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Pohár RBR-CUP 2024
1.Polsko KORALEWSKI Mateusz958
2.Česká republika STEINER Pavel924
3.Česká republika PAULAT Stepan864
4.Polsko KORZENIOWSKI Benek848
5.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš834
6.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin579

Pohár XRS
1.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš174
2.Česká republika VALENTA Lukas141
3.Česká republika VALERIAN Vaclav98
4.Česká republika BUJACEK Jakub86
5.Česká republika TOMECEK Libor83
6.Česká republika HRBACEK David71

Nové soubory
NGP 7.4 Fyzika
Pacenote Plugin
RZ Skalsko-Vinec
RZ Kaczyce
RZ Woliborz - Jodlownik + Reversed

Car admin
KORAL Vaclav

Official round. For more information visit the site Good Luck !
15.7.2010 0:01 - 20.7.2010 23:59
1234567  /    891011121314
RZ/SS 13 - Muhovo 2
Výpis pro třídu (skupinu): A5
povrch nový a suchý, dobré podmínky, poledne, průzračno, jasno
12.4 km
Vše / WRC N4 S2000 S1600 A8 A7 A6 A5 N3 H 
PředchozíNa RZ 13DalšíPo RZ 13

Sledovat turnaj živě

PředchozíDalšíSchovej mezičasy
JménoAutoTřídaPneumatikyMezičas 1Mezičas 2Cíl

Schovej odstoupené
JménoNa RZPopis / důvod
Argentina FAVIA Mikel8Havárie na RZ 8
Argentina Mateo Cometto8Havárie na RZ 8
Norsko HAGEN Simen Naess9Havárie na RZ 9
Srbsko SMILJKOVIC Stefan9Havárie na RZ 9
Polsko DOBROWOLSKI Mateusz11Havárie na RZ 11
Polsko GWIZDZ Marcin11Nenastoupil na RZ 11
Polsko BOGDANOWICZ Jurek11Havárie na RZ 11
Česká republika RESL Jan11Havárie na RZ 11
Norsko ROKLAND Steve11Havárie na RZ 11
Slovinsko MEJAK Marko13Havárie na RZ 13

Schovej komentáře jezdců
Na RZJménoKomentáře jezdců
14Latvia ABELE KristapsOk stage, ok rally. Some bad moments ruined my time a bit, but ... yeah, I liked the rally anyway. GO GO GO LATVIA!!!!!!!
14Polsko CEBULSKI JakubIt\'s amazing rally, I\'m very happy, all time must push very hard. I think it\'s my best rally in my career:D Grats for Ales, your drive in Sumburk was amazing; see you next time; GO Poland GO!!!
14Polsko CEBULSKI PrzemekAwesome rally:)POLAND GO!
14Polsko CHROBAK Piotrfinish. not happy. stupid mistake on first Sumbruk and CFH. Then crasch and spin and penalty for shortcutting on harpin left - but i didnt shorcutting at all. Best luck for Poland!!
14Španělsko CRESPO FernandoUn desastre de rally sorry Spain!!!!!!!!!!
14Španělsko D. Camposale
14Slovinsko FELTRIN JernejHvala organizatorjem in srecno vsem!
14Croatia Filip ANDYPoor driving in 2. leg, but Sumburku is new stage for me. There will be some points I hope.
14Portugalsko FRANCO PauloGood 2nd leg. Impossible to catch 4 guys in the S2000 class.
14Polsko GORALIK Lukaszco za lipa :(
14Croatia GRGURINA RobiLeg 2 went very well. It was tough competition this time, but I at least managed to beat Jernej :D. Good luck and see you next time!
14Portugalsko Helder FerreiraCongratolations Portuguese team...
14Švédkso HILLSTROM Roger RROffroad on last stage.....happy to finish this rally.....thx for rally.....GO SWEDEN GO
14Finsko HIRVELA TommiSpinned on last stage and lost maybe 10s. I hope to get some points for Finland. Nice and tough rally! Go Finland Go!!! :))
14Česká republika HOFFMANN JakubNice race :) :) / Super zavod , konecne se mi povedlo prorazit smulu a vitezstvi je jiste tk ze velka spokojenost , po dlouhe dobe s S1600 jsem si to naravne uzival hlavne sumburk , dik za nej CO CZECH GO , Milane , dovezl jsem to ae v S1600 , vysvetlim ti to na icq proc to tk je
14Russian Federation IVANOV Sergeyvse ravno dotoashil do finish a mashinky) na sumbah mngo poteryal( no glavno e finish! uda4nogo finisha nashim!
14Finsko KALHOLA AnttiCouldn\'t push hard enough in Sumburk and that ruined my battle for the top positions. Thanks for the rally anyway, happy that I could finish it.
14Russian Federation KARKACH AlexOk ! Thanks !!!
14Croatia KOKOTOVIC MiroslavFirts time Sosnova cost me with cfh and 3 wrong turns, but it was great fun and I finished anyway. GL to drivers and Gogogo Robi i Filip!!!
14Česká republika KULHANEK AlesJooooo je to tam...Body pro cechy uz jse jen sypou...:-D Auticko fungovalo naprosto bombasticky...super! Na Sumburku s timhle to byl zazitek...jeste ted mi busi srdce...mam radost! Go CZECH Go!!!
14Švédkso LINDBERG TommieOk i am happy with leg 2, gained a few spots. What really irritates me is the 15 sec penalty on Sumburk 1 (i think in the same corner as Piotr, noone of us did cut, but still getting a penalty..) Good luck for the SWEDISH drivers!!!
14Polsko LIZAKOWSKI Pawelgood rally for me, Ales, good driving!
14Finsko MAKINEN Tommifucking wheel....
14Španělsko MARZOA Juanmierda,un vuelco cuando intentaba ganar las dos posiciones que tenia a tiro...,me mato el tramo largo,estos se lo tienen trilladisimo...,la proxima vez sera...suerte a los que falten
14Slovinsko MEJAK Matejsome mistakes, but at least I finished :)
14Česká republika OSTROVSKY MilanOK, tady uz jen na dojeti. Snad to doveze i Jakub, to by pak bylo super... Je videt ze soutez i s jen 14RZ muze bejt velmi tezka, ale zaroven skvela.. Jsem moc rad za cil, ani sem to necekal, ze dovezu novou Fiestu do cile, je to snad poprvi ve velkem turnaji.. Go Czech Gooo..
14Španělsko PEREZ Estebani very happy my rallye.he bajado todos mis tiempos vomos spain.
14Česká republika PETERA Jirka juneverything was bad.... lot of mistakes in first runde..... that was very very bad.... GOOO CZECH WCN TEAM!!! a Davide... dej jim !! MITSUBISHI go on!
14Bulgaria PETKOV MiRosLavee pone zapazih 12ta poziciq sledkato na poslednata se udarih v guma i Kipna 4ainika :( :p
14Ukrajina PIDLUSKY Oleksandrbad rally for me. i hate tarmac...
14Polsko PODSIADLO Michali losdt everything on bissane and hradek :( could be good rally for me :(
14Bulgaria POPOV DanielI lost about minute and a half at day one, but I am happy to finish here at home.It could have been a lot more better, especialy if I didn\'t have this delay as I mentioned, but I look forward to the next rally!
14Finsko REPO KimmoOnce again destroyed the first day rally:( the second day without risk.Congratulations winners and thanks!
14Portugalsko RODRIGUES TiagoVery bad rally for me. Anyway, I think fighting against Goralik and Petera is very good for myself. This is the only positive goal for this rally.
14Norsko Roy Magnesat least I finished. lost between 4 and 5 minutes on sumburk alone. really hope this was the last time I see that stage in any rally...
14Japan RUKAWA KyonGood luck to all Thanks!
14Španělsko SACRAMENTO Ciprianook, i`m finish is ok,... goooooooooo Spain !!!!!
14Česká republika SEKERA Tomasten default je strasne prebrzdeny na zadek.Jakube paradni vykon gratuluji,ja lituji tech 15minut.zdar
14Slovensko SPISAK Pavolhu finish.... :) SLOVAKIA GOOOOOO :)
14Slovensko SPISAK Stefanok Finish ..... nice :) Kyon :)
14Germany STEINBACH Lutzam very happy to have this rally made it to the target...very hard
14Estonia Taavi Liivo1st finish in WCN :D
14Estonia Tarmo Paavelit seems it is possible to get some points after a childish mistake on leg 1. very difficult rally, but interesting.
14Ukrajina TKACHUK RuslanVery hard for me....
14Polsko TOMASZEWSKI MarcinThanks all ;)
14Polsko WELNA Lukasz0,08 :))) Super :) Poland GO!!!
13Latvia ABELE KristapsI hate the 1st 180 degree corner. The road ir f****** narrow and you have to brake in a corner. I approached the 180 left too fast, didn\'t manage to keep all weels on the road so I couldn\'t enter that corner, went sideways and I guess I hit a spectator with the rear end. c4h and plenty of lost time
13Švédkso Anders SVARDGot stucked in the bushes in a hairpin.
13Polsko BACZYNSKI Michaldemn :/
13Španělsko FERNANDEZ Javierfuck, one car for self. the car was very damaged.
13Polsko GORALIK Lukasz7:06 ! BAD :(
13Česká republika HOFFMANN Jakubvery safe :)
13Russian Federation IVANOV Sergeyblin, dejavu. tok teper ne pomosh a naezd, v 2h mentrah ot proshlogo cfh... neh tam zritelyam v shpilke stoyat\'
13Finsko KALHOLA AnttiWell, at least I got through it but the time is embarassing.
13Croatia KOKOTOVIC Miroslav2xwrong direction+cfh 50m before the finish
13Česká republika KULHANEK Alesuz mi to klouze...prodavam to...
13Finsko MAKINEN TommiJOO EI HELVETTI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! taa menee iha vituillee ku vaihteet pomppii KOKO ajan pienemalle , mista helvetista se johtuu!=?!!=!?!?!
13Hungary NYILAS Mihalyhmmm....hazai palya...
13Česká republika OSTROVSKY MilanOk, nekde pomaleji, nekde rychleji nez v druhem prujezdu... Kazdopadne, jak to chtel Roman Barta, tak na me tato RZ pusobi... s velkym respektem, pekne sem se zapotil...
13Polsko Pawel KaluschaW rowie :)
13Česká republika PETERA Jirka junI HATE MY YOUNGER BROTHER!!! I had big moment....
13Bulgaria PETKOV MiRosLav7mo vreme
13Norsko Roy Magnesif I have ever hated any stage it is this one
13Španělsko SACRAMENTO Ciprianototalmente a ciegas y dandome ostias por todos lados
13Bulgaria SLAVCHEV Krasimirtwo wheels are missing but everyting is ok :)
13Slovensko SPISAK Stefanok :)
13Estonia Taavi Liivobad crash, car seems to be ok though
13Estonia Tarmo Paavelstupid crash in an easy place, lucky to continue, car is damaged though
13Polsko TOMASZEWSKI MarcinOne mistake and lost 10 s.
13Polsko WELNA Lukaszw sumie ok
13Švédkso WENGBERG FredrikThis is fucking unbelivible, driving very safe and still hit a bridge in low speed and the car i stone dead.Realistic damage????.
12Latvia ABELE KristapsOhh, got lucky not to crash here. First I damaged the suspension somewhere and the car started to steer to one side. Then, in a fast corner, the car suddenly went sideways and slid some 100 m before stoppin\' in a ditch. Lost much time while gettin\' back on the road.
12Portugalsko Fernando Estevessorry Portugal Team, i\'m crashed too :(
12Polsko GORALIK Lukasz:(
12Česká republika HOFFMANN JakubMini crash but ok
12Finsko KALHOLA AnttiHalf spin.
12Croatia KORACA Vedranunbeliveble how slow am i today
12Česká republika KULHANEK Alesuz jsem spocenej zas jako kr*va...nemysli mi to...bral bych konec...
12Polsko LIZAKOWSKI Pawelok, service, and max attack!
12Finsko MAKINEN Tommitaa menee aivan vituillee... vaihteet pomppii itellaa pienemmalle esim 5 vaihteelt voi tippua 2 selle ja vauhti pysahtyy, aikaa menee.....
12Slovinsko MEJAK Markono clutch
12Estonia NOMM Timmunot good
12Polsko Pawel Kaluscha2 x spinex
12Španělsko PEREZ Estebanok go spain
12Česká republika PETERA Jirka junspin
12Bulgaria PETKOV MiRosLavbez mnogo riskove ;)
12Portugalsko RODRIGUES Tiagostupid spectactor... fuckkkkkkkkkkkk
12Norsko Roy Magneslost sight of the road in a fast bend and rolled
12Španělsko SACRAMENTO Ciprianopues no estaba tan mal pa las ostias que se llevo en el tramo anterior
12Estonia Taavi Liivook
12Estonia Tarmo Paavela costly spin in first split, had to reverse
12Švédkso WENGBERG FredrikHit a pole early in the stage and broke the radiator, had to drive very slow to get to the finish.
11Estonia AASALA Vahurtuhat vabandust meeskonna ees
11Slovensko BACENKO RadoslavSerem na to.
11Polsko BACZYNSKI Michalspin :/
11Švédkso BERGQVIST Tony RRFuck
11Portugalsko Carlos Estevescrashed again
11Bulgaria Chepilevski SteliyanBad
11Polsko CHROBAK Piotrcfh + crash + penalty for shotcut - idont know why :(
11Španělsko D. Camposando perdidisimo en este tramo.LOL
11Croatia Filip ANDYturistic driving
11Polsko GINTER Marcincfh ;(
11Polsko GORALIK Lukaszlewa noga na nonstopie :( BAD !
11Portugalsko Helder FerreiraPufffhhh... this sumburk...
11Česká republika HOFFMANN JakubRomane diiiky za tuhke super erzetu .) , jel jsem na dojeti , nechci to nekde tady vysekat , zatim to jde podle planu
11Russian Federation IVANOV Sergeyppc. c4h , esho i radiator probil...
11Finsko KALHOLA AnttiNot enough experience from this stage, just cruising.
11Croatia KOKOTOVIC MiroslavHAHAHA, but very nice stage
11Croatia KORACA Vedran-.-
11Česká republika KULHANEK Alestimhle autem LUXUSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! Pyrosi DIIIIIKYYYYY!!!!
11Švédkso LINDBERG TommieWTF?? I got shortcut penalty in a hairpin, but i had all 4 wheels on the road!?!
11Polsko LIZAKOWSKI Pawelomg crash!!!
11Ukrajina LOPUKHOV Aleksey(((
11Finsko MAKINEN Tommibig problems with G25 handgear 1 ->2 ->3 -> 2 1 N hmm...
11Španělsko MARZOA Juany aun llendo parado,me sali dos veces....,hacia mucho que no corria este tramo.
11Uruguay MAUTONE Josecar is heavily damaged
11Latvia MELGAILIS ArmandsLOTI ATVAINOJOS VISIEM RBR.LV man neatlika nekas ka nemt retire, neiet man ta debila sumbruk trase :@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ besi anfigaa ara blaviens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11Japan NEGI Blocktotemo hashiru jyoutai jya nai node retire shima~~su ...(T_T/~
11Česká republika OSTROVSKY Milanradsi opatrne
11Česká republika PETERA Jirka jun2 spins :( fu*K!!!!
11Bulgaria PETKOV MiRosLavgoood
11Norsko Roy Magnesfirst a minute wasted on faulty pacenotes, then 15 seconds for keeping to the road at one junction... I hope this is the last rally ever to include this horrible stage
11Španělsko SACRAMENTO Ciprianoperdi un minuto, ..pero no la posicion
11Česká republika SEKERA Tomasstrasne se mi to seka,jedu opatrne
11Estonia SEPP MarekPB :D had a head-on crash to the trees and nothing happened to the car. yet :D
11Bulgaria SLAVCHEV Krasimirlike Kortelov :)
11Slovensko SPISAK Pavolzajimavy ten stredny sektor
11Germany STEINBACH Lutzthe first time on this SS
11Estonia Taavi Liivook
11Estonia Tarmo PaavelPB, just 3rd time is see the finish of this stage
11Ukrajina TKACHUK RuslanDamage radiator...
11Polsko TOMASZEWSKI MarcinYou are fast Kyon
11Polsko WACH Tomek..
11Polsko WELNA Lukaszmega spokojna jazda z mysla o mecie
11Švédkso WENGBERG FredrikHit a spectator and lost much time.
10Estonia AASALA Vahurjust very-very-very safe
10Latvia ABELE KristapsAnd again I drive the stage almost cleanly but everyone\'s doing much faster stagetimes.
10Latvia ANDREJEVS Marekscrash boom bang
10Finsko ARO Ottojust cruising
10Slovensko BACENKO RadoslavNo nema to zmisel zase volanie divakov uplne onicom.Porazit ma ide nikdy sa mi toto nestavalo.
10Polsko BOGDANOWICZ Jurekpfff... pc pc pc... and spin
10Bulgaria Chepilevski Steliyanthis stages is new for me ,so I push realy hard my car and I thing is good times for driving just with pacenotes!
10Španělsko D. Camposvoy a lo que doy.
10Polsko DOBROWOLSKI Mateuszprobably that was last stage for me...
10Norsko Eskild Granheimnot good at all on the czech stages, they do not suit me well
10Polsko GORALIK Lukaszok
10Česká republika HOFFMANN Jakubgood run , not sumburk :)
10Croatia KOKOTOVIC Miroslavnext one for the first time, help me God :)
10Croatia KORACA Vedrantoo much problems
10Česká republika KULHANEK Alesno auto je maly wrco...
10Slovinsko MEJAK Markoterrible drive
10Slovinsko MEJAK Matejspin
10Latvia MELGAILIS Armandsnja zel pirmaja dopa ka noslideju kludas del no kraujas un autoamtiski cfh...pielika 40 vai vairak sekundes masina apdauzita albi ak turpinat vareju. seit atvilku 0.64 no rekorda tik ar sasistu auto, censos cik varu ceru ka top 10 noturesos
10Japan NEGI Blockroll over....orz 30min jya zenzen naoshikiren wa......(T_T
10Estonia NOMM Timmushit setup:S
10Česká republika OSTROVSKY Milantady sem nechtel zrusit auto, jel sem setup na Francii
10Polsko Pawel KaluschaSpinex :)
10Bulgaria PETKOV MiRosLavpurvite 3etapa s mnogo greshki i padane v pubklikata ;)
10Polsko PODSIADLO Michalnc
10Bulgaria POPOV DanielHead gasket on 8 percent :D The fix does not work on this beta version :/
10Finsko REPO Kimmohuh
10Norsko Roy Magnesok, did not notice that one rear damper was 100 damaged :S
10Japan RUKAWA Kyonoops
10Estonia Taavi Liivook
10Estonia Tarmo Paavelok for me
9Estonia AASALA Vahurway too much braking
9Latvia ABELE KristapsI liked the driving but I seem to be pretty slow :D
9Švédkso Anders SVARDno no no
9Finsko ARO Ottopk
9Polsko BACZYNSKI Michaluuuu :)
9Hungary BIRO Zoltani tried to hurry a little bit... and copied what Tommi did at Corsica \'01
9Polsko BOGDANOWICZ Jurekmany mistakes, something wrong with my pcu, i must check them after rally...
9Bulgaria Chepilevski Steliyanok
9Polsko CHROBAK Piotrvery hot on this stage
9Germany DEUBNER MarkWhat the hell.. i didnt hit anything but i have only the first gear now..
9Polsko DOBROWOLSKI Mateusz...
9Norsko Eskild Granheimsafe and good
9Portugalsko Fernando Esteveshappy with new controller :D
9Polsko GORALIK Lukaszslabo ;/
9Česká republika HOFFMANN Jakubvery bad driver :( , bud I am first :)
9Česká republika HRBACEK Davidhmmm, a dotahal jsem...
9Finsko Jari TALONENdestroyed car
9Croatia KORACA Vedranvery bad :/
9Česká republika KULHANEK Aleschybky...ale jedeme v klidku, takze je neresime a uzivame si po dlouhe dobe jizdu v Acku...
9Španělsko MARZOA Juanque llovera un poco?....xd
9Česká republika PETERA Jirka jun:)
9Polsko PODSIADLO Michaldaaamn!
9Bulgaria POPOV DanielLittle hit in the first split, cost me 2-3 sec
9Finsko REPO KimmoSHIT! crash and water pump broken.
9Norsko Roy Magnesok
9Slovensko SPISAK Pavol:)
9Estonia Taavi Liivook i guess
9Estonia Tarmo Paaveljust hopelessly slow
8Estonia AASALA Vahurnice trouble and riskfree run
8Latvia ABELE KristapsMaybe I drove too carefully, but I didn\'t want to take any risks on this stage.
8Finsko ARO Ottono grip
8Slovensko BACENKO RadoslavTak toto je sen na poslednej zatacke mimo a volanie divakov strata 1 minuta.Daco strasne.
8Hungary BIRO Zoltani don\'t know this one pretty damn much, in fact i rolled and needed a c4h
8Bulgaria Chepilevski Steliyanlet see!!
8Polsko DOBROWOLSKI Mateuszvery bad/nie mam motywacji...i tak Sumburka nie pojade ;(
8Švédkso ERIKSSON Micaelsafe..
8Norsko Eskild Granheimok, almost off at the end
8Slovinsko FELTRIN Jernejpozdrav vsem
8Portugalsko Fernando Estevesnow playing with a new playstation 2 controller ;)
8Česká republika HOFFMANN JakubHi , safe start , ahoj , chci dojet do cile :)
8Česká republika HRBACEK Davidprvni etapu jsem podelal, tak se snazim tahat hned ze zacatku...
8Croatia KORACA Vedranbad :S
8Česká republika KULHANEK Alesnikdo mi zada nekreje, tak bych chtel do CR privest par bodiku...takze na cas nekoukam...
8Polsko KUPCZAK Andrzejspiiin
8Finsko MAKINEN Tommiok
8Slovinsko MEJAK Markospin and lucky escape
8Latvia MELGAILIS Armandsdeebila kluda un pipec 40 sek pakaju
8Česká republika PETERA Jirka junok
8Portugalsko RODRIGUES Tiagook
8Norsko Roy Magneshardly toutched the trottle the final 2 minutes
8Slovensko SPISAK Stefannevadi... naskok mame slusny..... a naviac idem s kratkou prevodovkou
8Germany STEINBACH Lutzon it goes
8Estonia Taavi Liivook
8Estonia Tarmo Paavelway too careful
8Polsko WELNA Lukaszoby do mety
7Latvia ABELE KristapsOk, I\'m in the finish of day 1, that\'s n achievement in itself. I was afraid that driving on dry with wet tires would be nightmare, but it turned out pretty good. After those wet stages I finally felt some grip :D
7Švédkso Anders SVARDA bad day. 2 cfh and a lot of mistakes. Go Sweden !!!!!!
7Slovensko BACENKO Radoslav1x divaci takze strata 40 sekund.Uvidime sa v druhej etape.
7Švédkso BERGQVIST Tony RR2 spin and 4 off ... shittttt
7Polsko BOGDANOWICZ Jureklost time cause of stupid mistake, you subtract 15 seconds from my mistake on plane 2, and i were on lead. i hope for good day 2, and to survive on Sumburk. Do utre!
7Russian Federation BORKUNOV AlexanderNe ochen horosho proehal.
7Latvia CAGULS TomsGo Latvia Go
7Polsko CEBULSKI Przemekspin
7Bulgaria Chepilevski Steliyanis ok for the moment!!
7Polsko CHROBAK Piotrok good leg for me. Lost 5 sek on stage 3, and few small mistakes. Second leg will be much harder. GO POLAND
7Španělsko D. Camposgo Chedeeeeeey
7Polsko DOBROWOLSKI Mateuszvery safe last two stages, but good day for me, not bad times, is ok :) GO GO GO Poland Team :) /cisnac chlopaki:)
7Švédkso ERIKSSON Micael:) Good first leg for me, no misstakes and very safe GO SWEDEN GO
7Norsko Eskild Granheimdamn, lost the brakes early, impossible to get through
7Slovinsko FELTRIN Jernejsrecno vsem!
7Croatia Filip ANDYsome mistakes today, but I don\'t think I can keep up this way, since I never drive Sumburku before. GL to others ...
7Portugalsko FRANCO Paulo1 Leg finished and hope 2 leg can be the same! GOOOOOOOOOOO PORTUGAL!!!!!!!!
7Polsko GINTER Marcinbad!
7Polsko GORALIK Lukaszbad lost 20s ss5 :(
7Croatia GRGURINA RobiAlmost half a minute lost due to wrong tyre choice, otherwise it wasn\'t too bad.
7Polsko GWIZDZ Marcinok , first day after me . position is not good but lost time to leader is not big . Poland driver in wrc - good :) second leg is hardest ( sumbork ) . see to next day . Poland GO !
7Norsko HAGEN Simen Naessjaja... :(
7Portugalsko Helder FerreiraWell done...
7Švédkso HILLSTROM Roger RRoffroad and have to reverse back on track
7Finsko HIRVELA TommiAll went wrong with wet joux plane when I went a bit too wide to get that automatic call for help. Lets see how the second leg goes. Good luck all.
7Česká republika HOFFMANN Jakubnebyt te chyby mohl jsem byt prvni , takhle budu v druhe etape tlacit !! GO CZECH GOO
7Česká republika HRBACEK DavidOK, jsem spokojen. Hosi CZ pojdme na to! GOOOO!!!
7Russian Federation IVANOV Sergeyblin. ku4y vremeni poteryal na etom dope... vsem nashim uda4i vo vtorom dne
7Finsko KALHOLA AnttiLost a lot of time in this tyre roulette loop as the first stage was very slippery on inters. I don\'t know on what tyre the others were running but I would guess they had wets or otherwise I just drove the wet stage way too carefully.
7Russian Federation KARKACH AlexOk.
7Finsko KIRVESMÄKI Mikaelits okay but last stage really bad.
7Norsko Kjetil Moslattenok so far
7Croatia KOKOTOVIC Miroslavto many mistakes ...
7Croatia KORACA Vedranvery hard firs leg... but i\'m satisfied for now... gl to all
7Česká republika KULHANEK AlesTed jsem to prodal...Ale s prvni puli vice nez spokojen. Jsem jeste ted vyplesklej z toho jak to Acko funguje...Ze ja jsem u vas kluci nezustal...No ale uz jsem jednou rekl, ze Sadacky eNka zkusim vytahnout zase na vyslunni:-D tak uz to menit nebudu...Moc rad se s A8 svezu takhle obcas.Cesi pojdme!
7Švédkso LINDBERG TommieIt\'s been a great day, except for that crazy cfh on stage 5 =/ GOGO SWEDEN!!
7Polsko MACHNIKOWSKI Jakubhi all, my first rally in WCN. Some nervous driving on couple of first stages, but overall OK. I\'ve finished safely the first leg, hope it goes well in second leg as well :).
7Španělsko MARZOA Juanok,good leg,very happy...,buena primera etapa,sin correr riesgos,pero a ritmo alegre,a mi que caigan cuatro gotas me da la vida...xd,suerte spain!!!!
7Uruguay MAUTONE Joseterrible leg
7Slovinsko MEJAK Matejtoo bad for that false start on SS3 and that stupid cfh on SS5 :(
7Finsko Mike HonchoOnly last two stages went well, others were near disaster. Second day should be better.
7Japan NARU Kazumaok
7Argentina NUÑEZ Carlosok...good luck for team argwntina!!!
7Česká republika OSTROVSKY Milanmel sem za to ze se jede Liptakov... a na ty odnbocce sem si to valil rovne, byl sem rad ze sem za mlikem netrefil divaky... Tahle posledni sekce se mi vubec nepovedla... ale hlavne sem necekal ze ani dojedu prvni etapu, takze spokojenost, rozhodovat se bude na Sumburku
7Španělsko PEREZ Estebanok team spain
7Česká republika PETERA Jirka junhruza, zadny trenink, za minule 2 tydny jsem odjel tak akorad OLD, jeste k tomu na novym volantu... no proste HRUZA!! v 2. etape musim zabrat a jet bez chyb, jeste porad to moze byt bedna!
7Bulgaria PETKOV MiRosLavnai nakraq edin den da zavursha kato horata ;) 13posicia za sega
7Polsko PODSIADLO Michalengine turned off at harpain :(
7Bulgaria PONDEV Iskrenna maika mu putkata 2 zavoq predi finala :@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@
7Bulgaria POPOV DanielI am really mad because of the game puting me back on the road on SS5. Otherwise it was ok
7Estonia Rauno Ollemamany mistakes , 2 C4H
7Portugalsko RODRIGUES TiagoStupid mistake in stage 6. Went off and when I almost get back on road, CFH. Fu******
7Španělsko RODRIGUEZ AntonioGood first leg!!! Good luck!!! Vamos compaeros que en asfalto es donde mejor damos el callo!!! Bueno yo no pero vuzotru zi!!!! Dadle fuerte.. Animos Juha y Fer!!!!
7Norsko Roger Alexander Sandviknice
7Norsko Roy Magnesok run on this one, hope for a better leg 2
7Japan RUKAWA Kyongreat stefan!
7Španělsko SACRAMENTO Ciprianook
7Estonia SEPP MarekLost ca. 20 seconds on SS5, but otherwise good leg for me. Car is fixed also. Hopes are not high for 2nd leg though, I have only seen once the finish line of Sumburk :P So finish would be a great result already. Good luck to other drivers.
7Russian Federation SMIRNOV Alexy4to za blaaa....
7Slovensko SPISAK Pavolok finish :)
7Slovensko SPISAK Stefanokej auto v poriadku uvidime co dalsi
7Švédkso STIGH Mattias RRspin
7Estonia Taavi Liivostupid spin at the beginning of last stage overall, ok
7Polsko TOMASZEWSKI Marcin74 min on service area :( but it\'s not bad, becouse my suspension is damaged from last 5 stages. First leg is finished ,now I am waiting for second leg. Max attack on Sumburk!
7Polsko WELNA Lukaszpuknalem w drzewo 50m przed meta i zblokowalo skrzynie musialem wzywac kibicow ale jest meta bez sr na szczescie
6Estonia AASALA Vahurgood. invisible tree :(
6Latvia ABELE KristapsMay I have some grip please? :D Yeah, this rally isn\'t an easy cruising, one have to work hard to stay on the road and keep reasonable average speed.
6Švédkso Anders LINDBLADHCouldn\'t controll the car when i get into a corner and the car went offroad and hit a tree and the car died..
6Polsko BOGDANOWICZ Jurekit were much better to take wets, but now its too late...
6Norsko Eskild Granheima lot of close calls, but settled down in the end
6Polsko GORALIK Lukaszbad
6Polsko GWIZDZ Marcinlast stage , this is bad for me
6Česká republika HOFFMANN Jakubsafe
6Česká republika HRBACEK Davidale tak na tu hruzu...
6Finsko KALHOLA AnttiJudging from the times, most of the others are on wets. Hopefully the last stage isn\'t very short.
6Česká republika KULHANEK Alestak na tehlech sra*kach gumach jsem s mym zamcenym setem na sucho v prd*li...
6Slovinsko MEJAK Matejbad
6Česká republika OSTROVSKY Milanvelmi spatny, opet couvani
6Česká republika PETERA Jirka jun:::::
6Bulgaria PETKOV MiRosLavs gumi Interki sum :p
6Polsko PODSIADLO Michalsooo bad!
6Finsko REPO Kimmovittu mita paskaa
6Norsko ROKLAND Stevewent too fast in to a cornar....
6Norsko Roy Magnesspan halfway through
6Estonia Taavi Liivonext one will suck
6Polsko WELNA Lukaszspoko
5Estonia AASALA Vahurzhheee... after a scary off, went into complete cruise mode. tires are tottaly gone
5Latvia ABELE KristapsWoa, now talk about hard stages! This was extremely difficult. All the time I tried to go slowly and carefully and it felt like I could push a bit harder. But just as I tried to enter any corner a bit more aggressively, the car went like grip was equal to zero. Lucky to be in the stage finish :)
5Švédkso Anders LINDBLADHpuuh, this stage was pretty difficult. No big misstakes only very safe driving!
5Bulgaria AZMANOV Angel.totaled
5Švédkso BERGQVIST Tony RRfy faan
5Hungary BIRO Zoltani think i made the worst tire choice... i couldn\'t stop by the way, so it is over
5Polsko BOGDANOWICZ JurekI think it was not the best tyre choose right now :/ i couldnt keep the car on the road, and on downhill went out for 15 sec :/
5Polsko CEBULSKI Przemekbad drive
5Bulgaria Chepilevski Steliyan3 times out of road!!very sleepery!!!
5Polsko CHROBAK Piotrfew hot moments
5Španělsko CRESPO Fernandoun desastre de rally!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5Španělsko D. Camposdiosssss
5Germany DEUBNER Marksooo Bad Driving today :(
5Polsko DOBROWOLSKI Mateuszfew small mistakes
5Norsko Eskild Granheimwow, that was tricky
5Croatia Filip ANDYoff
5Polsko GORALIK Lukaszcrash 20s lost :(
5Croatia GRGURINA RobiI would have taken wet tyres if I new the stage.
5Polsko GWIZDZ Marcinfast rolls on first turn
5Finsko HIRVELA TommiWent wide but didnt hit anything and then automatic call for help...
5Česká republika HOFFMANN Jakubout track , lost 25 s
5Česká republika HRBACEK Davidnulova prilnavost, maximal drift!!! xD
5Finsko KALHOLA AnttiWrong tyre choice I\'m afraid, should have taken wets. Just no grip at all, no big offs.
5Polsko KAPITAN SebastianI choose bad tires + crash into people ;/
5Croatia KOKOTOVIC Miroslavspin+2xoff
5Croatia KORACA Vedranuff it was very tricky
5Česká republika KULHANEK Alesdvakrat tezce mimo trat..ale auto zatim zije...
5Švédkso LINDBERG Tommiecfh...
5Slovinsko LIPOVZ MarkoWhat a stupid mistake, dry tyres :(
5Polsko LIZAKOWSKI Paweltwo litle mistakes, but car ok
5Finsko MAKINEN Tommiplease don\'t put joux plane 2 in roadbook, it\'s fucking stupid stage! :D
5Slovinsko MEJAK Matejcfh and lots of understeer
5Švédkso NORDINS Tomastree hit, over and out
5Česká republika OSTROVSKY Milanposledni split sem podelal, absolutne bez gripu
5Polsko Pawel KaluschaNa nawrocie drzewo
5Španělsko Pedrero Guillermoa la mierda joder
5Česká republika PETERA Jirka junno a vsechna snaha je v p*deli! nenavidim mokro a joux plane!
5Polsko PODSIADLO MichalJernej - incredible time
5Bulgaria POPOV DanielI went little bit off the road and I was able to reverse and go back, but the game decided to put me back on the road :((
5Finsko REPO KimmoSmall hit and driver shafts and BRAKES out.
5Norsko Roy Magnesspin in the last section
5Japan RUKAWA Kyonspin onece I changed chicken run :)
5Česká republika SEKERA Tomaszase ,takova rana to nebyla.skoda
5Estonia SEPP Marekdrove off and lost a lot of time to get back on the road
5Slovensko SPISAK Pavolhu very hard
5Švédkso SVENSSON Kalledot get it wcn is no good for me crash all the time
5Polsko WELNA LukaszPolska :)
5Švédkso WENGBERG FredrikWent of the road and had big problems to get the car on the road again.Lost at least 30 seconds on that misstake.
4Estonia AASALA Vahura bit better, now tricky stuff - will go into cruise mode
4Latvia ABELE KristapsIt\'s gettin\' harder. either my tires are really wearing out or I\'m just pushing too hard in some places. It\'s also gettin\'harder to concentrate.
4Švédkso Anders LINDBLADHdamaged the left tyre and that made the car a little bit harder to drive but no big misstakes at this stage.
4Švédkso Anders SVARDThe servicecrew had a lot of work. Did not finish everything.
4Bulgaria AZMANOV Angel.spin again
4Švédkso BERGQVIST Tony RRspin
4Hungary BIRO Zoltanwell, not so bad, but in the end i had no grip
4Polsko BOGDANOWICZ Jurektoo much tyre wear...
4Latvia CAGULS Tomsengine stoped
4Argentina Cardano Matiasun desastre
4Španělsko CASTRO Jesushemos regalado 30 sg entre esta etapa y la anterior por ir con el coche destrozado
4Bulgaria Chepilevski Steliyanalt of road
4Polsko CHROBAK Piotrsome problems on last 2 stages, but ok
4Španělsko CRESPO Fernandoufffffffffffffffffffff
4Španělsko D. Camposva grrrrr
4Polsko DOBROWOLSKI Mateuszbad
4Norsko Eskild Granheimbetter now, but I am careful
4Polsko GWIZDZ Marcinis very hot :D lost 3-4 sec
4Finsko HIRVELA TommiNo confidence to push
4Česká republika HOFFMANN Jakubgood run for me but small gryp
4Česká republika HRBACEK Davidajajaj... v lese jsem dostal smyk a bokem auta jsem narazil do stromu. nastesti jsme prisli jen o dvere a zbytek auta je cely...
4Španělsko IGLESIAS Diegovaya, me equivoque completamente de curva, entre a morir, y era cerrada
4Finsko KALHOLA AnttiDifficult tyre choice ahead.
4Polsko KAPITAN Sebastianwith mistakes ;/
4Latvia KLEVS Janislabi ka repairzona bija citaadi bija smagi peedeejaa splitaa ielidoju vienaa no elkonjiem kokos
4Croatia KORACA Vedrancar problems :S
4Slovinsko KRUH Gregorfuck... go slovneci dajmo xhair aka janko bolcina zmagaj s20000000
4Česká republika KULHANEK AlesAjaj Martas je out...takze zvolnujeme a jedeme za Cechy...
4Polsko KUPCZAK Andrzejspin
4Polsko LIZAKOWSKI Paweltwo big mistakes
4Bulgaria LUBOMIROV Lubomirterible terible... I had the oportunety to be in top 20 at day 1....DAMN!
4Finsko MAKINEN Tommiwent off, ei tasta tuu nyt yhtaa mitaa , ajamalla jaahaa noi vitusti, noh ei voi mitaa... deflaut setups...
4Španělsko MARZOA Juanjoder...,se me volvio a apagar en el mismo sitio...
4Latvia MELGAILIS Armandskarsti iet...daru ko varu eju uz riska otro dopu pec kartas
4Estonia NOMM Timmuspin again
4Švédkso NORDINS Tomastree and barrel hit
4Finsko NOUSIAINEN AnttiJust a smaller than small touch to the commercial fence at full speed -> 3 correction moves and down from that cliff and everything broken. Tarmac with bad setup is always like this.
4Argentina NUÑEZ Carlosok
4Česká republika OSTROVSKY Milannejak ztracim dech... to dela ta opice po vcerejsi kalbe
4Portugalsko Pedro Melãothe car is not ok
4Česká republika PETERA Jirka junbad
4Bulgaria PETKOV MiRosLavBasi samo mai Az karam PEuGeoT
4Polsko PODSIADLO Michalive broken suspension in last split
4Finsko REPO KimmoSpin
4Norsko Roy Magnesbetter again, and now an even more repaired car
4Estonia SEPP Marektyres are wearing out. now it will get interesting.
4Germany STEINBACH LutzCould not all the parts go on the car
4Švédkso STIGH Mattias RRspin
4Švédkso SVENSSON Kallemisstake all the time
4Polsko TOMASZEWSKI MarcinSome damages at suspension :( now it\'s high to drive straight
4Norsko Tor Anders Bervenin to the wooden rails
4Polsko WELNA Lukaszznowu dzwon ale jade dalej
4Švédkso WENGBERG FredrikSpin in a hairpin and had to reverse a couple of times.
3Estonia AASALA Vahurtried to push a bit, but made some mistakes
3Latvia ABELE KristapsOhhh... I pushed much harder than the previous time, but got only 2 sec off my stagetime. How can that be?! Well, maybe it\'s the tires, it felt like I was losing grip in the second half of the stage.
3Švédkso Anders LINDBLADHBig misstake just before the 1 split, I lost the grip and I nearly hit a tree in a very high speed. I was a little bit lucky there. The car understeers pretty much in some corners : /
3Švédkso Anders SVARDoh no. rolled and cfh
3Bulgaria AZMANOV Angel.a little damage on the car but ok
3Slovensko BACENKO RadoslavA je to v riti pomoc divakov uplne zbitocne.
3Polsko BACZYNSKI Michalfalstart :/
3Hungary BIRO Zoltanalmost crashed out three times
3Polsko BOGDANOWICZ Jureklol, so slippery on 3rd stage. plugin sucks...:/
3Španělsko CASTRO Jesustocamos con un talud, y doblamos las ruedas de ese lado, el coche nos hace estraos en las zonas rapidas , a ver si escapmos sin SR, aun asi solo empeoramos 5sg
3Polsko CHROBAK Piotrsmall crash - lost 4-5 sek
3Španělsko CRESPO Fernandoestoy ahsta los cojones de correr en
3Španělsko D. Campos:(
3Polsko DOBROWOLSKI Mateuszhot after finish
3Norsko Eskild Granheimgood, 10 secs faster this time around
3Norsko HAGEN Simen Naessfaen
3Finsko HIRVELA TommiLoosing some grip with tyres
3Česká republika HOFFMANN JakubI think that ok but mistakes
3Česká republika HRBACEK Davidnejak mi to uz nejede nebo co...
3Finsko Jari TALONENroll = cfh = BIG BIG BIG Steering problem = 20 sec time loss
3Česká republika JILEMNICKY MartinI hate this car ! Very very small crash and K.O. !
3Finsko KALHOLA AnttiWent wide in a fast corner and had a nasty impact with the barrier.
3Croatia KORACA Vedrantoo safe
3Slovinsko KRUH Gregorspined and short gearbox
3Česká republika KULHANEK Alesto je mi zdalo, ze jsem v plno zatackach rychlejsi...a cas videt, ze ja uz proste kdyz taham a jedu \42muj\42 doraz, tak jsem asi za limitem a na cas to neni...maximalne tak pro divaky...:-D Ale aspon jsem si ted zazavodil a zjistil jsem, ze lepsi nejsem,takze jedeme zase pohodick
3Bulgaria LUBOMIROV Lubomirstupid mistake with this fallstart...
3Finsko MAKINEN Tommitarmac isn\'t my thing
3Estonia NOMM Timmushit
3Švédkso NORDINS Tomasspin
3Finsko NOUSIAINEN AnttiMuch better feeling than on first time.
3Bulgaria PAUNOV Miroslava spin
3Portugalsko Pedro Melãook
3Česká republika PETERA Jirka junjedu co to da
3Španělsko Rodriguez Andresno me jodas... lo de siempre.... pero con mas mara leche q nunca... joeeeerrrr... vaya putadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....
3Norsko Roy Magnesno accidents this time
3Španělsko SACRAMENTO Ciprianosame again
3Estonia SEPP Marekdriving on 2 wheels for some seconds, lets see how long the luck lasts
3Srbsko SMILJKOVIC Stefanhahahah you all must see replay :D
3Španělsko SOUTO Diegoq l den x el puto culo estoy hasta los cojones dl puto juego chss
3Švédkso SVENSSON Kallestill no good
3Estonia Taavi Liivook
3Polsko TOMASZEWSKI MarcinLittle mistake and 12 s. lost
3Australia Tony Hutchinsum
3Norsko Tor Anders Bervenrolled and lost a minute again...:(
3Polsko WELNA Lukaszok
2Estonia AASALA Vahurjust getting familiar with the car
2Latvia ABELE KristapsOh, guys, how can you drive so fast? :D However, I\'m ok with my result, did a clean run.
2Švédkso Anders LINDBLADHsafe driving, I don\'t want to take any riskes. Did some small misstakes in some hairpins..
2Finsko ARO Otto2xspin
2Bulgaria AZMANOV far so good
2Hungary BIRO Zoltana spin, and i had to go turn back
2Polsko BOGDANOWICZ JurekI really miss split screens...
2Latvia CAGULS TomsPlease chek this track about cutting
2Portugalsko Carlos Estevescrashed into a tree at 600m of the end!!!
2Bulgaria Chepilevski Steliyanspin
2Španělsko CRESPO Fernandoun desastre!!!!!!!!!!
2Španělsko D. Camposk kome sta gente oh...
2Norsko Daniel Woldenok :)
2Norsko Eskild Granheimgood stage
2Polsko GWIZDZ Marcinmany mistakes
2Česká republika HOFFMANN JakubOK zatim bez chyby , zvykam si na auto :) tempo je vysoke
2Česká republika HRBACEK DavidOK
2Španělsko IGLESIAS Diegojoder el Campos!!
2Česká republika JANAC Ondrejgood
2Česká republika JILEMNICKY MartinFalse start = FUCK !
2Finsko KALHOLA AnttiLots of fours in that time.
2Croatia KORACA Vedranok
2Slovinsko KRUH Gregorbig mistake, lost many times and damaged my suspensom
2Česká republika KULHANEK Alesno tvl...po takovy dobe a takovy casy? To nechapu...a to tady mam 32 stupnu, takze se sotva hejbu a jedu si pohodicku...
2Estonia LIIVAK Jarmospinn
2Finsko LINNA Lassifucksake, SO HOT IN FINLAND
2Finsko MAKINEN Tommiok
2Španělsko MARZOA Juanse me apago en la bajada...
2Finsko NOUSIAINEN AnttiThis setup is not so good for hairpins, i think.
2Bulgaria PAUNOV Miroslavok
2Portugalsko Pedro Melãolets go
2Bulgaria PETKOV MiRosLavdobre e brq s s4upena kola 19to vreme ;)
2Germany RITTER Renewe lost to many at the stage before.
2Španělsko Rodriguez Andresme comi la ultima curva... pero bien... asegurando...
2Norsko Roy Magnesfrom the next stage all 4 wheels will be straight again...
2Španělsko SACRAMENTO Ciprianoroll grr
2Estonia SEPP Marek2 close calls, this time I was lucky
2Srbsko SMILJKOVIC Stefannot good but still in the game
2Slovensko SPISAK Stefanhu
2Švédkso SVENSSON Kalle2 spins
2Estonia Taavi Liivook i guess
2Estonia Tarmo Paaveltoo many small mistakes, especially in hairpins
2Norsko Tor Anders Bervenlost a minute on a roll...:(
2Polsko WELNA Lukaszjak na stan auta to super :) Mechanicy ogarneli co trzeba
1Estonia AASALA Vahurfirst drive in s2000 car :)
1Latvia ABELE KristapsOk.. So, this stagetime is a bad stagetime. I guess I\'ll have to push harder.
1Švédkso Anders LINDBLADHvery nervous driving! Thought the time should be better...
1Finsko ARO Ottook start
1Bulgaria AZMANOV spin
1Česká republika BAYER JiriCo dodat???? podelat to hned v 1 rz je chujovina 1 tridy :-(( omluva tymu
1Hungary BIRO Zoltanmany mistakes, but i was lucky
1Polsko BOGDANOWICZ JurekHi, good and careful start for me. I want to feel in my new panoramic screen i bought today, so i started the rally after only 3 test stages, so it will be funny now ^^ PS: my grandfather is bulgarian :D
1Germany BRUHY Frankonly 3rd gear after crash
1Argentina BRUSASCA Juanufff
1Česká republika BUJACEK Jakubno super....
1Polsko CEBULSKI Przemekhi, big off in last split;/
1Norsko Daniel Woldenbad :(
1Polsko DOBROWOLSKI Mateuszok
1Švédkso ERIKSSON MicaelHi, don,t like tarmac, very safe...
1Norsko Eskild Granheimok, clean stage
1Slovinsko FELTRIN Jernejpozdrav vsem!
1Croatia Filip ANDYpuff
1Croatia GRGURINA RobiHello everybody!
1Polsko GWIZDZ Marcinok
1Portugalsko Helder FerreiraFalse start...!!! stupid
1Finsko HIRVELA TommiHi all RBR fans. Let\'s see if Finns can do anything on sealed surface...
1Česká republika HOFFMANN JakubHi , musim to jet znova s S1600 tak uvidim jak mi to pude , hlavne dlouho jsem stim nejel tk ze nemam jistotu :(
1Česká republika HRBACEK Davidahoj, zacatek opatrne...
1Česká republika JANAC Ondrejhi
1Finsko Jari TALONENvery bad
1Srbsko JEVTIC Ivanagain after 6 month
1Česká republika JILEMNICKY MartinHi. Many mistakes bad start for me.
1Finsko KALHOLA AnttiHello, difficult rally ahead.
1Polsko KAPITAN Sebastianhi everyone ;){
1Croatia KORACA Vedranhi all ... very safe start
1Slovinsko KRUH Gregorhi, no trening
1Česká republika KULHANEK Alespo mesici a pul jsem sednul z eNka do Acka...a normalne slintam jak tady vsechno funguje...normalne mam hubu od ucha k uchu...tak tohle si vazne uzivam...jel jsem si pohodicku, ani jsem netrenoval...nechapu ten cas...Takze tohle si budu uzivat...tady at zavodi Martas...
1Polsko KUPCZAK Andrzejspin
1Estonia LIIVAK Jarmocarefully
1Švédkso LINDBERG TommieHi guys! Ok start, just continue from here :)
1Finsko LINNA Lassispinned 2 times
1Polsko LIZAKOWSKI Pawelnoo good/ hi all
1Finsko MAKINEN TommiHi, ok start
1Slovinsko MEJAK Markook
1Portugalsko MENDES Markes360
1Brazil MORALES GabrielRolled over
1Finsko NOUSIAINEN AnttiCareful start, specially first sector. Skipped shakedown :)
1Česká republika OSTROVSKY Milanhi
1Bulgaria PAUNOV Miroslavhi all :)
1Bulgaria PETKOV MiRosLavda eva otyrvah kojata tuka
1Estonia RAHUMEEL AndreVery very slippery.. damaged radiator too..
1Estonia Randmae Imrespinn
1Švédkso RasmusHARRSTROMto safe
1Finsko REPO KimmoHi all! Safe start
1Česká republika RESL Janhi.
1Germany RITTER Renedamn the setup is very shit...
1Španělsko RIVAS Diegome comi un arbol de frente a 190
1Španělsko Rodriguez Andreshi hola.. Espana Champions de world...jeje amos aya...
1Norsko Roy Magnesin the words of James May - cock... :P
1Japan RUKAWA Kyonhi guys
1Španělsko SACRAMENTO Ciprianohi all
1Česká republika SEKERA Tomashi
1Estonia SEPP Marekhello. damn hot to drive :) finishing this rally would be great, not really a fan of tarmac.
1Slovensko SPISAK Pavolhi
1Slovensko SPISAK Stefanhi
1Germany STEINBACH LutzTotal scrap Car
1Švédkso SVENSSON Kalleoff
1Estonia Taavi Liivotooo careful
1Estonia Tarmo Paavelspun and lost lot of time
1Australia Tony Hutchinsbad
1Norsko Tor Anders Bervenok
1Polsko WACH Tomeki po rajdzie dla mnie juz :(
1Polsko WELNA Lukaszdzwon na ostatniej drewnianej barierce :(
1Švédkso WENGBERG FredrikHi all, very safe and slow start, need to get to finish in this rally.
1Finsko WILLMAN Oskarione big mistake

Události na serveru
Nová trať:
  • Skalsko - Vinec
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Woliborz - Jodlownik

Nová trať:
  • Jodlownik - Woliborz
Nové tratě:
  • Witoszow - Zloty Las
  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018
Nová trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018

Rekordy / Ranky

Jak dlouho hrajete RBR?
1-2 měsíce
Hlasů: 11294 34.27%
6 měsíců
Hlasů: 3234 9.81%
1 rok
Hlasů: 3732 11.33%
2 roky
Hlasů: 3584 10.88%
3 roky
Hlasů: 3852 11.69%
Hned od vydání
Hlasů: 7256 22.02%

V anketě lze zadat pouze jeden hlas, ale nelze jej dodatečně měnit.