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Pohár RBR-CUP 2024
1.Polsko KORALEWSKI Mateusz752
2.Česká republika STEINER Pavel736
3.Česká republika PAULAT Stepan678
4.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš615
5.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin579
6.Polsko KORZENIOWSKI Benek551

Pohár XRS
1.Česká republika BURIÁNEK Tomáš114
2.Česká republika VALENTA Lukas98
3.Česká republika BUJACEK Jakub76
4.Česká republika BUJACEK Martin69
5.Česká republika VALERIAN Vaclav68
6.Česká republika ZBORIL Roman 166

Nové soubory
RZ Skalsko-Vinec
RZ Kaczyce
RZ Woliborz - Jodlownik + Reversed
RZ Witoszow - Zloty Las + reversed
NGP 7.3 Fyzika

Car admin
KORAL Vaclav

WCN Rally Sweden 2012
6.3.2012 0:00 - 12.3.2012 23:59
1234567891011121314  /    15161718192021222324
RZ/SS 19 - Lesjofors 1
Výpis pro třídu (skupinu): N3
povrch nový a suchý, dobré podmínky, dopoledne, mlhavo, polojasno
7.7 km
Vše / WRC N4 S2000 S1600 A8 A7 A6 A5 N3 H 
PředchozíNa RZ 19DalšíPo RZ 19

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PředchozíDalšíSchovej mezičasy
JménoAutoTřídaPneumatikyMezičas 1Mezičas 2Cíl

Schovej komentáře jezdců
Na RZJménoKomentáře jezdců
24Estonia AASALA VahurSecond leg was alot better, found some good speed. However - C4H ruined everything. Go Estonia
24Švédkso BERGQVIST Tony RR:(
24Latvia CAGULS Tomssorry Latvia TEam for my bad start
24Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivansorry for team)) Big service and SR after each SS - Its not real rally...its not my((( GL for all!! RUSSIA - GOOoooo!!!
24Russian Federation CHIROKOV VladimirOK!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUSSIA GO-GO-GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
24Polsko CHOROBIK Dawidvery bad rally for me, GL, Poland Go !
24Polsko DOBROWOLSKI Mateusz1st day was ok but 2nd was better, 1 spin and 10 s lost. GO POLAND :)
24Švédkso ERIKSSON MicaelNice =) Thx for rally Go Sweden GO!!!
24Estonia FJODOROV Marekkurva :))))
24Česká republika FRISTENSKY Jiriok, mohlo to byt o jeden flek lepsi, ale to je fuk, tak treba priste to vyjde. CZ gogogo
24Polsko GORALIK LukaszDimitry very good :) King snow :) Thenks for all
24Lithuania GRICIUS Vytautasfinis////////////
24Portugalsko Helder Ferreiraone litle mistake...makes all the diference...10m to the finish line on the 1st PekloII...
24Švédkso HILLSTROM Roger RRtoo many mistakes and bad driving on second leg......happy to finish in a so good position.....thx for rally and see you on next....go SWEDEN !!!
24Polsko Hubert KLOCI\'m really happy to be on the finish. Thanks for the great rally. GO POLAND!
24Germany Huesken Arethx and good luck All
24Česká republika KALA LudvikGo CZECH
24Estonia KANGRO AnttiVery good race for me, was a bit too shy on the first leg. But couldnt catch Alex in the second leg either, he is quick and i had some stupid mistakes when i started pushing. Job well done by Estonia!
24Polsko KLIMAS Adrianfatal day for me, car is destroyed so happy to be on the finish. Hope score good points for POLAND !!! GO POLAND!!!
24Ukrajina KOSTIN Dmytrofinish
24Polsko KRUSZ PiotrWielka szkoda ze zalapalem SR podczas I etapu, bo bylaby walka o pudlo. A tak tylko 16 miejsce w klasie, ale i tak udalo sie awansowac z 22 miejsca.
24Lithuania KULIKAUSKAS Robertasbad. Many spins andone crash
24Russian Federation KURENKOV AlexSorry(((
24Ukrajina KUZMINOV Alexandergood.
24Švédkso Leif BACKLUNDclean leg, thanks for a fun rallye!
24Estonia LIGUR JannoGood 2nd leg. GO ESTONIA!
24Švédkso LINDBERG Tommiesecond leg is great except the roll on pprevious stage. should be enough for top 5, maybe podium :) GO SWEDEN!!!!!!!
24Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisOh god, what happened to Hannes????! I don\'t believe he made a mistake, maybe it\'s just a pc problems? Oh well, I really don\'t feel like a winner, Hannes deserved it in that rally for sure. Estonians made a very tactical win today. Congratz to them!! :) Good luck to lithuanians and CYA next time!
24Polsko LIZAKOWSKI PawelScandinavian drivers so very very good! I need lesson. The best surface, the best drivers. Thnanks for battle, bad rally for me
24Russian Federation LOGINOV SergeyRUSSIA VPERED!!!!!
24Ukrajina LOPUKHOV AlekseyOk! Good rally!!! :)
24Russian Federation LOTOV Dmitryss15 big crash...cer demage!!!!((( leg 2 lost time >25sec...Russia go go go!!!
24Estonia MÄESTU Indrekmade 1 mistake on 2 leg. otherwise not happy with tire rules.
24Estonia MÄGI Martinsmall crash, good rally for me but last three stages were quite bad
24Česká republika MORAVEK JanVery goor race for me :-) Small mistake on SS23. GO CZECH team GO!!!
24Estonia NOMM Timmubad result
24Švédkso NORDINS Tomasno more then minor mistakes this leg. GO SWEDEN !
24Hungary NYILAS Mihalygood snow rally.....8x wersme...... gratultion !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4faszkalapok!!!!!!!!!!4
24Česká republika NYVLT KarelCZ GOGOGO!!! -1point for this rally
24Španělsko ORTIZ JorgeBad rally for me, at the begining of the leg, I didnt knew how to drive in snow, I had forgotten !!!! Go Spain !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
24Česká republika PETER Marekwcn organizers... Bye bye, never ever...
24Estonia PINTS KristianCame here to race, and i didn\'t expect anything. Came out that I had a really good feeling with the car and with the studs. I\'m really happy about the result and definately the best result in my RBR history. See you all in Mexico!!! Good job from my team, Go ESTONIA :)
24Estonia PRANTS Kristoyeah, Well done, Go ESTONIA!!!!, Im sorry for Hannes, we lost some extra points.
24Česká republika SEKERA TomasHonzo prvni jsem to podelal a pak uz to neslo.urco se propadnu,ale jsem v cili a to se pocita a body taky budou.drz se.GO CZECH rules
24Estonia SEPP MarekTactically perfect rally. Without big risks and excessive pushing. Secured strong points for Estonia. Good luck to other Estonian drivers, especially Hannes and Kristo for the 2nd leg :)
24Germany STEINBACH Lutzthe end ...
24Česká republika STEINER Paveltak ja jsem druhou et uplne pos...skoda ..kluci jeli jste famozne GO CZE GO
24Lithuania SVAJUNAS Budrapbgio
24Estonia Tarvo Allmeretodays main goal was to get past alex mikulka and i did that. so i have to be happy with this :) see you next time nd hopefully i\'m even faster on gravel then i\'m on snow - at least in the past i was :P
24Estonia TIITS Heikkokuradi haige katse see versme
24Russian Federation TOKBULATOV Antonwow! It\'s fantastic, 24 SS, no big mistakes, nearly 30 sec lost for the whole rally, but it\'s impossible to flat out without mistakes ))
24Estonia TORN Janoveeeer :D
24Russian Federation VISHNYKOV IlyaFinish .
24Ukrajina VOLKOVICH AlexanderOK!!!
23Estonia AASALA Vahurpace is actually really good, and still safe. Very sorry for the 3x c4h - it could of been so much better result
23Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivannot good, but realy hard
23Polsko DOBROWOLSKI Mateuszspin. lost 10s
23Švédkso ERIKSSON Micael.....and the victory cigarr is un wraped... =)
23Polsko Hubert KLOCI fighted with the car .
23Estonia KANGRO Anttispun off and got stuck in snow, lost 10 sec, but good job from tarvo!
23Ukrajina KLEVATSKIY DmitryWCN I hate you
23Ukrajina KUZMINOV Alexanderi could find better setup for this snow, but too late (((
23Švédkso LINDBERG Tommiefuck rolled, lost 10s
23Russian Federation LOTOV Dmitryspinnn
23Estonia MÄESTU Indrekslow
23Estonia MÄGI Martinagain spin
23Estonia NOMM Timmuiniemsed...
23Česká republika NYVLT Karelok
23Estonia PINTS Kristianjust pleasure to drive in Autiovaara, got my chills ;)
23Russian Federation SOSNIN Aleksey}I{O#A...
23Česká republika STEINER Pavelprvni a jedina rzta co mi trosku vysla
23Švédkso STIGH Mattias RRspin
23Lithuania SVAJUNAS Budrago
23Estonia Tarvo Allmereagain, 2 smaller mistakes but with snow mod it cost 1 sec per mistake
22Estonia AASALA Vahurnice clean run, good to have some grip for change
22Švédkso BERGQVIST Tony RRrolled
22Česká republika CECH Mira:-)
22Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivanvery bad
22Polsko GORALIK LukaszDymitry KO :)
22Polsko Hubert KLOCbroken suspension
22Germany Huesken Areengine died without any reason ?
22Estonia KANGRO Anttiwas pushing as hard as i could after the false start, so it would have been my PB if not for the false start. But dont mind Tarvo going ahead, its a team race and it doesnt change the points for my team :)
22Ukrajina KLEVATSKIY DmitryOMG!!!!! SO MUCH GRIP!!!!!!!
22Polsko KLIMAS Adrianspin and roll
22Ukrajina KUZMINOV Alexandermuch better
22Estonia LIGUR JannoPB
22Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisHannes is very fast. I don\'t have any chanses to catch him. So I\'ll just reduce my rate and will try to get to finish safe.
22Estonia MÄESTU Indrekmade a mistake
22Estonia MÄGI Martinspin
22Ukrajina MIKULKA Alexstop and go))))
22Česká republika MORAVEK Janwent off in first split...
22Česká republika NYVLT Karelfull
22Estonia PINTS Kristianpb :)
22Švédkso STIGH Mattias RRspin
22Lithuania SVAJUNAS Budrahosf
22Estonia Tarvo Allmeretried to push, still made couple of mistakes. lost about 1 sec each split so 3 secs in total
22Estonia TIITS HeikkololZ
22Česká republika VANA Kamilnechapu to proste vubec neni videt trat!!! Ach jo!
21Estonia AASALA Vahurjust slow here, tires 70-80
21Česká republika CECH Mira100/42
21Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivantyres 65/95))) in previos service 35/45
21Russian Federation CHIROKOV Vladimir100/98
21Ukrajina DRIVE Alexander80/71
21Švédkso ERIKSSON Micael75/45...i got good balans in the car :) I\'m backing of now, just go to protect my lead, no need to push any more...
21Česká republika FRISTENSKY Jiri85/18 - moc jsem to setril
21Švédkso HILLSTROM Roger RR100/100
21Polsko Hubert KLOC100/100
21Estonia KANGRO Anttithis was just bad.
21Polsko KLIMAS Adriannew tyres ! yeah !
21Ukrajina KUZMINOV Alexanderno tires, 100 perc weared
21Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisAt last the tyres are brand new! :) So I\'ll keep pushing then.
21Ukrajina LOPUKHOV Aleksey78/84
21Estonia MÄESTU Indrekfinal loop
21Polsko MALCZEWSKI PiotrNew tyres :)
21Česká republika MORAVEK Janok no problem...
21Hungary NYILAS Mihalykreativ kreation................................... :(((( szopjatok le....
21Česká republika NYVLT Karelg100/23
21Ukrajina PIDLUSKY Oleksandr77/51
21Estonia PINTS Kristianok, finally some fresh tires :D
21Russian Federation SUHINOV Aleksandrgotta go fast
21Lithuania SVAJUNAS Budraneed to push
21Estonia Tarvo Allmeretires1
21Estonia TIITS Heikkoelu isu otsas
21Ukrajina TKACHUK RuslanImpossible to drive...
21Russian Federation TOKBULATOV Anton100-25 :D
21Švédkso Ulf kavic CarlssonFan va kass man ar
21Ukrajina VOLKOVICH Alexander100/100
20Estonia AASALA Vahurits all about the condition of tires i think
20Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivanspinn in 1st split(
20Polsko Hubert KLOCI\'ll try to be the 3
20Estonia KANGRO Anttiwas pushing as hard as i could with those tyres, but 2 offs in last 3 corners :(
20Polsko KLIMAS Adriandriving on the rims... no fun
20Ukrajina KOSTIN Dmytro2 spina + 20sek
20Ukrajina KUZMINOV Alexanderlost 10 sec, off again (((
20Estonia MÄESTU Indrektire pressure for weared tires?
20Estonia MÄGI Martinvery slippery
20Česká republika MORAVEK Janok for me :-)
20Estonia PINTS Kristianall-in, i love this stage ;)
20Estonia SEPP MarekNot so fun with tyres at 100/100
20Lithuania SVAJUNAS Budrago
20Estonia Tarvo Allmerethat was slippy already. went off once cause of that. lost about 1 sec
20Estonia TIITS Heikkocrashed
20Russian Federation TOKBULATOV Antonbad, tyres don\'t work at all (
20Švédkso Ulf kavic Carlssonfan 2 cfh
19Estonia AASALA Vahurslippery, but that was to be expected. going to be much worse now
19Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivancrash((( in the finish point...bad for my team
19Estonia FJODOROV Marekkeset lagendikku yksik puu ja ma sain ta k2tte
19Česká republika FRISTENSKY Jirihodiny, skoda
19Švédkso HILLSTROM Roger RRoffroad x2
19Polsko Hubert KLOCdamaged tyres...
19Estonia KANGRO Anttihit a tree and reversed, lost around 7 sec. so my chase of Mikulka is over :(
19Polsko KLIMAS Adrianfatal. no tyres
19Ukrajina KUZMINOV AlexanderPB on 65/60 tires ))
19Estonia LIGUR JannoBig off lost 10 sec
19Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisNo grip at all! That was a nightmare...
19Česká republika MORAVEK Janbad time, one spin...
19Russian Federation NADEEV DmitryFuck...photograf
19Estonia PINTS Kristiansafe, with mistakes
19Španělsko SACRAMENTO Ciprianoahora si que me la di en 6 a fondo .... vaya liada CHEDEY 7 tramos en nieve sin cambiar ruedas...
19Česká republika STEINER Pavelna dlouho me ten snih sere
19Lithuania SVAJUNAS Budrabo
19Estonia Tarvo Allmeremade a spin and lost about 5 secs. darn
19Estonia TIITS Heikkocolgate weather
19Hungary TOTH Andris2x spin
18Estonia AASALA Vahurjust waiting for service, tyres arent that bad actually
18Česká republika CECH MiraNo gumy jsou pekny v prumeru 80/30
18Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivanoy...its my bigger mistake!!! sorry...
18Russian Federation CHIROKOV Vladimir50/55 Kolesa no servis
18Polsko CHOROBIK Dawidtyres 4x100
18Ukrajina DRIVE Alexander38/31
18Švédkso ERIKSSON Micael35/19
18Estonia FJODOROV Marekrehvi lbi ja vahetada ei saa
18Česká republika FRISTENSKY JiriKarle diky, udrzel jsem to na 44/11
18Polsko GORALIK Lukasz78.65.100.100
18Portugalsko Helder Ferreiraso drift...
18Švédkso HILLSTROM Roger RRno tires left
18Česká republika KALA Ludvikwhat about pneu? Fuck . no gut race from WCN admnins... :-(
18Estonia KANGRO Anttiwas trying to save some tyres, but 44/48, not good...
18Ukrajina KLEVATSKIY Dmitrythat\'s crazy
18Polsko KLIMAS AdrianTYRES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 80/90 !!! WHY???
18Česká republika KRCMA Danielnice, i have slicks
18Ukrajina KUZMINOV Alexandergood
18Švédkso Leif BACKLUNDtrying to save tires
18Estonia LIGUR JannoWhy we can\'t repair tyres?
18Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisNo tyre-change? That\'s gonna be a hell...
18Ukrajina LOPUKHOV Aleksey43/44
18Estonia MÄESTU Indrekwill be skating
18Česká republika MORAVEK Janok , tyres 50/55
18Estonia NOMM Timmuhuuh, terrible 3 stages
18Švédkso NORDINS Tomastires almost worn out :(
18Hungary NYILAS Mihalymaskara faszsag az egesz...ugy ahogy van.....szopjonak le a buzi osszeallitasukkal...
18Česká republika NYVLT Karelg79/14. kokoti to jsou
18Estonia PINTS Kristiantires 65-70
18Česká republika SEKERA Tomasgumy na srot
18Estonia SEPP MarekThis will be interesting without tyre repair.
18Russian Federation SUHINOV Aleksandrtyres 36 :)
18Lithuania SVAJUNAS Budranot bad
18Estonia Tarvo Allmerewhat a torture. tyre save mode. 20 secs to mikulka :P
18Estonia TIITS Heikkowtf no tyre repair ?!?!? woooow Great stuff
18Ukrajina TKACHUK RuslanDamaged RR suspension after soft side collision. F tyres totally worn tread...
18Russian Federation TOKBULATOV Anton53-14 ((
18Ukrajina VOLKOVICH AlexanderL100;R99/L100;R93 - :(((
17Estonia AASALA Vahurserious handlingproblems already - need service
17Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivanuff...many small mistakes))
17Polsko Hubert KLOCyff
17Estonia KANGRO Anttivery bad :(
17Polsko KLIMAS Adrianok
17Ukrajina KUZMINOV Alexanderoff lost 15 sec
17Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisAnd the fight is getting hotter again :)
17Estonia MÄNNAMETS Hannesnot good
17Česká republika MORAVEK Janok
17Česká republika NYVLT Kareldat n dozadu plato vajec, tak nasleham snih na babovku
17Česká republika PETER Marekneda se jet rovne
17Estonia PINTS Kristianok
17Russian Federation SOSNIN AlekseySomething wrong in front suspension...
17Lithuania SVAJUNAS Budrago
17Estonia Tarvo Allmerecar little damaged so taking it safe
17Estonia TIITS Heikkoenam ei oska , ongi pekkis juba 2 kohta allpool
17Ukrajina TKACHUK RuslanOne spin. Lost few seconds
17Russian Federation TOKBULATOV Antonspin (
16Estonia AASALA Vahurjust my luck - stupid roll in hairpin, had to c4h
16Latvia CAGULS Tomsstupid wrong pacenotes :(
16Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivansmall mistakes in the midlle of SS)) small damadge of rear suspension
16Estonia FJODOROV Marekpuu
16Česká republika FRISTENSKY Jirijen provrkano a cas ujde
16Polsko GORALIK Lukaszok
16Portugalsko Helder Ferreiramesmo na meta....fodxxx
16Polsko Hubert KLOCI had crash, I lost 15 sec
16Estonia KANGRO Anttivery safe. last downhill was uber uber safe.
16Polsko KLIMAS Adrianspin, lost about 10 sec
16Ukrajina KOSTIN Dmytropodveska v xlam
16Ukrajina KUZMINOV AlexanderPB!
16Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisSome scary moments, but ok. :)
16Polsko LIZAKOWSKI Pawelmega spin
16Estonia MÄESTU Indrekjust travelling
16Estonia MÄGI Martinvery safe
16Česká republika MORAVEK JanNext PB :-)
16Česká republika NYVLT Karelat mi nekdo vysvetli, jak se mi cistou jizdou totalne vylomilo vsechno. neudrzim to rovne
16Španělsko ORTIZ Jorgeatropello en el charco de agua
16Česká republika PETER Marekzkurvena sotolina, snad vsecky kola vylamane...
16Estonia PINTS Kristiantooo safe and pb o_O
16Estonia PRANTS Kristo3xoff, broke suspension
16Russian Federation PROKOPENKO Alexsandrvery bad
16Estonia RAHUMEEL AndreMine perse kenasti, papist auto
16Španělsko SACRAMENTO Ciprianocoche todo torcido sin tocar con nada .....
16Česká republika SEKERA Tomasocistec
16Česká republika STEINER Pavelse fakt dari...2x venku
16Russian Federation SUHINOV Aleksandrreally slow. Im just afraid of retirement
16Lithuania SVAJUNAS Budrabit better
16Estonia Tarvo Allmerecan live with this time. at least almost in one peace at the finish :P
16Estonia TIITS Heikkotra kuradi peklo p2rast j2lle lendasin tahapoole, kuradi v2rdjas katse raisk. No johhaidiii na*ui
16Russian Federation TOKBULATOV Antonkilled hub ((
16Estonia TORN Janwas sliding into the tyers and roll did get c4h :(
15Estonia AASALA Vahurspin in last sector, but otherwise very safe
15Lithuania ARVYDAS MacerauskasSpin
15Latvia CAGULS Tomsperfect
15Španělsko CASTRO Carlosfuck me
15Česká republika CECH MiraHallo, Taky vrkam, dodavatel pneu ma ze me vzdy radost a tak se nasim sponzorum snazim trochu snizit vydaje :-). Good luck, CZECH GOGOGO.
15Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivanhi all)) good start!
15Russian Federation CHIROKOV VladimirHi all!!!
15Švédkso ERIKSSON MicaelHi again =)
15Estonia FJODOROV Mareksupersafemode....katus ja rattad viltu...irw
15Česká republika FRISTENSKY Jirijen tak vrkam, aby ty gumy vydrzely tech 8 erzet :-/
15Polsko Hubert KLOCsafe
15Estonia KANGRO Anttigood
15Polsko KLIMAS Adriansafe start this leg
15Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisHello to all! Very stupid start from me, silly spin in the middle of the stage... I need a concentration.
15Portugalsko Luis Oliveiraisto teve um bug, tive de saltar a etapa
15Estonia MÄESTU Indreksaving
15Česká republika MORAVEK JanHi in secong leg! For me good start. PB. Go Czech team GO!
15Estonia NOMM Timmuno feeling at all
15Estonia PINTS Kristiansafe, good and smooth start
15Russian Federation PROKOPENKO Alexsandroverhead=(
15Estonia RAHUMEEL AndreOk.
15Španělsko SACRAMENTO Ciprianohi all
15Česká republika SEKERA Tomassel jsem pres strechu,leva strana komplet ko
15Česká republika STEINER Pavelcurak poradatel:/
15Švédkso STIGH Mattias RRoff road and spin not a good start
15Russian Federation SUHINOV Aleksandrkinda slow
15Lithuania SVAJUNAS Budrago
15Estonia TIITS Heikkoyritasin autot s22sta
15Russian Federation TOKBULATOV Antonaaa, hub is damaged (
15Česká republika UTRATA Lukashello, Car didnt work well, I really dont know why
14Estonia AASALA Vahurnot a good day for me, but lets hope the best for tomorrow. plan to be alot better :=
14Estonia ALANGO IvoHuhh!
14Polsko ANTOS RemikNot so good day for me. I had defect with clutch and I lost 60sec.
14Švédkso BERGQVIST Tony RRshit :/
14Latvia CAGULS Tomsand finaly c4h, baad and stupid day
14Portugalsko Carlos EstevesGreat JOB Luis Oliveira. GO GO PORTUGAL. TUGAS TUGAS !!!!
14Španělsko CASTRO Carlosveryyy bad day.............
14Česká republika CECH MiraOprava skoro za 70 minut, Jiri zatim pekne a vlastne jsme zatim 4 do 10, tak myslim super. CZECH GOGOGO. ,,Jinak mezi nami cechy, byla to pekna onanie,,
14Španělsko CHAVEZ FranciscoBad rally, see you next leg
14Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivanbad leg for me((( I\'m lost many-many time...and hard drive!! tyres 60/70))!!! dont grip in 14SS
14Russian Federation CHIROKOV VladimirOK! 49/53
14Ukrajina DRIVE Alexander79/72
14Švédkso ERIKSSON MicaelThat jump on Kihuvaraa 2 cost me about 10-15 sec total, seconds that have been nice to have =) Bisede that it have been allmost perfect driving. GO Sweden Go Go!!!
14Česká republika FRISTENSKY Jiriok, bude to jeste boj. CZ gogogo
14Polsko GORALIK Lukaszbad
14Lithuania GRICIUS Vytautas////////////////ok
14Portugalsko Helder Ferreiravery slow... tomorrow i\'ll force some positions..let\'s see...Good luck PORTUGAL!!!
14Švédkso HILLSTROM Roger RRproblem with grip on the last stages.....100 on all tires....see you on next leg....go SWEDEN
14Polsko Hubert KLOCnot bad leg :). I want to be on the finish in top 5.
14Germany Huesken Aredamn damn damn, gla
14Estonia JALAK Marioj22n kruusarallisi ootama.
14Estonia KANGRO AnttiReally good leg for me, absolutely no mistakes. Maybe a bit too safe on the peklos, but overall very very good leg for me. GO ESTONIA
14Ukrajina KLEVATSKIY Dmitryidiotism
14Polsko KLIMAS Adriannot bad leg, good fight with jan,car repaired soo its okay. GO POLAND ! see you second leg
14Ukrajina KOLOMIIETS Kyrylska bani tei vo!
14Germany Kons Thomassafty drive
14Česká republika KRCMA Danielok
14Polsko KRUSZ PiotrI to na tyle z mojej strony, co do pierwszego etapu. Glupi blad i caly rajd zawalony. Narazie 22 miejsce w klasie, drugiego dnia postaram sie wbic jak najwyzej. Zobaczymy co z tego bedzie.
14Ukrajina KUZMINOV Alexander95/87 no grip
14Švédkso Leif BACKLUNDOne mistake and youre gone, rallye can be hard sometimes..
14Estonia LIIVAK JarmoVery bad
14Švédkso LINDBERG Tommieif you take out first run on Peklo, it was pretty much a perfect day, but 40 seconds lost is a lot. Rauno is flying on snow! :) Go SWEDEN!!! :D
14Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisWow, Estonian drivers are really fast! :) It was a nice day for me, I didn\'t made big mistakes and there wasn\'t any big damages on the car. But it is only a half of the rally, so everything would be clear only tomorrow. See You all there! :) P.S. the fight was amazing through all day! Thanks, guys!
14Polsko LIZAKOWSKI Pawelnew car, good
14Ukrajina LOPUKHOV AlekseyOk! 70/88 skolsko bylo)
14Estonia MÄESTU IndrekI\'m not satisfied with my perfomance. tires wear away too quickly. Hope than next day will be better.
14Polsko MALCZEWSKI Piotrtires ?? what tires ?? :)
14Estonia MÄNNAMETS HannesGood. No big mistakes. Go Estonia!
14Česká republika MORAVEK Jangood leg, but now was all tyres worn 100...GL for all! Go CZECH Go!!!
14Estonia NOMM Timmuhuuuh,go est
14Švédkso NORDINS Tomaswhere was grip ?
14Česká republika NYVLT Karellittle bit boring marathon. CZ GOGOGO!!! chlapi kryju opet zada
14Španělsko ORTIZ JorgeVery disapointment
14Estonia PAAVEL Tarmonot a good day at all, but at least I finished the day
14Portugalsko PAULO Temperadifficult leg one for me, i had good moments i had bad momments i i had terrific moments, anyways we finnish, just with some mistakes.
14Bulgaria PAUNOV Miroslavno, thanks
14Česká republika PETER Marekfu... serious?
14Estonia PINTS Kristianthis one was pure skating. Happy with the day and with the result. Had spin and many wall touches that slowed me down. Peklo II PB with 7 seconds and with completely worn tires, also Kaihuavaara II PB with 5 seconds. See you in leg 2 ;) GO ESTONIA!!
14Estonia PRANTS Kristovery good feeling
14Russian Federation PROKOPENKO Alexsandri don\'t like snow tracks and SM=) but it\'s no bad...
14Estonia RAHUMEEL AndreAmazing, two last stages.... huh..
14Španělsko SACRAMENTO Ciprianono coments
14Česká republika SEKERA Tomasposetril jsem gumy a pomohlo to.Honzo jistim ti zada,pekna jizda.
14Estonia SEPP MarekVery good leg 1. Good luck to other Estonians.
14Česká republika STEINER Pavelmalem jsem se nevesel do servisu..mazec
14Česká republika SUDICKY MiraI dont like SM, so twice crash
14Russian Federation SUHINOV AleksandrReally not bad result, hope I will hold the same pace on the second leg. Tyres were 100/100, though :(
14Lithuania SVAJUNAS Budra bad...
14Estonia Tarvo Allmereauto korras nyyd :P
14Estonia TIITS Heikkononii 4 eestlast j2rjest WRC-s ....nurmaalnje
14Russian Federation TOKBULATOV Antonwell, the day was ok, but 20 sec lost (
14Portugalsko Toz Almeidasooo many mistakes ... the all collection
14Česká republika UTRATA LukasGood day for us. Go Czech Go!!!
14Česká republika VANA Kamiljen sem to proprdlal tuto rztu, hodne spatna etapa,Lukas hodne dobre!
14Ukrajina VOLKOVICH Alexander1 day - ok!!!
13Estonia AASALA Vahurits a miracle if it will load the next stage
13Estonia ALANGO Ivospin
13Česká republika CECH MiraJee Karel, no aspon mam s kym bojovat :-), nejde s tim zatacet.
13Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivan)))its new steering whell...fst((((
13Švédkso ERIKSSON MicaelMy studs are grip at all...
13Polsko GORALIK Lukaszbad
13Polsko Hubert KLOCnot bad :)
13Germany Huesken Areas I said
13Estonia KANGRO Anttiwith these tyres, super good in my book.
13Polsko KLIMAS Adrianok
13Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisNice!
13Ukrajina LOPUKHOV AlekseyRazvorot i zagloh((( +10 sek
13Estonia MÄESTU Indrekmistakes coming from broken car, can\'t catch anyone today
13Švédkso NORDINS Tomassuspension is broken
13Česká republika NYVLT Kareljeste kouda
13Španělsko ORTIZ JorgeAlways the same shit.
13Estonia PAAVEL Tarmomistake just before the finish line, car is heavily damaged
13Portugalsko PAULO Temperafalse start
13Estonia PINTS Kristianok
13Estonia RAHUMEEL Andre42 sec loss only with broken clutch. Just 6 gear and driving like a boss. :D
13Lithuania SVAJUNAS Budradsjg
13Estonia Tarvo Allmereuhh
13Estonia TIITS Heikkooi kurjam kui see ukraina vend minust ette saab , teen pintsli temast
13Russian Federation TOKBULATOV Antonok for damaged car
13Hungary TOTH Andrisstarted to feel. better than never.
13Česká republika UTRATA Lukasquite hard
13Česká republika VANA Kamilno asi nedojedu posledni rztu, mam poskozenej chladic, sem rad ze sem dojel ted :-(
12Estonia AASALA Vahursaving tires payd off
12Švédkso BERGQVIST Tony RRhate this stage
12Latvia CAGULS Tomswhat can I say-realistic mistic
12Portugalsko Carlos EstevesOUT of ROAD :(
12Česká republika CECH MiraNa Autiovare jsme ponicili prave predni zaveseni a ted jsme sli do lesa, hrabani, chcipani ATD :-(
12Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivanvery bad(((
12Polsko DOBROWOLSKI Mateuszsafe
12Švédkso ERIKSSON MicaelTo late breaking in a hairpin in last sector, lost 2-3 sec there...well now it is a fight again ;)
12Polsko GORALIK Lukaszehh
12Polsko Hubert KLOCone of the hardest stages in RBR
12Germany Huesken Areive hit a stone, that will kill me next stage
12Russian Federation IVANOV Sergey4ert poberi.......
12Estonia KANGRO AnttiThis was again a bit too safe because of the tyre situation. Could have gone faster.
12Ukrajina KLEVATSKIY DmitryPeklo? na iznowennoy rezine? Sranie Konkistodori!!!
12Polsko KLIMAS Adrianok
12Polsko KRUSZ PiotrNo i skonczylo sie dobre. Kolcy w oponach brak i skonczylo sie na drzewie:((( Przepraszam caly TEAM
12Ukrajina KUZMINOV Alexanderoff, lost 3sec, tires are weared so much ((
12Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisGood! It was really perfect for me! :))
12Estonia MÄESTU Indrekstill too much on the breaks
12Estonia MÄGI Martinspin and broken suspension
12Polsko MALCZEWSKI PiotrUff... clear
12Česká republika MORKOVSKY Janme poser.. to je tym posranym setup
12Česká republika NYVLT Karelnemam to rad
12Španělsko ORTIZ JorgeI crashed in the last meters of the stage and broke my engine :(
12Portugalsko PAULO Temperaa few mistakes...went out of the road 3 times :(
12Estonia PINTS Kristianvery slippy, but best time so far. :)
12Estonia RAHUMEEL AndreSorry team, clutch broken but i try to do my best.
12Lithuania SVAJUNAS Budraert
12Estonia Tarvo Allmerehahahaha, nalja auk :D
12Estonia TIITS HeikkoNo kuradi v2rdjas katse , krt nyyd sai mingi ukraini jurakas ka minust ette, no krdi masendav ikka. Kes see v22nik sellised debiilsed rajad kokku keevitas. Mai saa aru , nii n2rvi ajab, t6siselt n2rvi !!!!
12Ukrajina TKACHUK RuslanMega-giga-safety...
12Russian Federation TOKBULATOV Antonaaaaa, roll ((( and damaged hubs again (
12Česká republika UTRATA Lukascarefully again, but I damaged the suspension few hundert meters before finish as allways and I dont know why :-(
12Česká republika VANA Kamil2x venku
11Latvia CAGULS Tomsgood run, but little off before finish, ehh :(
11Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivanbetter)))
11Ukrajina DRIVE Alexanderpary raz 4yt\' ne ybralca
11Švédkso HILLSTROM Roger RRoffroad
11Polsko Hubert KLOCnot good SS for me, broken suspension
11Estonia KANGRO Anttigood clean run.
11Ukrajina KHOROLSKY Artemfacepalm
11Ukrajina KLEVATSKIY DmitryISPANCI!!!!! VI polnie dolboebi!!! kto tolko dodumalsya takuyu huynyu sozdat???
11Polsko KLIMAS Adrianout ;/
11Polsko KRUSZ Piotr5 sekund ucieklo:(
11Ukrajina KUZMINOV Alexandergood
11Estonia LIGUR JannoRear right hub is broken. Hard to drive
11Estonia MÄESTU IndrekI\'m angry, can\'t adapt slippiness
11Polsko MALCZEWSKI PiotrNext roll :)
11Česká republika MORAVEK Jantyres are totaly out...
11Česká republika MORKOVSKY Jantwo spin in medium split
11Španělsko ORTIZ Jorgesaving tyres
11Estonia PAAVEL Tarmotried to save tyres, but it\'s very slippery already
11Portugalsko PAULO Temperagood one!!!
11Estonia PINTS Kristianspin after jump, otherwise perfect run o_o
11Estonia RAHUMEEL AndreAlmost okay. Few mistakes.
11Česká republika STEINER Pavelsezrala me zaveh do hodin
11Švédkso STIGH Mattias RRok
11Russian Federation SUHINOV AleksandrWhy Im always messing with the last snow banks here? :(
11Lithuania SVAJUNAS BudraoivDSHg
11Estonia Tarvo Allmerespinn
11Estonia TIITS Heikkovot autiovaara II s6idan nagu eit
10Estonia AASALA Vahursaving tires
10Latvia CAGULS Toms72/3
10Portugalsko Carlos EstevesPreserve the tyres
10Česká republika CECH Mira31/2
10Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivantyres 10/8(((
10Russian Federation CHIROKOV Vladimir19/16
10Polsko DOBROWOLSKI Mateuszhehe 6/5 ;)
10Ukrajina DRIVE Alexander23/19
10Estonia FJODOROV Marektyres all ok :)
10Česká republika FRISTENSKY JiriDiky karle za tip, udrzel jsem to na 6/1, coz je o 40pr. lepsi, jak v prvni runde.
10Polsko GORALIK Lukasz49.36.48.32 ojc :)
10Polsko Hubert KLOCtyres are not bad
10Estonia KANGRO Anttiwas trying to save tyres. It looked like it worked, on the first run i used 33percent, now my tyres are 16/11. 4 difficult stages to go.
10Polsko KLIMAS Adriantry to save my tyres
10Ukrajina KUZMINOV Alexander32/27
10Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisOh well, the tyres are ruined again...
10Estonia MÄESTU Indrekeasy
10Polsko MALCZEWSKI Piotr71/64 !!
10Hungary NYILAS Mihaly???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
10Česká republika NYVLT Kareldamn 42/7
10Španělsko ORTIZ JorgeOMG, the tyres are going to be destroyed in this section
10Portugalsko PAULO Temperawow!!! great time!
10Bulgaria PAUNOV MiroslavWTF?! Are you kidding me? The first time tyre change allowed and the second time - no? Guys, that\'s supposed to be a serious rally, not an amateur ride ..
10Česká republika PETER Marekjo ony opet nejdou menit gumy
10Estonia PINTS Kristianhad to pee and drank some water. Now last part.
10Estonia RAHUMEEL AndreWow, tyres 90+
10Russian Federation SUHINOV AleksandrNOOOOO 4 STAGES ON 40/40...DAAAAAAAAMN
10Lithuania SVAJUNAS Budrakh
10Estonia TAMM Raittotally ****ed up rally..
10Estonia Tarvo Allmerehahaha
10Estonia TIITS Heikkokurat ma pean hillstromile j2rgi j6udma !!!
10Ukrajina TKACHUK RuslanTyres fully frictioned...
10Russian Federation TOKBULATOV Anton9-0 O_o
10Česká republika UTRATA Lukastyres on 10 percent, thats good
9Estonia AASALA Vahurtotal and complete utter failure
9Latvia CAGULS Tomsnice track, some corner wrong pacenote
9Portugalsko Carlos EstevesGreat Fight with Luis Oliveira and Rui Sirgado
9Česká republika CECH MiraJiri moc pekne
9Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivanfuf...very hard drive((( tyres 35/40)))
9Russian Federation CHIROKOV Vladimir22/26 strashno bylo
9Polsko DOBROWOLSKI Mateuszsmall crash
9Ukrajina DRIVE Alexander26/23
9Švédkso ERIKSSON Micael2 x spinn...there whas much more damage to left front suspension, a total of 82,10 min for all i need to say that the car whas hard to drive =)
9Česká republika FRISTENSKY Jirigumy jeste drzely, tak jsem na to slapal, co to sneslo
9Polsko GORALIK Lukaszok
9Polsko Hubert KLOCok :)
9Germany Huesken Areoh my god, thx for service
9Estonia JALAK Mariorehvid on l2bi
9Estonia KANGRO Anttivery very safely because of the tyres. even a bit too safe on first split.
9Ukrajina KHOROLSKY Artemspin :\
9Ukrajina KLEVATSKIY Dmitrypolneywee dolboebstvo
9Polsko KLIMAS Adrianok
9Ukrajina KOSTIN DmytroEle dotronulsya dereva - i pzdc...
9Polsko KRUSZ PiotrAle dalem dupy:( Tak dobrze szlo i cholerny kibic zepsul wszystko:((( Cisniemy dalej
9Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisOh no, this stage isn\'t for me :)) Especially without a grip on the rear.
9Estonia MÄESTU Indrek2 spins
9Polsko MALCZEWSKI PiotrRoll :\
9Germany MOEDL Marco90 min. repair-time _ on the spot :)
9Česká republika MORAVEK Janok. Very difficult stage
9Česká republika MORKOVSKY Janklasika kolo jsem zase vylomil
9Russian Federation NADEEV Dmitryspin
9Estonia NOMM Timmustuck 20 sec
9Švédkso NORDINS Tomasoff
9Česká republika NYVLT Karelneumim a ani nechci. nemam rad
9Španělsko ORTIZ Jorgebad
9Portugalsko PAULO Temperawas a very good stage, i think i did a great time
9Estonia PINTS Kristianokay, no risks
9Estonia RAHUMEEL AndreThis is a miracle.. last two stages cost me like 30 seconds, sad. But now im gonna go flat out.. atleast i try.
9Španělsko SACRAMENTO Ciprianobuaah desmotivadisimo
9Česká republika SEKERA Tomasfantazie,na to jek dlouho jsem tu nejel
9Russian Federation SUHINOV AleksandrIm all right
9Lithuania SVAJUNAS Budraohuo\\
9Estonia Tarvo Allmererehvid 32-46. ylirahulikult
9Estonia TIITS Heikkoon ikka loll katse kokku keevitatud
9Ukrajina TKACHUK RuslanCar is damaged after this SS... but all parts fixed...
9Russian Federation TOKBULATOV Anton1 small mistake - hub is damaged :(
9Česká republika UTRATA Lukascarefully, just stay on the road
9Česká republika VANA Kamilnemam slov, ach jo
8Estonia AASALA Vahurhappy - no problems
8Latvia CAGULS Tomsbad
8Španělsko CASTRO Jesusse me va hacer muy largo
8Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivanrolled and spin((( car very damadge(((
8Švédkso ERIKSSON MicaelI think there is more damage this time, the car is much harder to drive now...perfect for next stage :/
8Estonia FJODOROV Marekpb
8Estonia JALAK Mariopole minu ralli
8Estonia KANGRO Anttigood run. next one is gonna be tricky
8Polsko KLIMAS Adrianbad
8Česká republika KRCMA Danielsuspensions are broken and i need some help. baaaad to drive with. ((
8Ukrajina KUZMINOV Alexandermaybe
8Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisStucked in snowbank almost in the last corner... And again I\'m driving without grip. Hate this stage.
8Estonia MÄESTU Indreksaved tires for next one
8Estonia MÄGI Martinsome small mistakes
8Polsko MALCZEWSKI PiotrSmall off :\
8Česká republika MORKOVSKY Jando mrdky uz celou RZ jedu bezchybne a v poslednim splitu nadelam tolik chyb a potom se mi to sklouzlo a jeblo to v cili do tech retardovanych stolicek.. snad nebude knock out
8Španělsko ORTIZ Jorgetwo off roads
8Estonia PAAVEL Tarmocar is broken, driving is bad ...
8Estonia PINTS Kristianok, wall touches take their time
8Estonia RAHUMEEL AndreMy rally is done i think. No steering at all, lost like 15 seconds here.
8Španělsko SACRAMENTO Ciprianoel golpe mas tonto en todo lo que llevo corriendo... espero que se haya guadado la repeticion, porque es queeee
8Švédkso STIGH Mattias RRon the next one a will lose about 1 min cant drive the stages
8Lithuania SVAJUNAS BudragS[
8Estonia Tarvo Allmerepuhas
8Estonia TIITS Heikkono nyyd sai ikka korralikult hanges k2idud , jummel
8Ukrajina TKACHUK Ruslan1 spin, but car is not damaged... Without call for help...
8Russian Federation TOKBULATOV Antonh8 this SS :(
8Česká republika UTRATA Lukasvery good for us
7Estonia AASALA Vahurhappy with this one
7Česká republika BABAK Ondrejmrdat celej SM
7Latvia CAGULS Tomsstupid people in last split
7Švédkso ERIKSSON MicaelDamage front suspension again...good thing is that now i know where i do it, need to be carefull there from now on :p
7Slovinsko GANTAR Domeni don\'t get it
7Polsko Hubert KLOChmm, i should be faster. I must improve my skills on gravel and snow.
7Estonia JALAK Mariokrt v2lja suri enne finishit
7Estonia KANGRO AnttiTarvo is really flying. very good run for me, no mistakes.
7Polsko KLIMAS AdrianOllema ;/
7Španělsko ORTIZ Jorgespin
7Estonia PAAVEL Tarmohit the fence just before the finish. struggling a lot
7Portugalsko PAULO Temperano problems
7Španělsko PEREZ GustavoAsi no se puede, lo siento...
7Estonia PINTS Kristianstuck in wall
7Estonia RAHUMEEL AndreOff and damaged car a bit.
7Estonia Tarvo Allmeremis toimub ? taas uus CB-PB
7Estonia TIITS Heikkomillal peklod tulevad
7Česká republika UTRATA Lukasnice one
7Česká republika VANA Kamilach jo vubec mi to nejde, moc chyb
6Estonia AASALA Vahurheeh... at least safely through
6Švédkso ERIKSSON MicaelTrying to save tiers this loop...
6Polsko GORALIK Lukasz360:)
6Estonia KANGRO Anttilost the rhytm already in the first few corners and was really struggling to get through. but decent time for me, will try to get back in the rhythm
6Ukrajina KHOROLSKY Artemsecond spin at the same corner...shit
6Polsko KOLODZIEJ Slawekspin
6Ukrajina KUZMINOV Alexandernorm
6Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisEh, spinned...
6Estonia MÄESTU Indrekfck, over. c4h
6Česká republika MORKOVSKY Jandostavam pekny klepec
6Španělsko ORTIZ Jorgeok
6Estonia PAAVEL Tarmobroke something at the big jump. small off near the end
6Portugalsko PAULO Temperabo mistakes was nice :)
6Estonia PINTS Kristian2 offs
6Estonia RAHUMEEL AndreTried to push and it worked a bit.
6Švédkso STIGH Mattias RRspin
6Lithuania SVAJUNAS Budraljb
6Estonia Tarvo Allmereheh. puhtalt ja CBPB
6Estonia TIITS Heikkosain juba rattad k6veraks , hurraa
6Russian Federation TOKBULATOV Antonhmm
6Russian Federation VISHNYKOV Ilyarazvorot
5Estonia AASALA Vahurgot throug this one with broken radiator. boy am i happy :)
5Lithuania ARVYDAS Macerauskastry drive save,becauses car demaged
5Latvia CAGULS Tomslittle off in last split
5Portugalsko Carlos EstevesOMG another Roll-Over and I can\'t Fix all itens
5Česká republika CECH MiraJsem trouba, jedu primo po TR a zapomel jsem si se SM nahrat i set na snih, jedu to na soto :-)
5Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivanvery bad((( no problem in service...tyres 25/30
5Russian Federation CHIROKOV Vladimirspin 20/27 Ok!
5Latvia DABINS Raivohow a stupd crash again.
5Polsko DOBROWOLSKI Mateuszbed
5Ukrajina DRIVE Alexander29/27
5Švédkso ERIKSSON MicaelSteering rod 65, top mount 16, hub 49 procent, all on left side...
5Česká republika FRISTENSKY Jirigumy jeste zbyly, ale proste s temi naboji to neslo udrzet na ceste. Na ty strelce ve predu se ani nedivam, to nema smysl :-)
5Slovinsko GANTAR Domenspin
5Polsko GORALIK Lukaszmax ;/
5Portugalsko Helder Ferreirato bad...
5Švédkso HJERPE Jimrear tires 100percent WASTED.
5Polsko Hubert KLOClittle damage on car, i went slow on this stage
5Germany Huesken Aredamn, stucked in 2nd gear after a few meters, would have been better in Versme
5Estonia KANGRO Anttityre 39/44, was better than i expected. small off second to last corner and broke my steering rod, but got it fixed.
5Ukrajina KHOROLSKY Artemfucking bad
5Polsko KLIMAS Adrianmistakes
5Ukrajina KUZMINOV Alexandertires 36/36, don`t know, WTF with my grip (((
5Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisTyres were dead, no grip at all. So, 1st leg is done and everything is ok so far.
5Estonia MÄESTU Indrektires completly over, too bad.
5Estonia MÄNNAMETS Hanneshalfspin before finish
5Germany MOEDL Marconoq its repaired. - 3 stages with defect cooling system :(
5Česká republika MORAVEK Janstupid mistake in last split....
5Česká republika MORKOVSKY Janbad
5Polsko NATANEK Tomekdzwon
5Estonia NOMM Timmusteering rod
5Česká republika NYVLT Karelneflakam se, ale ten clovek pred nama je asi odjinud
5Španělsko ORTIZ Jorgeno grip. the S1600 were flying !!!!
5Estonia PAAVEL Tarmono grip at all, small off at the last split.
5Polsko pabloo_wrxstimax attac
5Portugalsko PAULO Tempera1 roll over :(
5Česká republika PETER Mareks tim at jdou do prdele
5Estonia PINTS Kristiansafe with worn tires. 90 rear and 60 percent in front.
5Estonia RAHUMEEL AndreHappy to be in service. Just driving my rally, no worries for team.
5Russian Federation SOSNIN AlekseyScare moment 8-0
5Česká republika STEINER Pavelto je ale obklad..
5Švédkso STIGH Mattias RRcfh
5Lithuania SVAJUNAS Budratoo mistakes
5Estonia Tarvo Allmerelibe. rehvid 45-55
5Estonia TIITS HeikkoLeebe uisutamine k2ib vist
5Russian Federation TOKBULATOV Antonwow, Rauno is unstoppable here
5Česká republika UTRATA Lukasok, good section at all
4Estonia AASALA Vahurstill driving, but will not get through sikakama
4Latvia CAGULS Tomsok
4Portugalsko Carlos EstevesRoll-Over + SPIN :(
4Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivanmany small mistakes
4Švédkso ERIKSSON MicaelDamage on front suspension, prob the left hub. Bad grip allso, luckely we all seams to have that ;)
4Česká republika FRISTENSKY Jirinaboje v haji, to jsem tomu dal...
4Slovinsko GANTAR Domenoff road
4Estonia JALAK Mariopidurdamisel tekkis viga ja auto l2ks otse, kahjuks puu j2i ette
4Estonia KANGRO Anttisafe
4Švédkso Kenneth NYSTRÖMno grip
4Polsko KUDLA MateuszFalastart :(
4Estonia LIGUR JannoPretty slippery already. Next stage will be though.
4Estonia MÄESTU Indrekloosing time, nothing todo
4Česká republika MORAVEK Janspin in last split
4Estonia NOMM Timmuverybad
4Česká republika NYVLT Karelnektere casy me trochu prekvapuji.
4Portugalsko PAULO Temperawas a good one, no problems at all
4Estonia PINTS Kristianoffs
4Estonia RAHUMEEL AndrePretty okay, lost internet i tried Connect like 10-15 times.. Its back :)
4Estonia Rasmus Ollemabad
4Portugalsko Sergio Juniorfiz um 360 ate me arrepiou os ...
4Švédkso STIGH Mattias RRspin
4Lithuania SVAJUNAS Budrattttrrr
4Estonia Tarvo Allmerepuhas
4Estonia TIITS Heikkono kurat ! viimane splitis suudan alati k6ik 2ra sittuda
4Russian Federation TOKBULATOV Antonclose :D
4Česká republika VANA Kamilzas hodiny
4Česká republika VANHARA Michaelauto bylo moc dobite z predchozi rz
3Estonia AASALA Vahurradiator broken from previous stage - so will retire soon
3Latvia CAGULS Tomsbad
3Portugalsko Carlos EstevesROLL-OVER
3Česká republika CECH MiraCZ :-)
3Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivangood
3Švédkso ERIKSSON MicaelI think i\'m killing my tiers...
3Polsko GORALIK Lukaszcar damage :(
3Portugalsko Helder Ferreirabonus...ehehehe
3Polsko Hubert KLOCsafe
3Estonia KANGRO AnttiTarvo is much quicker than me on snow. This one for me was a clean run, i could do a few sec faster, but that would be too risky.
3Ukrajina KHOROLSKY Artemspin, lost 5 sec
3Polsko KLIMAS Adriansafe
3Polsko KUPCZAK Andrzejoff
3Ukrajina KUZMINOV Alexanderhate snow
3Estonia MÄESTU Indrekgetting slippy
3Polsko MALCZEWSKI PiotrUps... 2 x off
3Česká republika MORAVEK Janlast split was bad...
3Polsko pabloo_wrxstispin
3Portugalsko PAULO Tempera1spin :( the car is perfect
3Estonia PINTS Kristianok
3Estonia RAHUMEEL AndrePretty okay.
3Španělsko SACRAMENTO Ciprianovolque en la ultima curva del tramo anterior y creo que voy sin diferncial va muchisimo de detras
3Portugalsko Sergio Juniorum piao pra conta
3Švédkso STIGH Mattias RRbad 3:e split
3Russian Federation SUHINOV Aleksandrvolume slider problems
3Lithuania SVAJUNAS Budrago
3Estonia Tarvo Allmererahulik
3Estonia TIITS Heikkosee l2ks kyll nihu
3Česká republika VANHARA Michaelpo startu se to zacalo sekat a neda se to ridit uvidime jestli to prestane - jinak se to neda jet :-(
2Estonia AASALA Vahurfigures... just my luck
2Latvia CAGULS Tomspb
2Španělsko CASTRO Carlosggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
2Russian Federation CHEKIN Ivannew st wheel - big problem)))
2Ukrajina DRIVE Alexanderrazvorot
2Česká republika FRISTENSKY Jirihh, pekne jsme tu naskladani z CZ :)
2Slovinsko GANTAR Domenso weird :? didn\'t play RBR so much lately.
2Polsko GAZDA Piotr;/
2Polsko GORALIK Lukaszoff :(
2Švédkso HENRIKSSON Urbanspin
2Švédkso HJERPE Jimsafe, but slow..
2Polsko Hubert KLOCi want to be on the finish, safe driving
2Estonia KANGRO Anttithis was slow. dont even know where i lost so many seconds.
2Švédkso Kenneth NYSTRÖMvery safe
2Polsko KLIMAS Adriantroubles
2Estonia LIGUR Jannosafely
2Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisAmazing grip!
2Estonia MÄESTU Indrekok for me
2Česká republika MORKOVSKY Janspin 360
2Germany NAUMANN Mauricespin spin spin -.-
2Španělsko ORTIZ Jorgeok
2Portugalsko PAULO Temperano mistakes wasc a good stage
2Estonia PINTS KristianPB Good start :)
2Estonia PRANTS Kristotwo offs and one spin, bad-.-
2Estonia RAHUMEEL AndreSame time with WRC, haha? :D
2Estonia Rasmus Ollemawhy???
2Česká republika SEKERA Tomascouvacka
2Lithuania SVAJUNAS Budrago
2Estonia TAMM Raitit is not possible........
2Estonia Tarvo Allmerenorm
2Estonia TIITS Heikkono normikas
2Russian Federation TOKBULATOV Antonstupid spin
2Česká republika UTRATA LukasI hit the tree and had to reverse
2Česká republika VANA Kamilhodiny pred cilem sakra
2Česká republika VANHARA Michaelsnad se rozjedu
1Estonia AASALA Vahurnot my cup of tea, this rally
1Peru Alejandro BOTTERIhi everyone, its a long rally so we will try to make a good rally
1Lithuania ARVYDAS MacerauskasHi all
1Latvia CAGULS Tomsok
1Portugalsko Carlos EstevesHi everyone, Last in road :( very slippery
1Česká republika CECH MiraHallo
1Španělsko CHAVEZ FranciscoHi
1Russian Federation CHEKIN IvanHi all)))
1Russian Federation CHIROKOV VladimirHi all!!!26/27
1Švédkso ERIKSSON Micael-.- wrong setup...
1Slovinsko GANTAR DomenHi!
1Polsko GORALIK Lukaszhard rally
1Španělsko GUTIERREZ JORGEhello
1Švédkso HJERPE JimHi all! :)
1Polsko Hubert KLOChi all, very hard rally
1Estonia JALAK MarioHi
1Estonia KANGRO Anttihello again everybody, good luck with this very difficult long rally.
1Švédkso Kenneth NYSTRÖMlost 1 sec on a stop
1Polsko KLIMAS Adrianhi all !
1Germany Kons Thomasgla
1Švédkso Leif BACKLUNDHi!
1Švédkso LINDBERG TommieHi!
1Lithuania LISOVSKIS DenisHello to all! :)
1Polsko LIZAKOWSKI Pawelmax fun
1Estonia MÄESTU Indrekdecent run
1Polsko MALCZEWSKI PiotrHello :)
1Germany MOEDL Marcohit a invisible spectator after finish line - wtf?
1Česká republika MORAVEK JanHi all! Go Czech Go!
1Česká republika MORKOVSKY JanJak vidim, tak moc cechu v a8 neni.. me to nebavi a ani jsem netrenoval!!
1Estonia NOMM Timmugonna be very hard rally
1Česká republika NYVLT Karelhello. bad time. CZ GOGOGO!!!
1Španělsko ORTIZ Jorgehello
1Portugalsko PAULO Temperahello!!! was a nice start!!! the \42rally\42 starts now!!!!!
1Španělsko PEREZ Gustavohi
1Russian Federation PROKOPENKO Alexsandrbad
1Estonia RAHUMEEL AndreHello!
1Portugalsko RODRIGUES TiagoHi all. This will be very difficult.
1Španělsko SACRAMENTO Ciprianohi all
1Česká republika SEKERA Tomasahoj
1Česká republika STEINER Pavelhello boys :)
1Česká republika SUDICKY Mirahello snow tyres nice slide
1Russian Federation SUHINOV AleksandrRally is easy, but enduring. Just have to remain sane.
1Lithuania SVAJUNAS Budramistake at start of ss
1Estonia Tarvo Allmerehehe
1Estonia TIITS HeikkoNO TRA , Kuidas viimane split nii perse sai minna ?!?!?
1Russian Federation TOKBULATOV Antonhi all )
1Latvia USVILS KristapsHi all!
1Česká republika UTRATA Lukashello
1Španělsko Vicenc Caihuelashi all

Události na serveru
Nová trať:
  • Skalsko - Vinec
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Woliborz - Jodlownik

Nová trať:
  • Jodlownik - Woliborz
Nové tratě:
  • Witoszow - Zloty Las
  • Zloty Las - Witoszow
Aktualizovaná trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018
Nová trať:
  • Halenkovice 2018

Rekordy / Ranky

Jak dlouho hrajete RBR?
1-2 měsíce
Hlasů: 11202 34.11%
6 měsíců
Hlasů: 3233 9.84%
1 rok
Hlasů: 3724 11.34%
2 roky
Hlasů: 3581 10.9%
3 roky
Hlasů: 3850 11.72%
Hned od vydání
Hlasů: 7251 22.08%

V anketě lze zadat pouze jeden hlas, ale nelze jej dodatečně měnit.