kronkvist RRyes.good feeling all rally
10Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Anton(( Vot BLin ((( Out +3-4sec lost ((( Lost Position! Thx Denis for Best Fight!! Was Cool ! Frank - thx for Stage! Good Luck all!!!
10Česká republika KUBINI VladimirThank!
10Austria LaTeXSome small mistakes (first try was better), but this time a finished. Wonderful rallye, wonderful stages, excellently organized. Thanks.
10Russian Federation MALYSHEV Denisvery bad rithm. good drive Denis!
10Česká republika MARKOVA Ninatak to zdechlo pred skokem.......ale kdyby mel nejaky CZ team zajem,napiste mi na P.M.
10Španělsko MARZOA JuanHorrible...thanks Cat!
10Japan MORISHITA Asamibuji kanso- ^^ otukaresamadesita! m(_ _)m
10Japan NARU KazumaNice rally. Thx Cat and thx for the rally !
10Španělsko Pablo Chouzabye
10Austria PAMMER Haraldcareful no risk in last stage. Hard day for me, last 3 stages was hard work for me. Was not in the best shape, had some beer and so on in this nice afternoon. :D But Rallye was not to bad for me, thx Frank! :)
10Russian Federation PANYUSHKIN EvgenyiOk! Denis and Anton, thanks for battle!
10PMS Rally TeamBig thanks to organisation and all they help! Great rally, but for us it was too expensiv - crashed with a rent-car two times and this in Portugal. We wisch all other teams more luck and fun, hope for better results in the upcoming event, until than, thanks and bye!
10Česká republika POUSTKA VaclavYes, nice rally for me after drive pause. THX Caterham.
10Polsko PRZYSZLAKOWSKI MateuszOK but it was very slippery rally, my tyres were in bad conditions. Thanks :)
10Germany SALOMO MarcoThx Cat for the great rally. Without big trouble into the finish.
10Česká republika SCHAMBERGER Karel stdik dost dobry
10Polsko SOBIERAJ TomasztHx Caterham
10Germany STEIN Torstenhat mal wieder sehr viel Spass gemacht,super Rally,Danke Frank
10Česká republika STOLFA Ondrej...
10Japan TETSUYA Tanakathx cat and everybody.that was a nice rally for me except the last stage :(
10Germany Woifehdrove it home steadily. Vielen Dank fuer die tolle Rallye, Frank!
10Polsko ZMYSLOWSKI Marcin3rd stage was disaster, i thing i was on tarmac setup there, and that was the reason bed driving, thx
9Španělsko CIN RamonTook chances with dry gravel. 1 cfh 1 crash, no brakes. Anyway, I think it was the right choice, its just that im not very concentrated.
9Polsko CZARNECKI Adrianbam!!! Lewt tyl rozwalony ale jakos jedzie
9Germany DEMUTH Mathiasone off. Now we have day of the open door^^
9Česká republika hebbiooh
9Švédkso HENRIKSSON Urbanok
9Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonWOW, Cool time in group RC2 )))))
9Austria LaTeXGood stage - with all down tyres it is a tough challenge but i did it.
9Japan MORISHITA Asamiyabai yabai
9Austria PAMMER Haraldnot good, crash and broken cooler...
9Česká republika STOLFA Ondrejbig moment,its very slippery
9Germany WoifehI was close to a heart attack when the screen freezed for about three seconds!
9Polsko WORONECKI Mirekdamn....worst thing when crash so close finish line .... Thx Frank :)
8Španělsko CIN RamonAmerican muscle... well, it\'s a German engine IIRC. Or was it British?
8Germany DEMUTH Mathiasto slow today...
8Česká republika hebbinice time , but why i m so fast ?
8Švédkso HENRIKSSON UrbanTire 16/20. ok this 3 stages.
8Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Anton8/6, steering rod damage, lost speed. Denis molodec
8Austria LaTeXNo risk - to be honest I should have attacked a bit more. Lost to much time.
8Japan MORISHITA Asamiwet GB tanosiiii
8PMS Rally TeamAnd again big thanksto our service-crew - so bad our skill!
8Japan TETSUYA Tanakaslippy
8Germany Woifehpushed a bit more and had a lot of fun, but very bad time? - surprising how much grip you have with wet gravel tires here...
7Germany BORTZ StefanAufschrieb passt nicht. Abgeflogen und neben der bruecke im Fluss gelandet.
7Španělsko CIN Ramonnice. Was not sure if I could beat the 130s here, but the American muscle delievered!
7Germany DEMUTH Mathiasroll and spin
7Česká republika hebbinice fight , very close here
7Švédkso HENRIKSSON Urbanok
7Germany HUMMEL Stefan2x rausgerutscht!!??
7Polsko JANGAS Mariuszna jednym z zakretow zostalem na boku wiec pomoc kibicow a pozniej na mostku potracilem kibica. Szkoda
7Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonsafe, Denis - Goood ))))
7Austria LaTeXNo risk on this stage - I really like the conditions. Finishing is more important than a good time.
7Japan MORISHITA Asamikuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
7Austria PAMMER Haraldlittle off moment.
7PMS Rally Teamone roll over because too sideways to a bridge. Car is hard demaged again. :-(
7Česká republika POUSTKA VaclavUff
7Germany SALOMO Marcoofftrack on a hill, so have a spin
7Japan TETSUYA Tanakathat was a big moment...
7Germany WoifehI felt insecure in the beginning of the stage and immedeately made a mistake, rolled the car to one side and cfh...
6Španělsko CIN RamonFinally chose default setup because bad weather. Also, wet tires because Caterham trap :P
6Germany DEMUTH Mathiasso slow?
6Švédkso HENRIKSSON Urbanok.
6Russian Federation KOCHETKOV AntonOK! Great Battle!
6Austria LaTeXGood stage, I like the conditions but I choose a calm drive style. With more aggression you can be much faster here. But it was okay. I remember my troubles with my radiation system before the noon service. :)
6Japan MORISHITA Asamimujiko!!!!
6Polsko PRZYSZLAKOWSKI Mateuszoff
6Česká republika STOLFA Ondrejspin
6Germany Woifehstage was fine, but I could be much faster - and retire much faster therefore :D
5Germany BORTZ Stefan2x spin
5Španělsko CIN RamonThat was default setup. lets try default short gearing.
5Germany DEMUTH Mathiashit 2 times a schikane and both times spin. Big demage on the car, but service crew fixed it. Bad stage for us :-(
5Česká republika hebbibad 1st leg
5Švédkso HENRIKSSON UrbanMany misstakes on this 4 stages.
5Švédkso kalle kronkvist RRwrong way a bit...
5Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Anton24/18... skolzko
5Austria LaTeXI tried to be safe on this nasty stage. It worked and my engine made it to the service.
5Česká republika MARKOVA Ninacar KO
5Germany MORGENROTH Andrezum glueck kommt der servce auto ist eigentlich schrott :D
5Japan MORISHITA Asamiclutch damage 70per orz...
5Španělsko Pablo Chouzadisaster
5Austria PAMMER HaraldTires 80 percent!!
5PMS Rally TeamNot so happy, but in service and our crew fixed all - thanks.
5Česká republika POUSTKA VaclavBad stage.
5Polsko WACH Tomekcrash in first corner... ;)
5Germany Woifehtypical crash in first corner. damaged the suspension, but was able to go on. Looking forward to gravel again!
5Polsko WORONECKI Mirekbig mistake, hit barrier and then these barrier was on the middle of the road on fast section,so I have to slow down every time
4Germany BORTZ Stefanoff
4Španělsko CIN RamonAt least one win against Mathias, I\'m happy again.
4Germany DEMUTH Mathiasto slow
4Švédkso HENRIKSSON Urbanspin
4Polsko KOR marekok
4Austria LaTeXStill fighting with my radiation system
4Russian Federation MALYSHEV Denismistakes
4Japan MORISHITA Asamimujiko!!!
4Španělsko Pablo Chouzaok
4Česká republika PLOJHAR OtasI love this stage
4Česká republika STOLFA Ondrejhelp
4Germany Woifehvery careful especially in the forest. One mistake short before the finish but no problem...
3Polsko ANIOLEK Marcinroll on the tires uff so close :)
3Germany BORTZ Stefanumgekippt
3Španělsko CIN Ramoncfh. angry
3Germany GUENTHER DavidEinmal gings ins Unterholz. Zuschauer gebraucht
3Švédkso HENRIKSSON Urbanmany misstakes in the begining on this stage.
3Germany HUMMEL StefanSchreck lass mach!!!
3Polsko JANGAS Mariuszobrot o 360 stopni duza strata
3Švédkso kalle kronkvist RRoff
3Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonok
3Polsko KOR marekok
3Austria LaTeXMy radiation system broke down. I need to treat my engine now carefully. I don\'t know how many kilemetres are left to next service.
3Russian Federation MALYSHEV Denisterrible drive, no grip
3Japan MORISHITA Asamimujiko!!
3Španělsko Pablo Chouzaproblems
3Česká republika PLOJHAR OtasI knew I will lose time on New Bobs but my softer setup worked briliantly on stages like East West, great feeling
3PMS Rally TeamSlowly because demages.
3Česká republika POUSTKA VaclavBig spin
3Germany SALOMO Marcook
3Germany Woifehextremely careful after my reset, but best time in class?!
3Polsko ZMYSLOWSKI Marcin2 x cfh, car just dont want to liesten :/
2Germany BORTZ Stefanoff + spin
2Švédkso BRODIN Erikspin
2Španělsko CIN RamonI crashed because the girls at Sosnova.
2Germany DEMUTH Mathias2 spins and demaged the car
2Polsko HAUPT AdamOn first split we were enter too fast in fast left corner and we hit in tree. Car is ok so that was lucky : )
2Slovensko HOSALA Romankatastrofe
2Polsko KOR marekok
2Austria LaTeXGood stage with one mistake
2Polsko MALEK Damiandziadostwo
2Russian Federation MALYSHEV Denisno rithm
2Japan MORISHITA Asamimujiko! ^^
2Španělsko Pablo Chouzaok
2Austria PAMMER HaraldOk!? :o
2PMS Rally TeamDamned, want a few times too much - lot of spins with two hard crashes. Steering, suspension, cooling and some more parts are hard destroyed. We hope for arrived in service!
2Germany SALOMO Marcook
2Česká republika STOLFA Ondrejvery bad,many mistakes
2Germany Woifehstill careful, but no mistakes
2Polsko ZMYSLOWSKI Marcinspin
1Germany BORTZ Stefan1 Satz SChotterreifen vernichtet
1Švédkso BRODIN Erik2 spin
1Španělsko CIN RamonIf I crash in this rally, I will blame the gorgeous distractions in SS1.
1Germany DEMUTH MathiasHi all
1Russian Federation dimon63test
1Česká republika hebbihi all , bad start
1Švédkso HENRIKSSON UrbanHi all and gl.
1Slovensko HOSALA RomanHello
1Germany HUMMEL Stefan1.Kurve gleich in die Leitplanke, klar Schotterreifen!!
1Ireland JONAITIS Jonishi all
1Česká republika KADERABEK Jani hate this stage, also the ground is missing in low settings.. leaving
1Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonhi
1Polsko KOR marekok
1Česká republika KUBINI VladimirHi all
1Austria LaTeXThe first sector was horrible, the other two were fine.
1Russian Federation MALYSHEV DenisHi!
1Česká republika MARECKOVA NikolaHi all
1Španělsko MARZOA JuanHi all
1Japan MORISHITA Asamitoriaezu buji ^^;
1Japan NARU KazumaHi all. Vinho do porto.
1Španělsko Pablo Chouzaok
1Austria PAMMER HaraldHi, car was good in this stage. :)
1PMS Rally TeamHey to all teams, was so f.....g slippery on tarmac, so we must do slowly because the owner of car where not so amused in WP1 throwing the car! Good Luck to all!
1Česká republika POUSTKA VaclavContact with inside wall.
1Germany SALOMO MarcoHi. Short way to finish, hit the stable of tyres and have a 90 degrees spin.
1Japan TETSUYA Tanakahi all
1Česká republika TOMECEK Liborhi all
1Česká republika VANIK Jancrash
1Česká republika VAREKA Patrikdostane pentli za servis ale berem to jako test
1Germany Woifehhi all. very careful start...
1Polsko WORONECKI MirekHi all

Události na serveru
Nová trať:
  • Skalsko - Vinec
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Woliborz - Jodlownik

Nová trať:
  • Jodlownik - Woliborz
Nové tratě:
  • Witoszow - Zloty Las
  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018
Nová trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018

Rekordy / Ranky

Jak dlouho hrajete RBR?
1-2 měsíce
Hlasů: 11294 34.27%
6 měsíců
Hlasů: 3234 9.81%
1 rok
Hlasů: 3732 11.33%
2 roky
Hlasů: 3584 10.88%
3 roky
Hlasů: 3852 11.69%
Hned od vydání
Hlasů: 7256 22.02%

V anketě lze zadat pouze jeden hlas, ale nelze jej dodatečně měnit.