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Pohár RBR-CUP 2024
1.Polsko KORALEWSKI Mateusz617
2.Česká republika STEINER Pavel613
3.Česká republika PAULAT Stepan588
4.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš585
5.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin552
6.Česká republika ZBORIL Roman 1408

Pohár XRS
1.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš114
2.Česká republika VALENTA Lukas98
3.Česká republika BUJACEK Jakub76
4.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin69
5.Česká republika VALERIAN Vaclav68
6.Česká republika ZBORIL Roman 166

Nové soubory
RZ Skalsko-Vinec
RZ Kaczyce
RZ Woliborz - Jodlownik + Reversed
RZ Witoszow - Zloty Las + reversed
NGP 7.3 Fyzika

Car admin
KORAL Vaclav

VWRC 2010 - Rally New Zealand
Rally New Zealand - Next round for the Virtual World Rally Championship 2010. More infos on
3.5.2010 0:01 - 9.5.2010 23:59
RZ/SS 2 - SS 2 - Brooks
Výpis pro třídu (skupinu): A6
povrch nový a vlhký, špatné podmínky, poledne, průzračno, jasno
6.7 km
Vše / WRC N4 S2000 S1600 A8 A7 A6 A5 N3 H 
PředchozíNa RZ 2DalšíPo RZ 2

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Schovej komentáře jezdců
Na RZJménoKomentáře jezdců
11Slovinsko BLATNIK Primozmaybe i can grab myself a win here, but plenty of good drivers need to take this first.
11Francie BOULEZ Carlook we will see! good luck all!
11Česká republika CADA Ottobig mistake in watter =/
11Česká republika CECH MiraThanks for great Rally, Good luck all and IF GOGOGO
11Polsko CHROBAK Piotrone stupid mistake after finish stage ruined rally for me
11Slovinsko FELTRIN JernejFor me rally without cutting, but its very hard to drive these stages:) Thanx for fight guys, thanx to organizers and see you next time! Go Dennis!
11Germany FITTIG Hannesomfg
11Polsko FRAJDA Danielhard rally for me, i dont like japan stage
11Lithuania GREITAS VairuotojasOverrally mine situation fine, because I will get points.. that good news and second bad.. I in all hold rally only one or two stage droves in quite good rhythm and in the end I have no words how to say.. Thanks for rally, Ritter you also fast :)
11Croatia GRGURINA RobiBoring rally because of superally on the 1st stage.
11Švédkso HERNEHULT DennisNo cuts in rally. well driven Jernej! thanks organizer!
11Finsko HIRVELA TommiGood to finish the rally but I am also very lucky not to destroy my car when I spun. Congrats all finishers and class winners. Good fight with Justas and Rene! Thanks Joachim for your very hard work on VWRC!
11Finsko KALHOLA AnttiFor some reason I drove this rally with a mad max -attitude. Some nice off-road moments here and there, but the times aren\'t very good with this style. Well, let\'s see if it\'s enough for a podium. Thanks for the rally and good luck to those other bastards that try to win me.
11Polsko KIEROWCA Testowymany mistakes, Solberg Gooooo!!!
11Latvia KOKS MartinsI was driving just to the finish, absolutely no concentration and many mistakes.
11Česká republika KOZAK Jaroslavtohle je pro me super vysledek.Byla to narocna rally a mi jsme ji dokoncily a to ve slusnem case.Nemame se za co stydet.Dekuji za zavod.Thank you...:-)
11Slovinsko KRUH Gregorreally bad rally for me. it was terrible... if i didnt do any mistake my time is 3min better... i happy to finish
11Polsko KRUSZ PiotrMasa bledow i brak koncentracji
11Česká republika KUBINI Vladimirthanks for the race
11Finsko LINNA LassiNO interesting to drive, stages was so long
11Finsko MAKINEN Tommifucking battery broken, bad rally to me :( good luck to all! :)
11Polsko Michael KOWALCZYK srto za choragiewke; :)
11Česká republika MORAVEK JanI am glad I at the finish. My performance was terrible.
11Česká republika PLESNIK Martinpro me obrovska tragedie...projel jsem nechte mimo mezicas,tak jsem se musel vracet,tudiz ztrata pres 30 s a ztrata bodu...
11Česká republika PURGER RadekGreat rally
11Finsko PUTKINEN Rikui\'m very happy to be in finish after game tiltings and after game crashed. i was very nervous when i had to drive all stages again, before game crashed i didn\'t had any crashes..but it doesn\'t matter \'cos i didn\'t do mistakes even in second attempt :) thanks organizers and congrats finishers!!!
11Finsko REPO KimmoRally difficult to me because I do not like Japanese roads driving.Thanks to the organizer and good luck podium!
11Germany RITTER ReneGood luck all drivers! And Tommi i wish you good luck. see ya
11Japan RUKAWA Kyonok thanks for rally good luck all
11Slovensko RYBAR JanIt was great fight with Gregor Kruh.At first he did big mistake on SS4 and then I did same mistake on SS9...but on SS10 I pushed hard and overtake him with 5 the last one SS I did again big mistake but i kept my car on the weels so I am didnt lost too many.Super
11Česká republika SKALICKY Michalthanks for rally. It was really hard for me, but I have enjoyed it. Looking for next race. SRBRT goooo
11Germany STEINBACH LutzLet\'s see whether it is enough for a couple of points
11Česká republika SUDICKY Mirabad tyre choose, bad setup, bad feelings from racing
11Polsko SWIEZY Dawidgood rally for me:)
11Slovinsko TOMASSINI Kristijanah well.. better driving next time.. I hope..
11Slovinsko TOMAZIC SimonAfter a long time i made to the finish line with one CFH, and one spin! Happy for the points, but not so much for mistakes: D
11Finsko Topi HovinenWent wide at the junction. Thanks for organizing. I guess it was worth driving to the end. The times didn\'t match the ones I hoped but atleast I\'m sweating.
11Česká republika VALEK Vlastadnes to byla cerna sobota -dva zavody na japonskych tratich = dva debakly...nebyla zatacka,do ktere bych najel spravne....
11Česká republika VODICKA Petrno comment..
11Polsko WIKTOROWICZ Mateuszfatality
11Polsko WORYTKO Michalswietny rajd... ciezkie i dlugie przygotowania wreszcie owocuja... nigdy nie bylem kozakiem na szutrze jednak po wzieciu sie w garsc i trzymiesiecznym treningu sa tego efekty. Z Riku nie bylo szans jednak w tej rundzie toczyla sie walka miedzy mna i Piotrkiem ;-) Dzieki wielkie!
11Japan YOSHI Harukathx for the rally
10Švédkso Anders SVARDbroken radiator.
10Slovinsko BLATNIK Primoztyres are gone long time ago
10Česká republika CADA Ottooff-road =/
10Česká republika CECH Mira:-)
10Polsko FRAJDA Danieli dont remember this stage :/ off road many times
10Lithuania GREITAS Vairuotojasbig roll :(
10Finsko HIRVELA TommiNice drive Rene!
10Finsko KALHOLA AnttiHorrible driving.
10Latvia KOKS Martinsjust awful driving
10Česká republika KOZAK Jaroslavbyl jsem dvakrat venku.Souperi na spici jedou neuveritelnou palbu
10Slovinsko KRUH Gregori a lucky boy... with my damaged engine i see the finish line... ii drive slow... and now the last stage
10Finsko MAKINEN Tommibig roll after finish line :D
10Polsko Michael KOWALCZYK srno i po herbacie
10Česká republika MORAVEK JanMany mistakes. Three times off-road excursion...
10Finsko PUTKINEN Rikuwent wide in some places
10Germany RITTER Renewouuhh the last stage of the day... and i m so surprised what says the End result. And what do the other drivers Tommi Hirvela,Justas ma friend and Milan Ostrovsky? I don t know ok look what happens here.
10Česká republika SINDELAR Martasdesne to klouze
10Finsko Topi HovinenWell, was it a tulos or an ulos then? Neither one. Unless I\'m going to do the best time for the next stage with half a car as I lost the other half to the Sipirkakim finish area.
10Česká republika VALEK Vlastaporucha prevodovky pouze 3 procenta - a stejne se neda radit...vzdy 3s. ztrata
10Germany WINTER Svenno power, Head Gasket defect
9Česká republika BORKOVEC Jirkanoiker no tady to bylo jasni
9Česká republika CADA Ottocrash =/
9Polsko CHROBAK Piotrspin
9Polsko FRAJDA Danielfew mistakes
9Lithuania GREITAS Vairuotojasslowly
9Finsko HIRVELA TommiKeep pushing.
9Finsko KALHOLA AnttiA bit calmer approach this time but the drive wasn\'t good. I try to make some rain dance, but I guess it doesn\'t help very much in getting rain in the last stages.
9Latvia KOKS Martinshit the tree
9Česká republika KOZAK Jaroslavv zaveru jsem byl mimo trat ale jinak v pohode.Docela se divim jak dobre jedeme
9Slovinsko KRUH Gregorfuck bad bad bad temperatura is high fuck
9Česká republika MATOUSEK Vlastimilshit...
9Česká republika MORAVEK JanOne mistake! We went against a tree.
9Finsko PUTKINEN Rikuat least i tried
9Polsko SAWICKI Darekspin
9Česká republika SKALICKY Michaluff
9Polsko SWIEZY Dawidok
9Slovinsko TOMASSINI Kristijanthis stage is a mistery to me...
9Finsko Topi HovinenHeh, so it\'s the insanity that takes those couple of extra seconds that I\'m always losing. It\'s a pity that this kind of driving style doesn\'t fit to pressured situation. The law of physics and human mind.
9Germany WINTER Sveni think ZKD defect
8Česká republika BORKOVEC Jirkakrize jako blazen
8Lithuania GREITAS Vairuotojasouhc noo.. three times lose traction and went off to field...
8Croatia GRGURINA Robithe same old story
8Finsko HIRVELA TommiViolent finish and now car is not possible to fully repair.
8Finsko KALHOLA AnttiHeaded sideways towards trees, car in an angle of no return, and co-driver was making his last prayers, but a bank stopped the car before the trees and our happy journey could continue. Drove like a grandma to finish though after that and lost again a lot of time.
8Česká republika KOSTKA Lukasbad stage for me
8Česká republika KOZAK Jaroslavzatim zadny problem.Jedeme svizne a zajizdime i docela slusne casy
8Slovinsko KRUH Gregormistake
8Finsko MAKINEN Tommi3 roll
8Španělsko MARTINEZ Rubenmala pata.
8Česká republika MORAVEK JanI start making mistakes
8Finsko PUTKINEN Rikumistakes...i have driven 7 seconds slower than before request...
8Germany RITTER Reneyes runs very good now...
8Bulgaria SIMEONOV AntonVery disapointed :(
8Česká republika SKALICKY Michalradsi opatrne
8Polsko SWIEZY Dawidmistakes in first split
8Slovinsko TOMASSINI KristijanIt looks like I should use old setup... times are way more competitive than before... still I have to find more speed on gravel...
8Finsko Topi HovinenWent wide in last corners
7Finsko HIRVELA TommiSpinned and hit tree but only lost front bumber, huh.
7Finsko KALHOLA AnttiNearly rolled.
7Latvia KOKS Martinsups
7Česká republika KOSTKA Lukasit was slow
6Česká republika BORKOVEC Jirkamusim pridat
6Polsko FRAJDA Daniel?
6Croatia GRGURINA Robihit a tree again
6Finsko HIRVELA TommiTrying to push
6Finsko KALHOLA AnttiPushin\', getting ready for the fight, pushin\', getting ready for the fight.
6Latvia KOKS Martinsawful
6Česká republika KOSTKA Lukasa lot of mistakes
6Česká republika KOZAK Jaroslavspokojenost.Jedeme slusne tempo a souperi nam ted odpadli..
6Slovinsko KRUH Gregorbad
6Finsko MAKINEN Tommino comment
6Česká republika MORAVEK Janbadly :-(
6Finsko PUTKINEN Rikucarefully these shorter stages
6Finsko REPO Kimmohmm
6Česká republika SKALICKY Michaltak tohle byla prvni rz, u ktere jsem si rekl, ze zatahnu :-)
6Finsko Topi HovinenWell, it\'s a tulos or an ulos.
5Slovinsko BLATNIK Primozi\'m hitting trees way too often
5Česká republika BORKOVEC Jirkajedna chybycka co dokaze
5Česká republika CADA OttoOK
5Polsko FRAJDA Danielspin and lost many times :/
5Lithuania GREITAS VairuotojasYeah very tricky and narow stage.. I lose a one or more seconds to last sector :(
5Finsko HIRVELA TommiGearbox was not good for this stage.
5Finsko KALHOLA AnttiAgain a costly spin in Pirka and this time lost much more than in the reversed run. I really want to ruin my rally again in the most stupid places it seems.
5Slovinsko KRUH Gregorfuck my mistake in previous stage
5Finsko MAKINEN Tommijust driving
5Česká republika PETERA Jirka juna mam po srande.... pozde rozpis... \42nerez\42 az kdyz sem letel vzduchem
5Finsko PUTKINEN Rikuvirheita
5Polsko RAJEWSKA Justyna3
5Slovensko Ryan McKaneuj
5Finsko Topi Hovinendry tyres weren\'t a good choice at all
5Česká republika VALEK Vlastasetrvale problemy -nejde radit....cca 2-3 s. cekani na prerazeni..
4Švédkso Anders SVARDclose to disaster. glad to be here
4Slovinsko BLATNIK Primoza bit bumpy ride but no casualties :)
4Česká republika CADA Ottoafter servis OK
4Česká republika CECH MiraRespect
4Polsko FRAJDA Danieltoo slow
4Lithuania GREITAS VairuotojasAntti says true.. I hope mine too winning day :)
4Finsko HIRVELA TommiCrazy stage with wet conditions.
4Finsko KALHOLA AnttiSinging in the rain... You can lose or win a lot in conditions like this and it\'s hard to tell it beforehand. I hope this is the day for winning.
4Česká republika KOSTKA Lukasok
4Česká republika KOZAK Jaroslavjsem hodne spokojen neudelali jsme zadnou chybu a jedem docela rychle
4Slovinsko KRUH Gregorfuck fuck fuck, cfh, 2 offroads, crashed
4Finsko MAKINEN Tommiboring rally now, because i drive with 5min superrally penalty :(
4Španělsko MARTINEZ Rubenno good rally with wet tarmac,oh my god.
4Česká republika MORAVEK Jancareful
4Česká republika PETERA Jirka junmam chut rict neco, za co bych se dostal do cerne listiny.... snad jen .. blbej vracak... :( kurna kvuli temu takova ztrata.. slo by to rict i jinak... takze cus na dalsi RZ
4Finsko PUTKINEN Rikui should go faster
4Finsko REPO KimmoCrash :((((
4Slovensko Ryan McKanei crashed
4Bulgaria SIMEONOV Anton1 gear only for 7 km.
4Česká republika SINDELKA Robertzbytecne opatrna jizda,ale snazim se dokoncit
4Česká republika SKALICKY Michaljak si rikal kuldo, hlavne opatrne :-)
4Slovinsko TOMASSINI Kristijanno comment....
4Finsko Topi HovinenOkay, no fear of retirement anymore as I basically have no chances for points. Now it\'s just \42hmm, I have never tried to do that flatout on dry conditions. Now it\'s raining... Ok, let\'s see.\42
3Česká republika CADA Ottosmall acident in last kilometer, car is OK...nice stage =)
3Polsko CHROBAK Piotrcrash after finish stage
3Polsko FRAJDA Danieloff road, few spins, terrible
3Polsko FUZYNSKI Damianbad
3Finsko HIRVELA TommiVery slippery
3Bulgaria HRISTOV Ivaylobad time..
3Finsko KALHOLA AnttiHeavens opened now, the roads are flooding. But I like it, easier to make gaps if the stage goes well, easier to crash fatally as well unfortunately.
3Česká republika KOSTKA Lukasvery hard
3Česká republika KOZAK Jaroslavhodne tezke podminky
3Polsko KRUSZ Piotrrewelka
3Finsko MAKINEN Tommii can\'t belive that, battery went broken SS2 and i must retired :O bad luck :( but this stage went ok :)
3Slovinsko MEJAK Markowent off on every 90deg corner:S
3Česká republika PETERA Jirka jungreat
3Finsko PUTKINEN Rikui have to push hard
3Slovensko Ryan McKanenice
3Česká republika SINDELKA Robertto bylo dobry
3Česká republika SKALICKY Michalhrozna ztrata, ale na mokru proste musim opatrne.
3Česká republika SUDICKY Miraone crash
3Slovinsko TOMASSINI Kristijan:S
3Finsko Topi HovinenJust great. Worst drive ever for the pirka and then a wheel bug after the last tight right before the short uphill section. Well the car was found from the ditch after the bug. A slight hit to a tree caused the engine to break. Then chirdonhead II with many mistakes
3Latvia USVILS Kristapsvery slipy
3Finsko WILLMAN Oskariawful stage
2Polsko BIELECKI Mateuszzlamany zawias
2Slovinsko BLATNIK Primozspin
2Francie BOULEZ Carlook
2Česká republika CADA Ottoservis OK =) no problem
2Polsko FRAJDA Danieloff road :/
2Polsko FUZYNSKI Damianbad
2Lithuania GREITAS Vairuotojassometimes I had no grip with front tyres.. :(
2Česká republika HINGAR Janty kravo...takovej stromecek a on mi zastavi cely auto...a to jsem nejel moc rychle
2Finsko HIRVELA TommiDifficult conditions.
2Bulgaria HRISTOV Ivayloclean run
2Finsko KALHOLA AnttiHit a tree with the rear and spun. Lost quite many seconds unfortunately.
2Česká republika KOZAK Jaroslavpokusime se trochu zrychlit....
2Slovinsko KRUH Gregorbig offroad
2Finsko MAKINEN Tommispin last corner and car stop :O engine stop and broken?!?
2Česká republika MORAVEK Janone problem :-)
2Česká republika PETERA Jirka junI don\'t like this stage...
2Finsko PUTKINEN Rikumistakes
2Finsko REPO KimmoSpin
2Slovensko Ryan McKanevery good stage
2Česká republika SINDELKA Robertja ho nevidel, byl za sajtnou :-)
2Česká republika SKALICKY Michalje znat, ze neni trenink.
2Česká republika SUDICKY Miraone out need R
2Slovinsko TOMASSINI Kristijandry tyres would have been faster..
2Slovinsko TOMAZIC Simondo not have any luck with this VWRC :D
2Latvia USVILS Kristapsinteresting start of rally.
1Slovinsko BLATNIK Primozhi&good luck to all
1Česká republika BORKOVEC Jirkazdravim
1Francie BOULEZ Carloi \42m driving like my grand ma!!!
1Česká republika CADA OttoOK...
1Česká republika CECH MiraHallo
1Slovinsko FELTRIN Jernejhi all! Nice one Antti!
1Germany FITTIG Hannesspin
1Polsko FRAJDA Danielspin@1st split, many mistakes :/
1Polsko FUZYNSKI Damianok
1Lithuania GREITAS Vairuotojashey.. very worse rhythm from mine spot :(
1Croatia GRGURINA Robihit a tree
1Švédkso HERNEHULT Dennishi
1Finsko HIRVELA TommiHello VWRC fans! Long rally ahead. Lets see.
1Finsko KALHOLA AnttiQuite good grip but the head gasket is already slightly broken, car didn\'t have any power in the last corners.
1Česká republika KOSTKA LukasHi, I had one big problem here
1Česká republika KOZAK Jaroslavgood time:-)
1Slovinsko KRUH Gregorslow
1Česká republika KUBINI Vladimirhi all
1Polsko KUPCZAK Andrzejcfh
1Germany LESZCZYNSKI Joachimmany mistakes
1Finsko MAKINEN Tommihi, bad last split
1Slovinsko MEJAK Markodamn banners
1Česká republika MLEZIVA Jakubhey
1Česká republika MORAVEK Janhi all! :-) First stage was OK :-)
1Česká republika OSTROVSKY MilanHi. Only I can see the finish
1Česká republika PETERA Jirka junHi...
1Finsko PUTKINEN Rikualmost went off. sucks that i have to drive all stages again when my game crashed at ss9
1Finsko REPO KimmoHi all! Very bad start:( Crash in the second curve and car was stuck shut
1Germany RITTER ReneHello my friends... it would be a hard rally. In the last time i had some Problems at the rallys.
1Česká republika SINDELAR Martashaiii al
1Česká republika SINDELKA Robertjedna chyba,nez jsem se vyhrabal z lesa,ztratil jsem tak 10s
1Česká republika SKALICKY Michalhodne opatrny a pomaly zacatek.
1Polsko SLOWIAK LukasHi all :)
1Česká republika SUDICKY Mirahi all bad tyres
1Slovinsko TOMASSINI Kristijanbaaaad feeling...
1Česká republika TOMECEK LiborHi all !
1Finsko Topi HovinenStupid me. A wrong tyre choice and a frustrating spin. Bad way to start the rally...
1Česká republika VODICKA Petrhi
1Finsko WILLMAN Oskarilast junktion wide lost few seconds
1Česká republika ZABRODSKY Michalahoj

Události na serveru
Nová trať:
  • Skalsko - Vinec
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Woliborz - Jodlownik

Nová trať:
  • Jodlownik - Woliborz
Nové tratě:
  • Witoszow - Zloty Las
  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018
Nová trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018

Rekordy / Ranky

Jak dlouho hrajete RBR?
1-2 měsíce
Hlasů: 11201 34.11%
6 měsíců
Hlasů: 3233 9.85%
1 rok
Hlasů: 3724 11.34%
2 roky
Hlasů: 3581 10.9%
3 roky
Hlasů: 3850 11.72%
Hned od vydání
Hlasů: 7250 22.08%

V anketě lze zadat pouze jeden hlas, ale nelze jej dodatečně měnit.