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Pohár RBR-CUP 2024
1.Polsko KORALEWSKI Mateusz752
2.Česká republika STEINER Pavel736
3.Česká republika PAULAT Stepan678
4.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš615
5.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin579
6.Polsko KORZENIOWSKI Benek551

Pohár XRS
1.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš114
2.Česká republika VALENTA Lukas98
3.Česká republika BUJACEK Jakub76
4.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin69
5.Česká republika VALERIAN Vaclav68
6.Česká republika ZBORIL Roman 166

Nové soubory
RZ Skalsko-Vinec
RZ Kaczyce
RZ Woliborz - Jodlownik + Reversed
RZ Witoszow - Zloty Las + reversed
NGP 7.3 Fyzika

Car admin
KORAL Vaclav

Open RBR-LT WRC 2014 - RallyRACC-Rally de Espana
RallyRACC-Rally de Espana. Official website: Facebook page: Official sponsor page:
29.10.2014 15:00 - 3.11.2014 23:59

Turnaj je zařazen do poháru RBR-LT (Open RBR-LT WRC 2014 championship)
Pouze jezdci nominovaní týmem
1234567  /    8910111213  /    14151617
RZ/SS 14 - La Mussara 1
Výpis pro třídu (skupinu): A7
povrch nový a suchý, dobré podmínky, ráno, průzračno, jasno
6 km
Vše / WRC N4 S2000 S1600 A8 A7 A6 A5 N3 H 
PředchozíNa RZ 14DalšíPo RZ 14

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Nominace do poháru

Schovej komentáře jezdců
Na RZJménoKomentáře jezdců
17Lithuania AUGUSTONIS IgnasThans for rally! See u Wales
17Ukrajina BAKHTIN AlekseyThanks! Day 3 ok...
17Švédkso ERIKSSON MicaelNow i just have to wait and c if that was inaf for a point or two. :) Big thx for a nice rally and sorry for my bad driving. Congrattz all on podium in each class. Cu all in next event. :)
17Švédkso HENRIKSSON UrbanOk rally for me. gl all.
17Česká republika HOPP TomasThats it. Cant wait for Wales, fast and mudy gravel roads. Thanks, bye.
17Švédkso HULT TobiasArgh, I could have taken powerstage points but I messed up in the beginning of the stage :/ Bad rally for, just have to refocus for Wales and hope to see some updated results before that. Good luck everyone :)
17Ireland JONAITIS Jonisshit, just left 100 m to finish....and huppyjulma on Spain?
17Ukrajina KHARLANOV RuslanThanks a lot and see you next event.
17Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antondoexal i ladno. Ne moi denb segodnya
17Polsko KOWALSKI Bartoszthx for rally
17Česká republika KUBINI Vladimirk cemu tady jezdim 3 dny, kdyz me potom vyradi chyba hry, nebo neci umysl??? Ted jsem tu travu umyslne projel celym autem - nic v ni neni !!! A ze ztraty +40 na 1. mam po pripocteni 5 minut ztratu 12,5 minuty?
17Lithuania LAPINSKAS Remigijuspo tramplynu susimeciau ir i medzius,is pradziu neblogai ejosi,bet paskutinis gr nesekmingas.Prastas pasirodymas Ispanijoj
17Polsko LECKI ArielNice rally, unfortunately with 2x SupeRally. See you in last round :)
17Russian Federation MALYSHEV Denisok
17Česká republika MATTES Ondreji was driving very carefully there so Tomas is probably going to be faster, Contrats. to him and see you in Wales
17Portugalsko PAULO Temperafor me was ok , good rally, i was able to finnish this one... im happy ;)
17Polsko RAJEWSKI Tomaszbad round for me, cya on next event. regards :)
17Russian Federation SUHINOV Aleksandrhate these pacenotes, I think Im gonna lose because of this stage
17Česká republika TOMECEK Liborthank organizer !!! IF MOTORSPORT !!!!! Luky a Vlcaku pojdte do nich !!!!
17Česká republika VECERA Lukasuf:Dtwo times mistakes but everything is ok:D:D I did it!!! I won last year here and now again perfect rally with octavia!car isnt so fast but really funny drive:) Vladimir and Libor good jobs boys! Maybe in Wales see you
17Polsko ZMYSLOWSKI Marcintwo spins, lucky to see finish
16Ukrajina BAKHTIN AlekseyPB
16Švédkso ERIKSSON MicaelSaving the car and tiers to c if i cane take a point in superstage... ;)
16Polsko KOWALSKI Bartoszthis day is not good for me. crash and cfh ;/
16Russian Federation MALYSHEV DenisPB
16Česká republika MATTES Ondrejmuch better than first one
16Ukrajina RAEVSKIY SergeySpin in hairpin and hit the tree! Without radiator last stage :(
16Lithuania ROKAS Ravinskisok
16Česká republika VECERA Lukasok good rhythm:) last one! .)
15Ukrajina BAKHTIN Alekseyok
15Česká republika HOPP TomasBad one, dont trust pacenotes.
15Ireland JONAITIS Jonisf.....
15Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Anton...
15Polsko KOWALSKI Bartoszso unlicky
15Česká republika KUBINI Vladimir4x jsem to projel v sejku - bez nejmensich problemu! Ted jsem hned v 1. zatacce PZ kolem skrtnul travu u cesty a auto zastavilo (na ceste) a je total zniceny :-DDD
15Česká republika MATTES Ondrejcarefully
15Portugalsko PAULO Temperaon last stage hit a tree :( the car was ok but lost about 5..6 seconds...
15Lithuania ROKAS Ravinskis2x spins
15Česká republika VECERA Lukassafety:)
14Lithuania AUGUSTONIS Ignassafe
14Ukrajina BAKHTIN AlekseyPB
14Švédkso HENRIKSSON Urbanok start this day.
14Ireland JONAITIS Jonishi all again
14Česká republika KUBINI VladimirHi
14Česká republika MATTES Ondrejspun
14Ukrajina RAEVSKIY SergeySpin
14Česká republika TOMECEK Liborhi
14Česká republika VECERA Lukashi it will be hard day with Alex,now not so fast but ok:)
13Lithuania AUGUSTONIS Ignasnot bad day for me
13Ukrajina BAKHTIN Alekseyobidnuy vulet na ss2..
13Švédkso HENRIKSSON UrbanOk the 5 first stages but the last one was bad i dont like this stage and i dont think i drive this stage befor.
13Česká republika HOPP TomasOhh, nic stage!
13Ireland JONAITIS Jonisnekokia antra diena,fordas sudauzytas,paguodos prizas-Viliu aplenkiau Guru dope :)
13Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Anton2nd day medium and without risk. Ok
13Polsko KOWALSKI Bartoszlast stage was very difficult to me. it was my first time on this SS and i had broken suspension.
13Česká republika KUBINI Vladimirco to bylo?? Libore super!!! Asi to mas najety, ja jsem bloudil a 1x i couval - vubec to neznam ... :-O
13Lithuania KULIKAUSKAS RobertasPaskutiniame dope vel pasiklidau,kaip kazkada viso labo 2 karta as siame dope..:(
13Lithuania LAPINSKAS Remigijuspaskutiniam gr per daug klaidu,daug laiko praradau
13Polsko LECKI ArielMany mistakes, but stage is fantastic :). Thanks.
13Russian Federation MALYSHEV Denisok
13Česká republika MATTES Ondrejlove this stage! this day was quite okay, first section i wasnt that happy with setup but whatever. lets se how fast will Tomas be
13Portugalsko PAULO Temperafor me was ok, only one spin on the long stage....and a contact on the special stage..apart from that it was fine ;) very fine :)
13Lithuania RALLY Guruwithout rear diff and have one mistake +3 sek - I hope my penaly will be removed... I dont cresh and I have replay in firstr Northrumbis run...
13Lithuania ROKAS Ravinskisgera antra diena
13Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusBad day
13Polsko SOBIERAJ Tomaszwrong turn i h
13Russian Federation SUHINOV Aleksandrnot confident enough here
13Česká republika TOMECEK LiborIF !!!!!!
13Česká republika VECERA Lukasok!today without problems and driving mistakes. Great fight with Alex!Vladimir good job. Maybe one problem:Octavia is slowly than new wrc car:D but huge fun with octavia...see you in last day gl
13Polsko ZMYSLOWSKI Marcinlost the way in last sector :/
12Lithuania AUGUSTONIS Ignas2x off road
12Ukrajina BAKHTIN Alekseyok
12Švédkso ERIKSSON MicaelBig off in first sector...
12Švédkso HULT TobiasVery stupid mistake, I tried to push and I went a little wide and hit a tree :/
12Ireland JONAITIS Jonisblin 2 spinai...
12Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonoki, pb
12Česká republika KUBINI VladimirTobias tlacil moc - skoda. Ja radeji volneji, abych nedopadl jako v prvnim prujezdu ...
12Lithuania LAPINSKAS Remigijusisskridau i griovi,gerai kad tarp medziu pataikiau
12Česká republika MATTES Ondrejnot so bad
12Lithuania RALLY Gurulost 27 sek offroad cant back on road - fu** no concentration at all after f**g first Northrumbia cresh
12Lithuania SALTENIS Vilius..
12Česká republika VECERA Lukas:)
11Švédkso HULT TobiasHigh speed spin :/
11Ireland JONAITIS Jonisblin stogas ir pagalba dar....
11Česká republika KUBINI VladimirTobias hodiny, je videt ze taky musi tlacit ...
11Česká republika MATTES Ondrejproblems with engine for a while
11Ukrajina PIDLUSKY Oleksandroff((
11Ukrajina RAEVSKIY SergeyDrive shaft was broked. Fast time is over for me on this day!
11Lithuania RALLY Guruafdter fuking Northrumbia - sucker dont write distance in pace note, I did it manualy in Pace note plugin in stage and after lost finish point so get DNF. Nervous again anf spin in this SSS so +7 sek fu***
11Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusRolled in plane place :D Then offroad. Unbelievble, but car still in good shape
11Česká republika VECERA LukasI do my best, Alex is still faster
10Švédkso HULT TobiasOkay so far
10Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonfull service. Medium time for me.
10Česká republika KUBINI VladimirLibore dobry! Skoda ty ztraty, Tobiase davas ...
10Česká republika MATTES Ondrejreally slow, not sure why
10Česká republika VECERA Lukasonly tires:) its not fast car...
9Lithuania AUGUSTONIS Ignasoff road
9Ukrajina BAKHTIN Aleksey((
9Česká republika HOPP Tomasspin
9Ireland JONAITIS Jonisblin slidu cia kazkaip
9Česká republika KUBINI Vladimir+10s! minor accidents :-(( .. Libore, mel jsem to rozjety super - ztrata koncentrace ...
9Lithuania KULIKAUSKAS Robertasbe pagalbos neapsejau istigau tarp medziu
9Russian Federation MALYSHEV Denisroll
9Česká republika MATTES Ondrejlost some time on the beggining of the stage but then it was ok
9Lithuania RALLY Gurublet -pace note problem and DNF - I have replay - its just program bug and this penalty mut to be removed!!!
9Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusSmall mistake, but broken steering rod
9Česká republika VECERA Lukassuperb stage! Octavia is new car for me,I dont have many experience but ok:)
8Lithuania AUGUSTONIS Ignasroll :(
8Ukrajina BAKHTIN Alekseyok
8Švédkso ERIKSSON Micael:(
8Ireland JONAITIS Jonishi again nervous start
8Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonvilet
8Polsko KOWALSKI Bartoszspin
8Česká republika KUBINI Vladimircau Libore
8Česká republika MATTES Ondrejslow but ok
8Lithuania RALLY Guruhi all - slow start
8Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusEEasy
8Česká republika TOMECEK Liborhi
8Česká republika VECERA Lukashi, max speed is really low about 173:( I will do my best
7Lithuania AUGUSTONIS Ignaslost 50 sec :(
7Ukrajina BAKHTIN Alekseynevidimuy zritel` ykral 40 sek (((
7Švédkso ERIKSSON MicaelBad driving to day, cu all in next leg. :)
7Švédkso HENRIKSSON Urbanoff in the end. fun new stages. gl all.
7Česká republika HOPP TomasOkay..
7Švédkso HULT TobiasGood day except for SS4, but not much to do, just focus on day 2 and day 3. Really nice to see these new stages, continue like that please :) Good luck everyone :)
7Ireland JONAITIS Jonissrvisas 11.40 saugiai prariedeta pirma diena,sekmes Robi :)
7Latvia KINEENS Tomshit a rock and off... bad :(
7Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Anton3xCRASH ((( PPC ((( plohoi denb segodnya
7Polsko KOWALSKI BartoszOK :) Thx for this stages :)
7Česká republika KUBINI Vladimirgood day for me. I kdyz me Luky ujizdi :-). Libore, tobe to nejede?
7Lithuania KULIKAUSKAS Robertasprastai jauciausi. Vaziavau kad tik prasimmusti i sekancia diena ...
7Lithuania LAPINSKAS Remigijuskrastu kabinau malku kruva ir stogas
7Polsko LECKI Ariel1st day was very unlucky for me. Hope that tomorrow will be better.
7Russian Federation MALYSHEV Denisproval
7Česká republika MATTES Ondrejone off but quite okay
7Portugalsko PAULO Temperafor me it was ok exept last stage....a few mistakes...some demage...but it is ok, car is fine for leg 2 ;)
7Lithuania RALLY Gurufu**g day :( I didnt know this 2 SS so try keep on road
7Lithuania ROKAS Ravinskisvel i tapati akmeni
7Polsko SOBIERAJ Tomaszthx
7Česká republika TOMECEK Liborbad day !
7Latvia USVILS Kristapsbad day
7Česká republika VECERA Lukas:) good day,lot of fun with octavia...nice fight
7Polsko ZMYSLOWSKI Marcinspin in the end
6Ukrajina BAKHTIN Alekseyok
6Ireland JONAITIS Jonisok
6Ukrajina KHARLANOV RuslanCFH
6Česká republika MATTES Ondrejok, that was way better than first run there
6Polsko SOBIERAJ Tomaszooo Marcin zaczal cisnac
5Ukrajina BAKHTIN AlekseyPB
5Švédkso ERIKSSON Micaelclose to crash again, but this time just befor finnish...
5Ireland JONAITIS Jonissiek tiek geriau
5Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonpozor
5Česká republika MATTES Ondrejok, without bigget mistakes
5Česká republika NOVOSAD Rostislavrana bokem do stromu prevodovka ko
5Ukrajina RAEVSKIY SergeySome better
4Lithuania AUGUSTONIS Ignashard
4Ukrajina BAKHTIN Alekseycool!
4Švédkso HULT TobiasArgh, went a little wide and there was a spectator just at the side of the road :/
4Ireland JONAITIS Jonissuper atsargiai blin kas tu masinu pristae uz finiso,puse fordo supyliau :(
4Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonujas
4Polsko KOWALSKI Bartoszwow that was amazing stage !!! it was my first time on this track but i love it :)
4Česká republika KUBINI Vladimirtuhle a tu predtim primo nesnasim - jedu je 1x do roka a vetsinou blbe - jak jinak, neznam ...
4Lithuania LAPINSKAS Remigijusneviska pavyko sutvarkyti
4Česká republika MATTES Ondrejmontekland is so beautifull but also very hard when you drive it for the first time
4Portugalsko PAULO Temperauntil now all ok :) not usual :)
4Ukrajina RAEVSKIY SergeyDidn\'t repair car again. Without suspension again.
4Lithuania RALLY Gurutroubles from outside and kill before finish - fu**
4Polsko ZMYSLOWSKI Marcinmy first time :)
3Lithuania AUGUSTONIS Ignasnot easy
3Ukrajina BAKHTIN Alekseybeautiful!
3Ireland JONAITIS Jonisopa, nematyti vaizdai
3Polsko KOWALSKI Bartoszthx for this stage !!! it\'s fantastic !
3Česká republika MATTES Ondrejmy first time on this stage, never drive this before
3Russian Federation PANYUSHKIN EvgenyiNo risk
3Lithuania ROKAS Ravinskisstenograma, kazkur salia
3Polsko ZMYSLOWSKI Marcinunfair cfh
2Lithuania AUGUSTONIS Ignassafe temp
2Ukrajina BAKHTIN AlekseyPB
2Švédkso ERIKSSON Micaelcrash...
2Ireland JONAITIS Jonissaugiai
2Polsko KOWALSKI Bartosz2 spins and little crash ;/
2Česká republika KUBINI Vladimirklouze to
2Polsko LECKI Ariel:(
2Česká republika MATTES Ondrejsome mistakes
2Lithuania RALLY Gurutroubles from outside lost +-1 sec
2Lithuania ROKAS Ravinskisnesitikejau zvyro
2Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusKad ji kur velnias, kaip slidu
2Russian Federation SUHINOV Aleksandrholy shit thats a huge PB breakage from 10secs
2Polsko ZMYSLOWSKI Marcinspin
1Lithuania AUGUSTONIS Ignashello
1Ukrajina BAKHTIN Alekseykrusha...
1Švédkso ERIKSSON MicaelHi all :)
1Švédkso HENRIKSSON Urbanbig off. the car is bad now.
1Švédkso HULT TobiasHi all, good luck :)
1Ireland JONAITIS Jonishi all
1Russian Federation KOCHETKOV Antonhi all.
1Česká republika KUBINI VladimirHi ,,
1Lithuania LAPINSKAS RemigijusSveiki.Kabinau krasta ir verciausi,teko kviesti pagalba
1Polsko LECKI ArielHi.
1Česká republika MATTES Ondrejnot good, similar mistake as Ken Block on first stage :D
1Ukrajina RAEVSKIY SergeyCar is absolutely crashed :( Not good start of the race
1Lithuania RALLY Guruwithout risc
1Lithuania ROKAS Ravinskishi
1Lithuania SALTENIS ViliusHi. Some suspension damage
1Russian Federation SOLDAKOV Ilyapizdec)))))xa xa xa- tak raz*ebat* auto na 1 ge sy )
1Česká republika TOMECEK Liborhi all ! car total .!!!!
1Latvia USVILS KristapsFirst rally with manual gearbox, big spin in last corners, otherwise okey
1Česká republika VECERA Lukashi

Události na serveru
Nová trať:
  • Skalsko - Vinec
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Woliborz - Jodlownik

Nová trať:
  • Jodlownik - Woliborz
Nové tratě:
  • Witoszow - Zloty Las
  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018
Nová trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018

Rekordy / Ranky

Jak dlouho hrajete RBR?
1-2 měsíce
Hlasů: 11202 34.11%
6 měsíců
Hlasů: 3233 9.84%
1 rok
Hlasů: 3724 11.34%
2 roky
Hlasů: 3581 10.9%
3 roky
Hlasů: 3850 11.72%
Hned od vydání
Hlasů: 7251 22.08%

V anketě lze zadat pouze jeden hlas, ale nelze jej dodatečně měnit.