All Dry Stages (WHO IS THE BEST?) for all drivers,cars, NO SNOW, NO SUPERALLY. resume enabled, if you are tired from playing, retire tour, then send reset request and you will get reset, and you can continue later, ONLY IF REASON IS: Did not start to SS, please dont abuse this option (drive 10 or more SS) ------
pre vsetkych, BEZ SNEHU, bez superally, prerusenie rally povolene, ak ste unaveni z hrania, preruste po rz turnaj, a ak mate v odstupenych dovod: NENASTUPIL NA RZ, tak dostanete automaticky reset, prosim nezneuzivat tuto moznost, jaztide aspon 10 RZ na jeden krat
9.9.2010 17:00 - 15.9.2010 23:59